4.01 The Beginning of the End
- Opening shot of mangoes, a Camaro driving fast, police following, it's a car chase.
- Television is on, the car chase on the news, making a screwdriver, Jack, the news says it's Camaro, a vintage early 70s model.
- The Camaro crashes, Bonneville, Randy Nations video taping it, Hurley, tries to run.

From Lostpedia - "Stop! Don't you know who I am? Stop, wait, don't you know who I am? I'm one of the Oceanic six! I'm one of the Oceanic six!!!" Hurley
- Hurley is at a Police Station, interrogation room, Big Mike, Ana Lucia's partner, a detective, says he was at a convenient store, sees something, freaks out, he asks who he saw, says he doesn't care about celebrities, tells Hurley that he knew someone on his plane, Ana Lucia Cortez, his partner before he made detective, asks if maybe he knew her, but Hurley says he didn't, never met her, Big Mike tells him to look at the tape from the convenience store, wants Hurley to tell him who he ran from, NO SMOKING sign.
From Lostpedia - "Her name was Ana Lucia Cortez. She was my partner before I made detective. Dark hair. Gorgeous. Maybe you knew her? Maybe you met her on the plane? Before it took off?" Big Mike
- Hurley watches the tape, sees something through the one way mirror, it's Charlie, he gives Hurley a message, the glass fills up with water, busts out, Hurley freaks out.
- "They need you," the message Charlie gives to Hurley, written on his hand.
From Lostpedia - Big Mike says he'll put Hurley in the nuthouse, Hurley says yes.
- Hurley radios Jack form the beach, asks if it worked, Jack says he talked to the boat, they're on their way to pick them up now.
- Kate says Locke is gone, Jack says he'll kill him if he comes back, Kate wonders if they're really going home.
- Rose tells Claire to treat Charlie real good.
- Ben tells Rousseau to take Alex away, everyone who stays is going to die.
- Juliet digs a grave, Sawyer drinks beer on the beach.
- Hurley tells Bernard he won the lottery, but now when he goes back, it will all be gone, when they get rescued, he'll be free, he wants to do a cannonball, so Bernard says do it.
From Lostpedia - Desmond is back from The Looking Glass, tells them they need to get Jack, can't let them get in touch with the boat, Naomi lied, the people on the boat aren't who they say they are.
- Hurley comes from the water, asks where Charlie is, Desmond says he's sorry.
- Jack talks to George Minkowski, trying to get a lock on their signal, he says there's RF interference, need to change settings on the phone, asks for Naomi, but she's gone.
- Desmond tells them about Charlie, Sayid says don't call Jack, they have to go to him, Juliet says to warn him, but Sayid says that calling Jack would be warning the people on the freighter as well, but Sawyer disagrees, but Hurley throws the walkie in the water.
- Jack tells everyone to head back to the beach, easy for them to find, he's going after Naomi, Rousseau finds her trail, but Kate finds another trail, says it could be a dummy trail, she might have doubled back, but Jack doesn't agree, tells Kate to go back to the beach, they hug, Ben watches.
- "Kate, six hours from now we're gonna be sitting on that boat laughing about the fact that there was one final thing that we couldn't agree upon. Naomi is hurt, she ran into the jungle, she's not thinking about leaving fake trails." Jack
- Hurley says you don't wait with a warning, they leave to find Jack.
- Hurley is in Santa Rosa again, playing connect four, but there's no Leonard, he has a visitor, Matthew Abaddon, he's an attorney for Oceanic Airlines, says he heard about Hurley's episode, his incarceration, he wants to upgrade him, to a facility where the paint isn't peeling, have his own bathroom, by the ocean, but Hurley says no thanks. Mr. Abaddon asks if Hurley is fine, Hurley wants to see a business card, but he says he must've left them at home, asks Hurley if they're still alive, Hurley freaks out, Mr. Abaddon leaves.

From Lostpedia - "Are they still alive?" Matthew Abaddon
- They head toward the radio tower to meet Jack, Sawyer asks Hurley if he wants to talk about Charlie, Hurley says they'll get there faster if they don't talk, Sawyer says he's going to tell them to slow down, but Hurley says he can keep up.
- "All right there, Hugo?" Sawyer "Yeah, dude, I'm fine." Hurley "You wanna talk about it?" Sawyer "Talk about what?" Hurley "Charlie. I mean, you two were buddies, I just thought..." Sawyer "We'll probably get to Jack faster if we don't talk." Hurley
- Hurley gets left behind, everyone disappears, he's lost, wandering around, he then sees a cabin, it's Jacob's cabin, he hears the whispers.
