3.10 Tricia Tanaka is Dead
- A young boy is setting up tools, Shambala is playing, it's Hurley, he's fixing a car with his dad, David, a Camaro, dad says to try it, but Hugo says it needs a new carburetor, he tries it but it doesn't start, his dad gives him advice.
- "Having hope is never stupid. You gotta believe good things will happen and then they will. In this world, you gotta make your own luck." David Reyes
- Hurley's dad leaves, says he's going to Vegas for work, that they'll go on a Grand Canyon trip when he comes back, he gives Hugo a candy bar, but he says his mom said he can't have it, dad says that he should live a little, calls him dude as Carmen looks on.
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- Hurley visits Libby's grave, talks to her.
- "So then, the Others take the bags off our heads and we're, like, on the other side of the island. And they take Jack, Kate and Sawyer someplace and they sent me back to warn everyone to stay away. Which I did. And now everyone's freaked out. With them gone, and what happened to Eko--they're all scared. And I'm scared. But then, I've been scared most of my time here anyway, except when I'm with you. I miss you, Libby." Hurley
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- Charlie shaves, Hurley asks if he's okay, says that he's been moping lately, he tells Hurley about Desmond, Hurley says it's his fault because he's cursed, that death finds him, Vincent shows up with a skeleton arm in his mouth, holding car keys with a rabbit foot.
- "Desmond told me I was going to die. He told me has these flashes--visions, whatever--and in them I always die. [Hurley doesn't respond] So this is the part where you tell me it is ridiculous, don't be daft, he's a nutter." Charlie
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- Hurley follows Vincent into the jungle, discovers a VW Dharma van.
- Hurley, lottery winner, being interviewed in front of Mr. Cluck's by Tricia Tanaka, Randy Nation, old boss now working for him, Hurley purchased the chicken shack, Grand Re-opening, in Diamond Bar, Tricia Tanaka asks Hurley about his good luck, but he says that he's had bad luck, grandpa Tito died of a heart attack, the first house he bought his mom burned down, Johnny ran off with his girlfriend, Starla, a guy jumped off his accountant's roof, Tricia Tanaka isn't happy with the interview, so she goes inside to do some shooting, Hurley is nervous that something bad is going to happen, and then a meteorite hits the building and kills Tricia Tanaka and her crew, Hurley and Randy are okay.
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- Hurley discovers the body that the arm belonged to, wearing a Dharma jumpsuit with The Swan logo on it, Roger Work Man.
- Sun will only speak to Jin in English, Hurley tells everyone about the van, that they can fix it, for fun, but no one wants to join him, Jin agrees, not knowing what he said.
- Kate and Sawyer are returning to camp.
- Hurley tells his mom that Tricia Tanaka is dead and her camera dude, that a meteorite hit Mr. Cluck's, he says that it's all his fault, that he's cursed, has to go to Australia, where the numbers came from, his mom says that he's not cursed, that his dad is back, after 17 years.
- Roger, Dharma beer, Jin helps Hurley try to fix the van, they take Roger out and are going to try to tip the van over.
- Charlie asks Desmond when he's going to die, how it's going to happen, Desmond says that it doesn't work that way.
- Sawyer goes after Hurley, looking for his stuff, Hurley says that Sawyer coming back safely is a sign that things are getting better.
- Kate tells Sayid about Jack, that he said not to go back, that the zoo where they held them isn't where they live, that they escaped with one of them, Karl, that he said they live on their island, Sawyer let him go, that she owes Jack, that she's going to get help.
- Hurley is suspicious of his father being back, but Carmen called David because she thought Hurley was in trouble, Hurley wants to get rid of everything, doesn't approve of him being there, shows his dad the car in the garage, he kept the Camaro.
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- Hulrey, Jin, and sawyer flip the Dharma van over, garbage, recycling inside, they find a map, plans for a dirt road, beer, Roger's head, Hurley tries to start the car, but it doesn't start, Sawyer says that his name isn't Roger Workman, it's Work Man, he was a janitor.
- "I have hope. This will work." Hurley

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- Hurley asks Jin if he can fix the van, but he says no. Hurley says that they have to fix it, that they could use a little hope, but Sawyer says that there isn't any hope there.
- Hugo's dad takes him to psychic to break the curse, tarot cards, she says he's come into a great deal of money, hasn't brought him happiness, but misfortune, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, darkness around the numbers, great tragedy, death surrounds him, that more is coming, the curse can be removed, must be exercised, tells him to take off his clothes, Hurley gets suspicious, thinks dad put her up to it, Hurley offers her $10,000 to tell the truth, she admits, his dad says he's just trying to help.
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- Sawyer teaches Jin how to say beer, car, in English.
- Hurley tells Charlie to stop moping, slaps him, tells him to help him with the car, to stop feeling sorry for himself, to make their own luck, he talks Charlie into helping.
- "Snap out of it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself because someone said you're going to die. I've got an idea that's going to help us both. Now, it is dangerous. And there's a very good chance that you will die." Hurley
- "Look, I don't know about you, but things have really sucked for me lately and I could use a victory. So let's get one, dude. Let's get this car started. Let's look death in the face and say, "whatever, man." Let's make our own luck. What do you say?" Hurley
- Sawyer is teaching Jin how to talk to women.
