3.09 Stranger In A Strange Land
- Sawyer and Kate are rowing back to the island, Kate says to go back, she doesn't want to leave Jack behind, Sawyer says no, that they'll kill them.
- Jack is back in his cell, Tom says they're moving him, he thinks they're going to kill him.
- "Oh, I don't know, Tom--the kind of people that would take a pregnant woman, that would hang Charlie from a tree, would drag our people out of the jungle, would kidnap children. That's the kind of people I think you are." Jack "You see this glass house you're living in, Jack? How about I get you some stones?" Tom
- The Others have Juliet in handcuffs when they move Jack, they're putting her in his cell, a woman is escorting her.
- Jack is in Phuket, Thailand, staying on the beach, he buys soda from a kid, a woman helps him with his kite, Achara.
- They put Jack in Sawyer's cage, Tom brings Jack a cheese sandwich, he asks why they put Juliet in his cell, he says Juliet's in trouble, for him to stay put, but Jack points out the camera that they're watching him on, asks about the woman, the Sheriff.
- Kate wants to sail around the island, but Sawyer says no, camp for the night.
- Karl wakes up, he says the other island isn't where they live, just where they work, on projects, that they live on the main land, they gave the kids a better life than theirs, Alex and him made up names for the constellations in his backyard, he points out Ursa Theodorus, the Teddy Bear.
- Juliet is let out to examine Ben, she wants Jack to help her, to look at Ben, shows him a photograph she just took of Ben's stitches, Jack says they're infected, she says she just killed someone, that it's complicated, but Jacks says no.
- Jack eats at the restaurant of Achara's brother, she asks Jack why he didn't know how to fly a kite, he says his dad wasn't around, she says she has no interest in his father, asks if he's in Phuket to find himself, a man gives her an envelope filled with money, she tells Jack that she has a gift, Jack says it must be one hell of a gift.
- The Sheriff reads Jacks tattoos, says the 5 and the stars are cute, but the Chinese is ironic, asks Jack if he knows what it says, says her name is Isabel, wants to talk to him and ask him questions, takes him with her, tells Alex to go check on her father.
- Isabel takes Jack to a room where Juliet and Tom are waiting, she says they don't live on this island, that they don't even like going there, there was an incident she's investigating, wants to ask him questions, clear up inconsistencies, she asks Tom if Jack made comments about Juliet asking him to kill Ben, Tom says yes, she asks Jack the same thing, but he struggles to answers her, he says that he was lying, turned them against eachother to create chaos, Isabel asks why he's lying for Juliet, he wants to go back to his cage.
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- Jack is sleeping, Achara shows up, he says it's been a month of her coming and going, she says there are things that happen, that he couldn't understand, he asks about her gift, she has sex with Jack to distract him from her being a gifted tattoo artist. Oops.
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- Jack wakes up, there are people all around at his cage, Cindy says hi, Jack recognizes her, the Stewardess from the plane, asks if she was captured, she says it's not that simple, that they're there to watch, Emma wants to know how Ana Lucia is, Zack, her brother, is also there. still has his teddy bear, hands it to his sister.
- "If you've got something to watch, Cindy, go watch it!! Go!!" Jack

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- Sawyer and Kate wake up, Karl is gone, Sawyer finds him crying, hits him, tells him to go after Alex and find her, Karl says they'll kill him.
- Alex smashes camera by Jack's cage, says he can tell the truth, asks him why he saved Ben after all they've done to him, that he should hate him, tells Jack they're going to read Juliet's verdict, that they're pretty strict about killing one of their own, she killed the man who was going to murder his friends, Jack asks if Ben is still in charge.
- Alex takes Jack to Ben, he says he'd be more impressed if they had a capable surgeon, Ben tells Jack they had a surgeon, Ethan, Jack says he has a serious infection, he needs to be closely monitored, might be nerve damage or other complications, Jack wants to make a deal, wants him to let Juliet go too, Ben writes a note to stop the verdict.
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- Jack stalks Achara, finds out that she's a tattoo artist, she says she sees who people are, her work is not a decoration, but definition, he asks her if she sees who he is, she says he's a leader, a great man, but it makes him lonely, frightened, angry, he says to put it on him, but she says it's against her people, that there will be consequences.
- Jack and Alex stop Juliet's verdict, Isabel says Ben commuted her sentence, ordered her to be marked.
- Jack gets beat up by Achara's brother and friends, who found out about the tattoo Achara gave him, Chet tells Jack he has to leave the country.
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- Juliet brings Jack a grilled cheese the way he likes it, he makes her show him the mark they gave her, she asks why he helped her, he says Ben told them both he'd let them go, that they're going to make sure he keeps his promise together, Juliet tells him the Others will be coming for him, because his friends know where they are, so they have to leave that island to go back to where they live now, home.
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- Sawyer tells Kate that he let Karl go, she says he could've let them back to where they live, but Sawyer says that he's a target, that Kate's upset about Jack because she feels guilty.
- The Others are preparing to leave the smaller island, Isabel talks to Jack.
- "He walks amongst us, but he is not one of us. Your tattoos--that's what they say." Isabel "That's what they say. It's not what they mean." Jack
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- Jack escorts Ben on a smaller boat to their large yacht, Kate and Sawyer walk in the dark with torches, Karl at a campfire, looks at the stars, across the sky, Alex is looking up at the stars as well, Juliet looking out on the boat, Jack joins her, they share a moment.

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- Who can't Jack put a kite together?
- Did Jack figure out how to get a fish biscuit?
- Where are the Others keeping the kids and Cindy?
- Why doesn't Karl know who Bobby from The Brandy Bunch is?
- Where are Bai Ling's other 5 episodes? I thought she had a big arc?
- "Show me the way to go home; I'm tired and I want to go to bed; I had a little drink about an hour ago; And it went straight to my head." Sawyer
- "What do you think Captain Bunny Killer's going to do if he catches us?" Sawyer
- "Well, sure, like the steal-the-kid-off-the-raft project. That was a humdinger." Sawyer
- "You have backyards?" Sawyer "Yeah." Karl "Well, ain't that quaint." Sawyer
- "She wants to know how Ana Lucia's doing." Cindy "Are you serious?" Jack
- "Ow!! What the hell was that for?!" Karl "So you'd cowboy up. Crying in the jungle. I thought you people were supposed to be tough." Sawyer "I am tough." Karl "Sure you are, Bobby. [Karl looks puzzled] Bobby, the Brady Bunch?" Sawyer "What the hell's the Brady Bunch?" Karl "Okay, anyway look, Karl--I've been with a lot of girls--some of them worth the trouble, some not. Every now and again there's one--one you name dumb stars with. So this girl, Sally Slingshot--" Sawyer "Alex." Karl
- "Your bedside manner leaves something to be desired." Ben
- Good plan, Kate. You just went through all the trouble to get away, and now you want to go back and get Jack even after he just told you not to. Sorry Kate, I'm on Sawyer and Jack's side on this one.
- Stranger in a strange land? Ohhhh, I get it!
- Poor Jack. You have to stay in the cage Sawyer and Kate had sex in.
- Worst sex scene ever? Yeah, I wasn't interested in this one.
- Jack really sucks at stalking women.
- Thai. Not Chinese. Thailand! Not China! Different!
- Matthew Fox's actual tattoo says "Eagles high, cleaving sky."
- Apparently Isabel dies off screen in Through the Looking Glass. What crap.
- Sorry, LOST, but this one time, I just have to say... GAY! Even Exposé I can deal with compared to this, even Fire + Water! Probably the worst episode following best episode combo.
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