3.14 Exposé
- Nikki is running frantically through the jungle, she stops and buries something, she gets up and keeps running toward the beach.
- Nikki is a stripper, named Corvette, she goes into an office in the back, finds Mr. La Shade, stealing the money for the orphanage, that means he's the Cobra, he attacks her, she says Razzle-dazzle, she gets shot, series wrap for Corvette, it's a television show, Billy Dee Williams, they're in Sydney, the director says she doesn't need to die, they could say she's wearing a bullet proof vest, she says she's not leaving, that she loves him.
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- Hurley and Sawyer are playing ping-pong, Nikki runs up to them, stumbling, she collapses in front of them, Sawyer says to go get some water, looks around to see what happened to her, but Hurley checks her, says that she's dead. 84 days ago--Nikki is having breakfast with the director, Zuckerman, Paulo is his chef, the Wolf Gang Puck of Brazil, Howie gives her a diamond bracelet, he starts to choke and he dies, heart attack, her and Paulo poisoned him, Nikki takes a key form around his neck, they go to a safe, Paulo wants to have a cigarette, but Nikki says it's evidence, they take a Matryoshka doll, something is inside it.
- Everyone checks on Nikki, there's no gunshot wound, no knife, polar bear bite, maybe she was poisoned, check the food supply, she has gunk under her fingernails, Sawyer says she said something like plywood, but Hurley says it sounded like power-lines, but then thinks about it and realizes that she said Paulo lies, he's her husband, or boyfriend.
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- 80--days ago--Howard L. Zuckerman, creative force behind hit shows Exposé, Strike Team Alpha and Dr. Kincaid Esquire, found dead from heart failure, Paulo and Nikki read in a newspaper in the Sydney Airport, drinking champagne, Paulo is chewing nicotine gum, they see Boone and Shannon arguing, they ask for a chair. Nikki tells Paulo to promise her that they'll never end up like them, Nikki looking for Paulo on the day of the crash, Jack helping Claire, Locke with Gary Troup, Dr. Arzt asks her if they're alive, Boone runs by and asks her for a pen, she finds Paulo, she wants to know where the bag is.
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- They find Paulo in the same condition as Nikki, pants undone, shoe in a tree, Sawyer sees something, but doesn't say anything, tells Jin not to drink his water, pours it out, Hurley says it's evidence, that he's screwing up the crime scene, Jin says the monster.
- 75 days ago--Paulo and Nikki are looking for their bag, Paulo says maybe the monster is a dinosaur, Nikki says they've been there for 6 days, the Coast Guard is coming, Ethan offers to help, Nikki says they're not looking for clothes, that Paulo lost his nicotine gum, Ethan says look in-land, that the plane split apart over the island, maybe some of the stuff rained down in there, Dr. Arzt says Boone took the water, everyone fighting, Jack gives his infamous life together, die alone speech.
- They move Paulo's body to where Nikki's is, Hurley agrees with Jin, says it's the monster, says that Eko said they're next, and Nikki and Paulo were there, Sawyer says they should look in their tent, find out about them, get some shovels.
- "He wasn't saying you're next about them, he was saying you're next as in, you're all next." Sawyer
- 57 days ago--Nikki talks to Dr. Arzt, being flirty, he's a scientist and an educator, he tells her about his discoveries, 22 new species, says he's going to be the next Charles Darwin, shows her a Latrodectus Regina, the Medusa spider, her pheromones are very strong, one whiff and every male of the species would be there in seconds, she says she's trying to find her luggage, asks him about trajectories, he draws her a map, Paulo looks on nearby, he is jealous, they follow Arzt's map, find the beachcraft, Paulo doesn't want to go up, but Nikki says there might be a radio, Paulo says he'll fall, they keep going and find a metal door, The Pearl station, Paulo wants to go down, but Nikki says no.
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- Sun checked the food, but they were eating the same thing as everyone else, they go through Nikki and Paulo's things, find Arzt's bugs, a script, Exposé, Hurley watched it, tells them about it, find Nikki Fernandez on the cast list, say that's why they must've been in Australia, Sawyer finds walkie-talkie, says Nikki and Paulo were working with the Others.
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- 48 days ago--Kate tells Shannon, Dr. Arzt, Nikki and Paulo about the gun case, they all argue over not having known about it, they ask about where Kate found the gun case, then Nikki and Paulo go to the waterfall to find their luggage, Nikki wants Paulo to dive in and look, Paulo asks if she didn't need him to get the bag, if they'd still be together, Nikki says the bag is worth $8 million, Paulo goes down and finds it, but says nothing.
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- Sawyer says Nikki and Paulo could've been working with the Others, like Michael, Hurley says the Others on other side of the island, Sun says she was attacked, Sawyer says he's going to do a perimeter sweep, has a gun, they cover the bodies up.
- 32 days ago--Paulo has nicotine gum, digging hole, burying the doll, Locke says things don't stay buried on this island, beach is eroding, winter is coming, high tide, Paulo goes to The Pearl, hides it in the toilet tank, hears voices coming down, Ben and Juliet, Ben asks who left the door open, says cover it up with the plane, they look at the monitors, Juliet says Jack is cute, he'll never agree to surgery, Ben says he'll convince him, find something he's invested in, exploit it, Juliet asks if they grab Ford and Austen too, Ben says no, they need to come to them, get Michael to bring them, Paulo takes walkie.
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- Hurley asks Desmond about Nikki and Paulo, if he knows anything, use his psychic powers, Desmond says he only sees flashes, he says Nikki was with Sawyer, Hurley says that Sawyer said he didn't know her, but Desmond says she was yelling at him.
