2.20 Two for the Road
- Michael is unconscious, Jack thinks maybe they just let him go, Kate says that he's alone.
- Ana Lucia and her partner pull up to the Police Station, you can see the number 15, 16, 23 and 42 on the police cars at the station.
- Ana Lucia's mom questions her, Jason McCormack found just about 3 AM in a parking lot, dead for 1 hour before anyone saw him, Crime Scene pulled gun from dumpster, registration filed off, no prints, no witnesses, her mom offers to help her, she doesn't want it, quits the Los Angeles Police Department.
From Lostpedia - Ana brings Benry breakfast, tells him she was a cop. He says something inaudible to her, than he attacks her, chokes her, but Locke comes to her rescue.
- "You killed 2 of us, good people. You're the killer, Ana Lucia." Henry
- Ana Lucia is working in Airport Security, she meets Christina Shephard, tells him she used to be a cop, he tells her he just stopped being a doctor, asks her to go to Sydney with him, they pick names for eachother, he's Tom and she's Sarah.
- "Maybe fate has just thrown the two of us together." Christian
From Lostpedia - Locke asks Benry why he hurt Ana and he didn't hurt him, he says Locke is one of the good ones, that his people will kill him, Locke asks why his own people would want to kill him, he says because he failed his mission to get Locke, he tells him about their leader.
- "Because the man in charge, he's a great man, John, a brilliant man, but he's not a forgiving man. He'll kill me because I failed, John. I failed my mission. When that woman caught me in her trap I was on my way here, John. I was coming for you." Benry
- Ana Lucia asks Sawyer for a gun, but he says no.
- Ana in Sydney hotel, 3:51 AM, she has a drink, Christian knocks on her door, after 4 days of drinking and doing nothing, he says it's time for protection duty, raining, she brings him to house, he argues with an Australian woman, says he pays the mortgage.
- "She's my daughter and I have every right to see her!" Christian yells at the woman.
- Hurley asks Sayid for the radio so he can play it for Libby, but Sayid says it doesn't work and suggests taking her to the beach that he took Shannon to.
- Locke suggests that they made the trade, gave Michael to them for Benry, but Jack says they didn't give them anything, but Locke questions if it was just a coincidence, Jack says he was shouting and Michael heard his voice.
- Ana Lucia jumps Sawyer in the jungle, steals his gun.
- Ana Lucia and Christian in the car, she asks about the woman, tells him her name is Ana Lucia, she stops in front of a bar, Sawyer walks into the door as Christian is getting out.
From Lost Hatch - Hurley packs a picnic for Libby.
- Locke covers for Ana to Jack, says he left the water on in the bathroom, that she slipped and hit her head.
- Michael wakes up, says he found them, hiked North to the beach, followed the shoreline, saw one of them, dirty, worn clothes, no shoes, they live in tents, eat dried fish, he counted 22 of them, didn't see anyone they took, Walt, Cindy, the kids, they have a hatch, metal doors, guarded 24 hours a day, 2 guards and 2 guns, most of them are old, half are women, that he came back to tell them, so they could get Walt back.
- Jack tells Locke that he was right about Benry, about what he and Sayid did when the first put him in the armory, they argue that something has to be done.
- Hurley is lost trying to lead Libby to the beach Sayid told him about, he leads him to their beach instead, but Libby says they can just have a picnic there, but Hurley forgot the blankets and the drinks, so Libby says she'll get blankets and Hurley should go get wine she saw Rose and Bernard take.
- "Maybe if I get drunk enough, I'll remember where I know you from." Hurley
- Sawyer is reading Bad Twin by Gary Troup, Jack takes it from Sawyer and throws it in the fire so Sawyer will give him the guns, points his gun at Sawyer, but Sawyer reaches for his gun and realizes that Ana stole his gun, Locke tells Jack about Benry attacking her.
From Lost Hatch - Ana goes into the armory with the gun to talk to Benry, gives him a knife to cut himself loose, he tells her that Goodwin kept saying she was misunderstood, that he thought she was worthy, that he could change her.
- Jack is at the Sydney Airport arguing with the woman at the counter about his father's body, while Ana Lucia calls her mom nearby, tells her she's in Sydney, that she made a mistake and wants to come home, that she's on Oceanic Flight 815.
- Ana tells Michael that she wants to kill Benry because he attacked her, but she can't do it, Michael says he'll do it, to give him the gun, the combo to the armory.
- "I'm sorry." Michael shoots Ana Lucia and then Libby when she's getting the blankets, opens the armory and shoots himself, letting Benry escape.
From Lost Hatch

Questions:- Was "Henry" really coming for Locke?
- When Benry was talking about their leader, was he talking about himself or Jacob?
- Was Michael told to kill Ana Lucia and Libby and shoot himself?
- Did the Others bring Michael to the line they're not supposed to cross?
Favorites:- "Good to see you again. You, uh, wanded me at security. So, how does one get into wanding?" Christian Shepard
- "What happened?" Libby "I cut myself shaving." Ana Lucia
- "Here's the thing, even that would be good, because then Libby would be like, "it's the thought that counts," and I'll score major points. Especially when she sees me holding it over my head." Hurley "And why would I hold a static generating radio over my head?" Sayid "They didn't have Say Anything in Baghdad? It's awesome. This dude, like, gets his boom box and he holds it over his head outside this chick's window and he plays some Peter Gabriel song for her and bam, the girl's, like, his. I mean, after her dad goes to jail. But then he gets her." Hurley "I think I get the idea." Sayid "You should really check it out sometime. I mean, if we ever, you know, get off this island." Hurley
- "I ain't gonna give me you nothing. We've been through this, Lucy." Sawyer
- "What you gonna do now, Muchacha?" Sawyer
- "Hey, I'm walking here!" Sawyer
- "If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you." Ana "I guess that takes cuddling off the table." Sawyer
- "Dude, I'm not lost. Will you trust me? We're right about to walk on the most excellent secret beach on the Island, and surprise!" Hurley "Uh, Hurley, this is our beach." Libby
- Jin giving Hurley a thumbs up when he's with Libby.
Notes:- The way that Ana Lucia meets Christian Shepard is very similar to the way she met Jack in the Sydney Airport in Exodus, Part 1.
- Jason McCormack is referred to as Jason Alder by Teresa Cortez, Ana's mother.
- We later find out that the woman Christian is arguing with in Sydney is Claire's Aunt Lindsey.
- Sawyer later meets Christian in the same bar that Ana Lucia dropped him off at.
- Michael didn't completely lie, he told the truth about what he saw, except for not seeing Walt, he just didn't tell them that he was leading them to a trap.
- I totally called Ana Lucia dying long before this episode.
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