From Lostpedia - Rousseau goes with Jack to find Naomi, they bring Ben with them, but the trail ends, Rousseau says Kate was right, she did double back, Jack looks for the satellite phone, but Ben says Kate took it when she hugged him, she found the right trail.
- Kate talks on the satellite phone, she doesn't know where Naomi is, looking for her, Kate hangs up, but blood drips on her, and Naomi attacks her from being perched in a tree, Kate says it wasn't them who hurt her, it was John Locke.
- The phone calls back, Naomi talks to George Minkowski, tells him she had an accident, hit a tree branch when she parachuted on the way in, they lost the signal, George Minkowski says to change the tracking frequency, Naomi gives him a message, and then she dies.
From Lostpedia - "Just tell my sister that I love her." Naomi
- Hurley is at Jacob's cabin, he walks up to it, looking through the window, he sees a rocking chair, white tennis shoes, Christian Shephard, then an eye pops up from behind the window, Jacob, Hurley gets scared and runs away, he looks behind him and the cabin disappears, but then it appears in front of him, Locke shows up out of nowhere.

From Lostpedia - Hurley tells Locke about Charlie and his message, Locke says they have to talk to Jack.
- Locke and Hurley find the people from the beach at the cockpit of the plane, Locke says they're warning Jack, Sayid questions him, the people from the radio tower show up, Jin and Sun reunite, Rose and Bernard, Claire looks for Charlie, but he's not there, Desmond goes to talk to her, but Hurley says he'll do it.
- Hurley is outside at Santa Rosa, painting, the guy he played connect 4 with tells him to watch out, there's a guy staring at him, Hurley looks over, and it's Charlie, wants to talk to him, he was who Hurley saw in the store when he ran away.
- "I'd watch out if I were you. There's a guy over there, staring at you." Patient
- "Hey, man. Don't run, Hurley. Just, just, sit down. I wanna talk to you. Come on. Don't do what you did in the store. Okay? There's no need to freak out." Charlie

From Lostpedia - "I may be in a mental hospital, but I know you're dead and I'm not having an imaginary conversation with you." Hurley
- "I am dead. But I'm also here." Charlie
- Hurley asks if he knew he was going to die, Charlie says yes, if he told him, he would have tried to stop him, Charlie says that Hurley has to do something, Hurley doesn't believe he's there, he says he's going to count to five, and Charlie disappears.
- "Don't do this. They need you. They need you, Hugo. You know they need you. ." Charlie
From Lostpedia - Hurley says Charlie was trying to help, Jack shows up, attacks Locke, shoots him, but there's no bullets in the gun, says he killed Naomi, Kate returns.
- Locke says he did what was in the best interest of them, that they have to go to the barracks, Jack says no, that Locke is crazy, but Hurley says that he isn't crazy, that Charlie warned them for a reason, that he's not listening to them, he's listening to his friend.
- "He's not crazy. What about Charlie? Charlie went down to that place so we could all be rescued. And whatever he did down there, it worked. But then something must have happened. He must have heard something before he... (Pauses) I don't know why, but he changed his mind. Because the last thing he did was to warn us that the people on that boat are not who they said they were. So, I'm not listening to you. I'm listening to my friend. I'm listening to Charlie." Hurley
- Hurley goes with Locke, Claire, Rousseau, Ben asks Jack for permission to go, Alex, Karl, Bernard asks Rose to go, but she says no, Sawyer goes, tells Kate he's surviving.
- Locke says they know where to find them when they change their mind.
From Lostpedia - Jack visits Hurley at Santa Rosa, they play HORSE, Jack back doing surgical stuff, Hurley asks if reporters are still bothering him, Jack says he still signs autographs when he goes out for coffee, that he's thinking about growing a beard, is there checking on him, Hurley says he's seeing if he went nuts, says he's not going to tell, says he's sorry he went with Locke, he should've stayed, he doesn't think they did the right thing, wants them to go back, but Jack says never.
- "I don't think we did the right thing, Jack. I think it wants us to come back. And its going to do everything it can..." Hurley "We're never going back!" Jack
- Jack and Kate reflect on the cockpit of the plane, the day they hiked there, and Charlie.