- Vincent pull the blankets off the bodies, Hurley wonders why Sawyer's so into investigating, Sun says that Sawyer isn't a murderer, that he went all the way across the island to help Michael, it was the Others, that she knows what they're capable of, Hurley gets Desmond.
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- Charlie tells Sun it was him who kidnapped her.
- "It was me who took you, not the Others. I wasn't myself. After Locke hit me. After he humiliated me. Sawyer told me I could get even by helping him steal the guns, we just made it look like, the Others. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry." Charlie
- 9 days ago--Everyone heads to The Pearl, Paulo gets the package form the bathroom, diamonds, puts them down his pants, puts the doll back in the toilet, flushes.
- Hurley tells Sawyer to give him the gun, Sawyer says it's not even loaded, Hurley says Desmond saw him fighting with Nikki, asks Sawyer if he killed them, he says no, Sawyer says Nikki wanted a gun, didn't tell them because she was digging, he saw a mound of fresh dirt, burying something, must've been something good, Sun takes the pouch, they're diamonds, Sawyer says to keep them, because he had nothing to do with it.
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- 12 hours ago--Nikki is sitting on the beach, upset, says Thanksgiving was two weeks ago and they missed it, just like they're going to miss everything, Paulo says they're going to find them, they'll get rescued, that he has perspective, the bag could've torn them apart, Paulo says he'll go get them breakfast, Nikki finds his gum wrapper in the sand, knows he's lying, asks Sawyer for a gun, he says no, they argue.
- Sun confronts Sawyer while he's digging Nikki and Paulo's grave, about the kidnapping, says she won't tell Jin, gives him the diamonds back, says they're worthless there.
- They have a funeral for Nikki and Paulo, Sawyer pours the diamonds in the grave.
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- "Nikki and Paulo. I guess we didn't really know you very well. And it appears, you killed each other for diamonds. But I know there are good parts to you too. You were always nice to me. And you're a member of the camp. And, er, I really loved Exposé. Okay, then, goodbye..." Hurley
- 8 hours ago--Nikki says she found the diamonds, knows Paulo has them, says she found his nicotine gun, takes a jar out and throws a Medusa on Paulo, paralyzes for 8 hours, slow heart rate, she looks in his shoe, opens his pants and find them, Paulo says he's sorry, that he was afraid of losing her, that if she found the diamonds, she wouldn't need him anymore.
- "Because one look from Medusa will turn anyone to stone, just like one bite from the spider will paralyze you, for about eight hours. It won't kill you, it'll just slow your heart rate down to the point of where even a doctor would have a hard time... [Paulo falls to the ground] ...Hearing it beat. You won't be able to move a muscle, so I'll be able to do, all sorts of nasty things to you. And since it bit you on your neck, I'd say paralysis will happen fast. I'm guessing that you have the diamonds on you. Huh?" Nikki
- Several Medusa's appear, sounds like the monster, they attack Nikki, she buries the diamonds, runs to the beach to Hurley and Sawyer
- "I'm paralyzed." Nikki
- They start to bury Nikki and Paulo slowly, Nikki opens her eyes as dirt pours over her face, they are buried alive, the pile the dirt on the grave.

From Lostpedia
- Was the murder of Zuckerman ever found out?
- Why is the monster heard when Nikki is attacked by the Medusa spiders?
- "Razzle-dazzle!" Nikki
- "Look, I'm just a guest star, and we all know what happens to guest stars." Nikki
- "...Who the hell's Nikki?" Sawyer
- "Razzle-frickin'-dazzle." Nikki
- "If you quit flirting with random guys, maybe you could actually get on the plane." Shannon
- "Are we alive? Did we survive? Look at me, am I okay? Am I okay?" Dr. Arzt
- "Hey. Do you have a pen? Do you have a pen? Hey does anybody have a pen?!" Boone
- "That's evidence. You're messing up the crime scene." Hurley "Crime scene? There a forensics hatch I don't know about?" Sawyer
- "It's not Jurassic Park, Paulo, its the South Pacific." Paulo
- "Boone! Boone took the water!" Dr. Arzt
- "Alright, so here's how I see it. We wanna know what happened, we gotta find out whatever we can about these jabronis." Sawyer "Jabronis?" Jin "Nina and Pablo." Sawyer
- "Are you sure we should be listening to a High School Science teacher?" Paulo "Junior High, and yes. What's your problem with Leslie anyway?" Nikki
- "Okay, I'm sorry, I just, I don't trust that guy. We should have gone to Ethan, he would have helped." Paulo
- "Go up there, maybe there's a radio or..." Nikki "Are you insane? If I go up there that thing's gonna happen." Paulo "You're not gonna fall." Nikki "What? You want me to die?" Paulo
- "Only of the most awesome hour of television ever. It's like Baywatch only better. Its about Autumn and Crystal, two strippers that solve crimes with the help of their suave smooth-talking club owner, Mr. La Shade." Hurley
- "You're all out of control. The pigs are walking. Huh, the pigs are walking!" Dr. Arzt
- "No offense dude but, as far as superpowers go, yours is kinda lame. Thanks anyway." Hurley
- "Oh I see what this is. Villagers have got themselves some torches." Sawyer
- "And who the hell are you?!" Sawyer
- "See, and I thought I was going to get out of this without a lesson..." Sawyer
- If you look at this episode as a stand-alone, it really isn't terrible, and it's a pretty great filler.
- I love Billy Dee Williams.
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