2.18 Dave
- Libby is helping Hurley lose weight, he confesses he has a stash of food, she helps him destroy it.
- Everyone discovers the food drop, they want Hurley to be in charge of it, but he says no.
- "Locke said some kind of blast doors trapped him in the Hatch. Maybe it was because of this, so no one would see who dropped it." Charlie
- Hurley sees a bald guy in a robe and slippers, follows him.
- Hurley in Santa Rosa, on a diet, had a visit with his mom, she put him in the hospital because of "the accident," Dr. Brooks says the bald guy, Dave, is a negative influence.
- Jack fixes Locke's leg up, Locke tells him that Henry could have escaped.
- "Henry Gale" tells Sayid he was part of a search party, the real Henry was dead already, hanging out of the basket with a broken neck. Sayid knows he's lying because he shows him a 20 dollar bill that the real Henry Gale wrote on before he died.
- "You really should have checked his wallet before you did that. I assume Henry Gale did not have any paper on which to compose his thoughts, so he had to improvise. There wasn't much space for that. "Jennifer, well you were right. Crossing the Pacific isn't easy. I owe you a beer. I'm hiking to one of the beaches to start a signal fire. If you're reading this I guess I didn't make it. I'm sorry. I love you, Jenny. Always have; always will. Yours, Henry." So tell me, how did Henry Gale write a note to his wife with a broken neck?" Sayid
From Lost Hatch - Sayid and Ana Lucia interrogate "Henry," he says that he didn't kill him, Sayid asks if he interrogated him, how many of them there are, Henry says that if he told them, they don't know what "he'll" do, Ana asks about their leader, the man with the beard.
- "Him? He's no one! Nothing." Benry tells Sayid.
- "You have 3 seconds to answer my question. How many of you are there? 1--" Sayid "He'll kill me!" Benry "I'll kill you!" Sayid "You can't do this! I am not a bad person!" Benry

From Lostpedia
- Charlie helps Eko build a church.
- Hurley with slipper, runs into Dave, follows him, Dave disappears, Hurley asks Charlie and Eko if he saw a man wearing a robe with a coconut.
- Dave and Hurley with Leonard Simms, playing connect four, Dave tells Hurley not to take his medication, Clonazepam, Dr. Brooks takes a picture of Hurley and Dave.

From Lostpedia
- Hurley asks Sawyer for meds, attacks him for poking fun at his craziness.
- Sawyer tells Kate about Hurley, but Kate questions why he would do that.
- Hurley leaves camp to go live at the caves, sees Dave in the jungle again.
- Hurley talks about the accident to Dr. Brooks, 23 people on a deck, built to hold 8, collapsed, people died, Hurley was catatonic, stopped talking, sleeping, going out, but never stopped eating. Dr. Brooks shows Hurley the picture he took of him and Dave, but Dave isn't there.
From Lostpedia - Dave wants Hurley to escape from Santa Rosa, says that Hurley stole the keys from Dr. Brooks' desk, Hurley opens the window to escape, but realizes Dave's not real, refuses to go.
- Dave tells Hurley that he never got better, he's still in Santa Rosa, none of what's happening is real, that he's in his own private Idaho in Santa Rosa, Dave wants Hurley to jump off the cliff on the island, says he'll wake up, but Dave goes.
- "See you in another life, Hurley." Dave
- Locke tells Ana he wants to talk to Henry Gale, asks his name, if he got caught on purpose, Benry says that God doesn't know about the island, that the place is a joke.
- "I crawled through your vents and I stood at your computer as the alarm beeped, and you know what happened? The timer went all the way down to zero, and then some funny red pictures flipped up in its place. They looked like hieroglyphics, but I'm no expert, and then things got real interesting. There was a loud clunking and a hum like a magnet, a big magnet. It was really very frightening, and you know what happened next? Nothing happened, John. Nothing happened at all. Your timer just flipped back to 108. I never entered the Numbers. I never pressed the button." Henry
- Libby followed Hurley to the cliff, he tells her he killed 2 people, that he has an imaginary friend, that she wouldn't like him if it all were real, Libby says it's insulting that he thinks he made her up, asks him the name of the man with the broken leg, Donald, that he doesn't know because it happened to her, Hurley and Libby kiss.
From Lostpedia - Hurley takes a picture with the imaginary Dave while Libby looks on quite crazily in Santa Rosa.
From Lostpedia
Questions:- Why was Libby a patient at Santa Rosa? Is she really a clinical psychologist?
- Did "Henry" really not push the button? How does he know what happens if you don't?
- Was Dave really part of Hurley's imagination? Was he a manifestation of the Smoke Monster?
Favorites:- "Fantastic. Give it to the guy who's not even in the game!" Dave
- "What are you making?" Charlie "Hold that end." Eko "Is it a Starbucks?" Charlie
- "Did either of you see a guy run through here, in a bathrobe, with a coconut?" Hurley "No, but I did see a polar bear on roller blades with a mango." Charlie
- "Dude, that's celery. Celery's not a snack. Leonard's got graham crackers, man. You should snag one. He won't notice. What's he going to do, call you a 23?" Dave
- Sawyer eating Dharmalars and milk.
- "What stuff you seeing?" Sawyer "I don't know, maybe like a bald guy, in a bathrobe." Hurley "You mean like that guy right there?" Sawyer
- Hurley beating Sawyer up, Sawyer almost getting away, and Hurley dragging him back in, repeating all the nicknames Sawyer has called him, while Jin and Sun look on and laugh.
From Lostpedia - "Barbar! Jabba! Stay Puft! Mongo! Lardo!" Hurley
- "Don't you got an adventure to get to? I think Timmy fell down a well." Sawyer
- "Where are you going?" Libby "Back to the caves. No one lives there anymore, so I won't bother anybody. I'm just going to live alone and be one of those guys, you know, the crazy guys, with a big beard and no clothes who's naked and throws doodie at people." Hurley
- "Uh, Kinko's, Photoshop? What, you think they really blew up the Death Star?" Dave
Notes:- Locke looks at his foot like he did on the day the plane crashed and also in Walkabout.
- Libby says that she's a clinical psychologist, but she was in the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute. This could indicate that she was lying, although it is possible that both could have happened.
- Yet another episode where the writers put all of the clues right in front of us, and when you realize it at the end you have to go back and watch everything you missed the first time.
- Sayid was really going to kill "Henry."
- This episode was a nod to the fans, putting out the theory that the island is all in Hurley's head.
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