5.03 Jughead
- Desmond in a hurry, looking for someone, in a small Filipino fishing village, very frantically calling for Efren Salonga, running through a market, a group of men playing game in a tent, man asks who Desmond is, Desmond asks if he's the doctor, rushing to boat, asks if he's sure he knows what he's doing, says there's a lot of blood, says he's coming to Penny, got the doctor, Penny is in labor, tells her to just breathe, that she's doing great, time to push, the doctor delivers the baby, it's a boy, Desmond and Penny kiss, they say I love you to eachother, that he's beautiful, Penny holds baby boy.
From Lostpedia
- On boat, Out Mutual Friend, Desmond and son looking out at ocean, Desmond says look, out there, beyond where you can see, there's an island, a very special island, that he left it a long time ago, never thought he'd see it again, called Great Britain, says the most beautiful part of the island, Scotland, mountains and glens and monsters in deep lochs, that's where mommy and daddy fell in love, Penny says it's also where he broke her heart, Desmond thought he'd leave that part out, Penny says he also forgot the part about his grandfather, the man who sent a boat to the island to kill all daddy's friends, Desmond says they'll be in and out, he'll never know they're there, Penny says not the underestimate him, Desmond says it's not about her father, they're there because of Daniel Faraday, that he told him everyone on the island is in danger, and that he's the only one who can help them, that he has to do this.
From Lostpedia
- "Look. Right out there. Beyond where you can see, there's--there's an island, and it's a very special island. I left it a long time ago. I never thought I'd see it again. It's called Great Britain. And the most beautiful part of the island is Scotland, and that's where your daddy's from. There's mountains and glens and monsters in deep lochs, and...and it's where your mummy and daddy fell in love." Desmond
- Miles says Sawyer said to meet at the creek, unless he got torched by flaming arrow, that's where everyone else should be, Daniel asks Charlotte about her headache, she says it's worse, Daniel asks if she has any dizziness or double vision, Charlotte says both, asks why he looks so worried, asks if he knows what's going to happen to her, Daniel says nothing will happen, he won't let it, Miles says they're here, at the creek, Miles sees trip wire, explosives, tell them don't move, explosions happen, redshirts die, men with arrows come out, woman with rifle, asks who's in charge, Miles says Daniel Faraday is, she says they just couldn't stay away.

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- Our Mutual Friend, Penny says boy finished breakfast, gave her a fight but listened in the end, unlike his father, Desmond says all he has to do is find Daniel Faraday's mother, tell her he's still on the island, Penny asks why now, if he told Desmond all of this on the island, Desmond says he doesn't know, but he knocked on the hatch door, told him, knows how insane it sounds, says he'll be back by dark, then he'll be done, promises, Penny says if he's going to promise, promise he'll never go back to that island again, Desmond says why in God's name would he want to go back there.
- At the creek, they're captured, they say they had 20 people at the beach, only five now, Miles says maybe they got blown up by their landmines, woman says they didn't put them there, they did, asks where the rest of their people are, Dan says he doesn't know.
- Sawyer and Juliet, Locke asks who they are, says they have a .30-Caliber M1 Garand Rifle, Locke asks when the hell have they been, Sawyer asks what happened to his leg, Locke says he got shot, Juliet says they should meet up at creek, Sawyer says they have no rope, they should shoot them, the two men begin to speak another language, Juliet understands, says they're speaking Latin, one asks why they aren't in uniforn, the other told him to shut up, Locke asks why they know how to speak Latin, Juliet says the same reason she does, they're others.
- Walking in the jungle, Miles notices something, tell Daniel they just walked over fresh grave, four US Soldiers, dead just over month, three were shot, one died of radiation poisoning, Daniel asks if they mentioned what year it is, woman says they're here, at camp, tells Richard they're back, Richard Alpert comes out from his tent, she says they caught three of them by the creek, tells Richard that Daniel is their leader, Richard says he assumes they've come back for their bomb.
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- Desmond at Oxford, woman at desk same as Gate Agent, looking for Professor Daniel Faraday, she says there is no record of him, Desmond says he visited him, woman asks year it was when he last visited, Desmond says he's not exactly sure, she asks why he's seeking this information, Desmond says he's sorry he wasted her time, leaves, finds Psychics Department, Daniel's abandoned lab, everything covered up, chalkboard, picture of Faraday with woman, machine, maze, man comes in, custodian comes in, says he wouldn't touch, wondered when someone would figure out they weren't just fumigating in there, asks if Desmond is a Professor, he says no, asks why he told him not to touch it, custodian says he's the one who had to take the rats to the incinerator, that Desmond is not the first to poke around, says send rats brains back in time, ridiculous, tell people he found nothing there, Desmond tells him the University says no record of it, the custodian says after what he did to that poor girl, Desmond asks what girl.