From Lostpedia - "Are you thinking of Charlie?" Kate "Feels like a hundred years ago that we came out here together. How did this happen?" Jack
- They hear a helicopter, follow the noise, someone jumped out.
- "Are you Jack?" The man from he helicopter asks.
From Lostpedia
Questions:- Why was Randy Nations filming Hurley's car crash?
- Why does Big Mike ask Hurley if he saw someone? Not something?
- Where did Leonard Simms go? Why isn't he in Santa Rosa anymore?
- Who is Matthew Abaddon? Is he really an attorney for Oceanic Airlines?
- Does Naomi have a sister?
- Why can Hurley see Jacob's cabin?
- Why is Christian Shephard inside Jacob's cabin?
- How could Hurley see him if he doesn't even know who he is?
- Why can Jacob's cabin move? Why did it reappear?
- If Charlie isn't real, why can the other patient at Santa Rosa see him?
- Why does Charlie appear to Hurley?
- What wants them to go back? The island?
- Why does Hurley apologize for going with Locke?
- Why does Hurley think they have to go back?
Favorites:- "Do you think I care that you're a celebrity? You crashed your Camaro in the wrong neighborhood." Big Mike "I'm not a celebrity." Hurley "Is that why you kept shouting “Hey, I'm one of the Oceanic six”? You wanna know a funny coincidence?" Big Mike
- "I'm gonna get a doughnut, you want one?" Big Mike
- "What are you doing, Reyes? Huh, you trying to get tossed into the nuthouse? Because if that's what you want, I can make that happen right now my friend." Big Mike "You can? (Hurley hugs him) Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Hurley
- "Seriously, we're all on the way back to the beach right now, so you better pack your bags buddy (he winks at Ben)." Jack
- "You know you must be very proud with Bernard, I hear he's quite the hero." Claire "But, everyone up here knows that the real hero is your man, Claire. If Charlie didn't turn off that gizmo, we'd still be getting a busy signal on that fancy phone. So, you'd better make sure you treat him real good when we get back." Rose "Rose!" Claire
- "(Hits Ben in the face) She's not your daughter!" Rousseau
- "Did I ever tell you I won the lottery? I had like a hundred and fifty million dollars. Worst thing that ever happened to me." Hurley "Oh yeah, who needs a hundred and fifty million dollars, right?" Bernard
- "I wanna do a cannonball. I've been walking up and down this beach everyday and looking out at this water. And I wanna do a cannonball." Hurley "Hurley. You wanna do a cannonball? Cannonball." Bernard
- "Naomi... went to get some firewood." Jack
- "You don't wait with warnings, dude, you warn." Hurley
- "Better call the boat. Tell them she's getting a real big bundle of firewood." Ben
- "Okay, I probably should have told you that I saw her take the phone but you beat me up, Jack. I owed you one. She found the right trail too but you wouldn't listen to her, so I guess she's taken matters into her own hands. But, look on the bright side, at least somebody around here knows what the hell they're doing." Ben
- "Okay, prove it. [Charlie slaps Hurley] All right, okay." Hurley
- "I'm not listening to this. No, because you're not here." [Hurley covers his ears and squints his face] "I am here, you're being a baby." Charlie
- "You're not gonna shoot me, Jack. Any more than I was gonna shoot... [Jack pulls the trigger, but no bullet fires] It's not loaded." Locke
- "Are you insane?" Jack
- "All you ever did was blow up every chance we had of getting off of this island." Jack
- "I'm not going anywhere with that man." Rose
- "Do you ever miss?" Jack
- "Thinking about growing a beard." Jack "You'd look weird with a beard, dude." Hurley
Notes:- Hurley went to visit Leonard Simms in Santa Rosa before the crash, but after the crash he's not there anymore. What happened to him?
- Matthew Abbadon is so fucking creepy.
- The whispers, From DarkUFO: Man: "Come to me, I need you. You're an alchemist and uh..." Woman: "I need-" Man (Sounds like Christian Shephard): "Sarah, Is somebody coming?" Woman: "They must be coming, you-" Man: "Hush! One of these-"(Shushing- shhh, shht!) Woman: "Richard!"Man: "Come with us."Woman: "Here's the recipe."Man: "Oh thank you, I thought I'd lost-" Hurley: "Uh oh."
- Jack was actually going to kill John Locke.
- Personally, I think this was Jorge Garcia's strongest episode to date.
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