- Sawyer, Charlie, Jin push car, Hurley steers to a hill, he has a plan.
- Hurley is going to Australia, dad admits he was there for the money, but he's not anymore, says he needs hope, make your own luck, give away the money, save enough for a carburetor, fix the Camaro and go to the Grand Canyon, never too late for a fresh start, but Hurley goes anyway, dad says he'll be there when he gets back.
- Hurley says to push the car down the hill, jump start it, pop the clutch, Sawyer says they're going to crash into the rocks, Charlie says he's there to ride shotgun, just before they smash into the rock, the car goes on, Shambala is playing on the radio, it works.
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- "Victory or death." Charlie
- "There is no curse, you make your won luck." Hurley
- Sawyer, Jin and Vincent run down the hill to meet them, hey ride around, Shambala.
- Jin and Sawyer return to the beach, Jin gives Sun a flower, Charlie tells Claire what happened, Sawyer has the beer, he looks for Kate, Hurley stays by the van and contemplates.
- Kate is in the jungle, Sayid and Locke find her, say they'll help, Kate says they don't know where the look and they're not motivated, Locke says he has a compass bearing, Mr. Eko's stick, they hear gunshots, Kate calls Rousseau, asks her for help, needs someone who knows the island, the girl who helped her escape, was about 16, her name was Alex.
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- "Not about the motivation, just about knowing where to look. We got a compass bearing, and I'm pretty sure if we follow it it'll lead us right to him." Locke "How?" Kate "Because of the way the sunlight hit Mr. Eko's stick when John was burying him." Sayid
- How did Vincent find the Dharma van?
- How did the Dharma van get flipped over?
- Where was David Reyes for 17 years?
- "Yeah, chase the dog with the skeletal arm into the creepy jungle. You be my guest." Charlie "Okay, if I'm not back in 3 hours tell somebody." Hurley
- "Slate. Like on Little House?" Sawyer "What?" Kate "Little House on the Prairie? Laura Engles used to write on this little chalkboard at school." Sawyer "You call it Little House?" Kate " I had mono when I was a kid--missed 2 months of school--we only got one channel in my trailer." Sawyer
- "Hey, Oliver Twist, where the hell's my stuff?" Sawyer "What stuff?" Charlie "Oh, you know good and damn well what stuff! I had books, food, porno, a bottle of scotch." Sawyer "Aye, apologies for the scotch, mate." Desmond "You drank it?!" Sawyer "Well, to be fair there was--there was 3 of us." Desmond "Yeah, there was." Charlie "You, the Munchkin, and who else?" Sawyer
- "Crafty?" Jin "Yeah, crafty. It's like, when you're good at--crafts. Nevermind." Hurley
- "Hey, where the hell's my stuff? [he notices the van] What are you all doing?" Sawyer "[running to hug him] Dude! You're alive!! You're alive." Hurley " Yeah, yeah, Snuffy. Good to see you, too. I'll be damned, you all found yourselves a hippy car." Sawyer
- "Good to see you." Jin "Well, look at that. Somebody's hooked on phonics." Sawyer
- "Now, that's a hell of a Jesus." David " Yes, Hugo's such a good son. He knows of my love for the savior, so he commissioned artisans in Tasco to custom carve for me this statue in solid gold." Carmen
- "Ah, that smells like great lasagna." David "The Tranhs made it themselves. Hugo found them in Bennigans. Now they are our butlers." Carmen
- "He's staying with us? Where?" Hurley "It's been 17 years, Hugo." Carmen "What's been 17 years?" Hurley "I have needs." Carmen "No! No! No! This can't be happening. He has to go! He has to. I want him gone!" Hurley yells as Carmen covers Jesus' ears.
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- "Dude, that beer's been sitting there since before Rocky III, maybe even II. It's probably poison by now." Hurley "Skeletor seems to like it. [Sawyer clinks the beer can on Roger's skull] Bottoms up." Sawyer "That's not cool, dude. That guy had a mom, a family, and friends. Oh, and a name, it's Roger Workman." Hurley "It's Work Man, you blockhead. That's his job. He was a DHARMA janitor." Sawyer
- Sawyer teaching Jin how to speak English.
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- "Oh. When people stare out at the ocean and get all quiet-like? They're moping. So get up and come with me. That car I found? We're getting it running." Hurley "What's the point? [Hurley slaps Charlie across the face] Ow! What did you do that for?" Charlie
- "I'm sorry." Jin "Okay, nice. Keep it coming." Sawyer "You were right." Jin "Okay. That's two. Hit me." Sawyer "Those pants don't make you look fat." Jin "Now you got it--only 3 things a woman needs to hear." Sawyer
- "What's your problem, Jumbotron?" Sawyer "Shut up! Red--neck--man." Hurley "Touché. [Charlie enters] What is Jiminy Cricket doing here?" Sawyer
- The psychic lays down the tarot card for death, but the death card doesn't actually mean death.
- Best filler episode after worst filler episode, in fact, this is probably my favorite filler, and it has the greatest set-up for something big that happens in the future, that no one could have ever expected, which is Roger Work Man and the DHARMA van.
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