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- Back on island, put in tent, Daniel says keep it together until next flash, could be five minutes, could be five thousand years, they must think they're with American Military, best chance of staying alive, let them keep thinking it, Richard comes in, tells them Ellie says they're not willing to reveal where the rest of squad is, Daniel says why would they, so they can kill them too, Richard says they attacked them first, come to their island to run tests, fire on them, and don't expect them to defend themselves, Daniel says they're scientists, recover Hydrogen bomb, guesses the housing has been compromised, unstable device cable of destroying entire island, he can render it inert, Richard asks how he knows he's not on suicide mission, Daniel says because he's in love with woman sitting next to him, that he would never do anything to hurt her, Richard says alright, take care of the bomb, but not to try anything else and he will hurt her.
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- Sawyer asks Juliet who taught her Latin, Juliet says it's Others 101, the language of the enlightened, Cunningham says the rest of their people are either captured or dead, Sawyer yelled meet at the creek, Juliet says they're not their enemy, take them to their camp, asks for Richard Alpert, bring them to camp, no one needs to die, Cunningham says okay, head East a couple of kilometers until they hit the ridge, Jones snaps his neck, runs away, Locke won't shoot him, because he's one of his people.

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- Desmond goes to woman's house, woman answers door, Desmond says he's looking for Theresa Spencer, Abigail, her sister, says he got her name from Daniel Faraday, she lets him in, Theresa in hospital bed, Desmond didn't know, Abigail says she's away, sometimes she wakes up, thinks she's three, wants to know where doll is, yesterday she talked to their dad, he died three years ago, Desmond begins to leave, Abigail says why would Desmond stay, Daniel didn't, he abandoned her, she doesn't know what they would've done if it weren't for Mr. Widmore, Daniel's benefactor, funded his research, took responsibility for it, takes care of Theresa ever since it happened, everything they have is due to Mr. Widmore.
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- Daniel says back in the 1950s the US tested H-bombs in the South Pacific, Charlotte says he didn't have to say he loved her, that there are other ways to convince them, Daniel says he meant it, Ellie comes to get Daniel, he says he'll be back soon.
- Richard says whatever his superiors told him, he wants him to know the truth, a month ago they found 18 members of Army Battalion right there, in their jungle, setting up this camp, they gave them a chance to leave the island peacefully, but they weren't willing to do that, so they were forced to kill all of them, Richard says that he answers to someone, everyone follows a chain of command, Jones comes running up, says he and Cunningham, group of them surprised them, they were outnumbered, but he escaped, asks who Daniel is, Richard asks how he escaped, says it never occurred to him that they might follow him, Jones says their leader is an old man, asks if he thinks he can track him, if he thinks he knows the island better than he does.
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- Locke, Sawyer and Juliet arrive at the camp, Locke asks Juliet how she knew Richard would be there, how old is he, Juliet says he's always been there, he's old, asks why he's interested, Locke says Richard was about to tell him how he could save them, Sawyer says Daniel is being death marched into the jungle, Locke says good luck, going to finish his conversation with Richard, he'll give them a ten minute head start, Sawyer asks if Juliet will help him rescue Faraday.
- Faraday and Ellie, she asks him why he's looking at her, says she looks like someone he used to know, she says she doesn't believe him, doesn't think the he, a British woman and a Chinese man are all members of the US Military, wants to know what they're doing on their island, Daniel says he's their best chance of disarming the bomb, which is huge and called Jughead.
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- Daniel climbs up to the bomb, checks it thoroughly, Ellie asks what he's doing, he says he's examining it, finds a crack, gets down quickly, tells her to get back, that it's unsafe, they need to move, she says if he tries anything, points her rifle at him, Daniel says that would be perfect, rifle fire right next to Hydrogen bomb, that's a great idea, asks her if they have lead or concrete, says there's a crack in the casing, they need to take it off the platform, and bury it, he says that it won't go off, to just bury it and everything will be fine, she asks how he knows, he says that 50 years from now, this island is still there, 50 years form now, he and friends, that's where they're from, and everything is fine, there hasn't been any Atomic blasts, Juliet and Sawyer show up, Sawyer tells her to drop the gun, Juliet says they should all put their guns down, Ellie asks if they're from the future too, Sawyer says you told her.

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- Desmond in Mr. Widmore's office, charged right past his assistant, Widmore tells her Mr. Hume is a colleague, to leave them, Desmond says he knows he has questions, but he's not going to answer them, that he's come to ask him something, and once he's told him everything he needs to know, he'll never see him again, Desmond says that he needs to know where he can find Daniel Faraday's mother, Widmore asks what makes him think he knows the answer to that, Desmond says because even before he put Daniel Faraday on his boat, he spent 10 years funding his research, so he figures he must know something regarding his next of kin, Widmore says he hasn't seen or heard from daughter in three years, asks is she safe, Desmond asks where's Faraday's mother, Widmore says in Los Angeles, has an address for her, says he suspects she won't be pleased to see him, that she's a very private person, Desmond begins to leave, Widmore says to deliver the message, then get out of this mess, don't put Penny's life in danger, that he's getting himself involved in something that goes back many, many years, and it has nothing to to do with him or his daughter, wherever they were hiding, go back, Desmond says thanks for the advice, leaves.
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- Locke shows up at the camp, calls out for Richard Alpert, Jones says don't move, points his rifle at him, Richard comes out, says enough, asks who Locke is, tells him his name is John Locke, Richard asks if that's supposed to mean something to him, Locke says Jacob sent him, Richard says put the gun down, Jones says they can't seriously trust him, Richard says put the gun down, Widmore, Locke asks if his name is Charles Widmore, Widmore says what's it to him, Locke says nothing, nice to meet you.
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- Desmond back to the boat, Penny reading to their son, says he wanted to go fishing in the Thames, asks if he was able to find Faraday's mother, Desmond says there was nothing to find, she died a few years ago, Penny knows he's lying, asks where is she, Desmond says she's in Los Angeles, but there's nothing to worry about, this was a mistake, that he made a promise it'd be done in a day, it's not their problem anymore, Penny says what happens if he wakes up tomorrow and remembers something else, Desmond says it doesn't matter, that she's his life now, her and Charlie, named after Charlie Pace, that he won't leave her again, not for this, not for anything, Penny says he'll never forget it, so she guesses they're going with him.
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- Locke talks to Richard Alpert, gives him the compass, says Richard gave it to him, after he was shot in leg, patched him up, Richard asks why he doesn't remember it, Locke says because it hasn't happened yet, Richard asks what he's expecting him to say, Locke says he expects him to tell him how to get off the island, but Richard says that's very privileged information, Locke says he said he has something important to do once he gets there, and because he's their leader, says that's what Richard told him, Richard says that he certainly doesn't want to contradict himself, but they have a process for selecting their leader, and it starts at very young age, Locke asks what year it is now, Richard tells him it's 1954, Locke says that on May 30, 1956, two years from now is the day he's born, in Tustin, California, if he doesn't believe him, come and visit him, another flash, about to happen, Locke says he needs him to tell him how to get off the island, the flash happens, everything is gone, the camp, they're alone in jungle, Daniel asks if Charlotte is okay, says she's fine, but then her nose starts to bleed, she goes into convulsions.

From Lostpedia
- "All right. May 30, 1956--2 years from now--that's the day I'm born--Tustin, California, and if you don't believe me, I suggest you come and visit me." Locke
- Will Desmond go back to the island?
- Why do the others speak Latin?
- Why is there no record of Daniel Faraday at Oxford?
- Why can't Desmond remember what year it was when he visited Daniel Faraday at Oxford?
- What is the significance of the receptionist at Oxford being the same as the Gate Agent for Flight 815?
- Who has investigated Daniel Faraday's disappearance and his lab in the past?
- Why are the US Military attacking the people on the island?
- How did the US Army find the island?
- Why didn't someone tell Theresa to find her constant?
- How did the others move and bury Jughead?
- How did Charles Widmore know that Desmond had a message to deliver?
- Where did the compass come from?
- What convinced Richard that Locke was going to be his leader?
- "This is a 30-caliber M1 Garand rifle. It looks new." Locke "Who cares about the rifle? Where the hell you been?" Sawyer "If you've been going through what I have, James, maybe the more appropriate question would be, when the hell have I been?" Locke "What happened to your leg?" Sawyer "I got shot." Locke "By who?" Sawyer "We can swap stories later." Juliet
- "Could be five minutes. Could also be 5,000 years." Daniel "That's--that's just awesome." Miles
- "So, who taught you Latin?" Sawyer "Others 101. Gotta learn Latin--language of the enlightened." Juliet "Enlightened, my ass." Sawyer
- "That idiot shouted out, "Meet at the creek." We knew exactly where they were going." Cunningham "Well, maybe I should've said it in my secret language." Sawyer
- "Ricardus Alpert?" Juliet "Did you just say "Richard Alpert"?" Juliet "John, please." Juliet
- "Follow me? Their leader is some sodding old man. What, you think he can track me? You think he knows this island better than I do?" Charles Widmore
- "How old is he?" Locke "Old." Juliet
- "I hate to bust up the "I'm an Other, you're an Other" reunion, but Faraday--the guy that's actually gonna save us--is being death marched into the jungle right now." Sawyer "Good luck with that." Locke
- "What about you? You wanna stay here in Crazytown or help me rescue the geek?" Sawyer
- "Someone other than the girl you just professed your love for? Well, aren't you the Romeo." Ellie "Far from it, believe me." Daniel
- "If I try anything--what, you're gonna--you're gonna shoot me? Is that right? Yeah, that would be perfect because, of course, rifle fire right next to--what would you call this--hydrogen bomb? Yes, fantastic idea. Really...inspired." Daniel
- "Drop the gun, Blondie." Sawyer
- "[Looking at Jughead.] Son of a bitch!" Sawyer "Are they from the future, too?" Ellie "You told her?!" Sawyer
- "I said put the gun down, Widmore." Richard "Your name is Widmore? Charles Widmore?" Locke "What's it to you?" Widmore "Nothing. Nice to meet you." Locke
- "You're my life now--you and Charlie." Desmond
- "Look, I certainly don't want to contradict myself..." Richard
- When they're all standing around in the jungle, after the camp and everything disappears around them.
- "Yeah, me, too. I'm great, too." Miles
- I love that, after the explosion from the landmine at the creek, pretty much every redshirt that ever existed on LOST is dead now.
- I love the look on Locke's face when he says "When the hell have I been?"
- From Lostpedia: When Locke describes the rifle, Sawyer snaps, "Who cares about the rifle? Where the hell you been?" Locke replies, "If you'd been going through what I have, James, maybe the more appropriate question would be, ‘When the hell have I been?’" This is a similar exchange to the first film in the Back to the Future series. After the time-traveling DeLorean has disappeared, Doc Brown assures Marty that "The molecular structure of both [the dog] Einstein and the car are completely intact." Marty, perplexed, asks, "Then where the hell are they?" Doc Brown replies, "The appropriate question is, ‘When the hell are they?’"
- The receptionist at the desk in Oxford is the same woman that played the Gate Agent in Exodus, Part 2.
- Desmond visits Oxford and Daniel Faraday's lab in the Physics Department, just as he did in The Constant.
- In this episode, we definitively learn that the US Army has been to the island, explaining the pocket knife that Ana Lucia got off one of the others in The Other 48 Days.
- I could care less about the relationship between Daniel Faraday and Charlotte. Though, I do like Daniel.
- Charles Widmore being the biggest d on the planet apparently goes back this far.
- Hell yeah, John Locke knows the island better than you do, Charles Widmore.
- Jughead is the name of an actual bomb. However, I have no clue how they moved this bomb.
- Before seeing this episode, I had no idea what the hell the title "Jughead" could possibly mean.
- Desmond finally sticking it to Charles Widmore is awesome.
- Desmond is unaware that the woman he is looking for, Daniel Faraday's mother, is the same woman he met in Flashes Before Your Eyes.
- Locke's face when Richard calls Jones Widmore is priceless.
- Little Charlie Hume wanted to go fishing in the Thames, the same place that Desmond tossed the ring he was going to propose to Penny with.
- I love that Penny and Desmond name their son after the man who reunited them and saved Desmond's life, Charlie Pace. It warms the cockles of my heart.
- One of the craziest theories of all time, though completely ridiculous, is that Desmond and Penny's son, Charlie, is in fact, Penny's father, Charles Widmore.
- Richard Alpert tells John Locke that there is a very specific test for choosing their leader, much like the choosing of the Dalai Lama, and also the same test that he performs on a young John Locke in Cabin Fever, using the same compass that Locke gave him in this episode. It turns out that John Locke is the one who planted the seed, and sent Richard to test him as the island's leader. John Locke is the reason Richard Alpert followed him throughout his whole life, and the reason Richard asks him "Which of these things belong to you?" because Locke gives him the compass.
- This is probably one of my favorite, if not at the very top of the list, episodes of Season 5.
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