5.02 The Lie
- Three years earlier--Fridge, beers, man walking, boat, Frank Lapidus, on the Searcher, the Oceanic 6, plus Lapidus, Desmond and Penny are there, Hurley says they'll find out, Jack says not if they stick to the story, Sayid says it could be a risk, Jack says that it's the only way, they have to do this, they're running out of time, they have to make a decision, Sayid says it's a decision that will affect the rest of their lives, he's not taking it lightly, Jack needs to know if they're with him, Kate says yes, Sun nods, Frank, Jack says sorry he got dragged into it, Frank says whatever they decide, he'll roll with, Hurley says he doesn't think they should lie, Jack says they need to protect the people that they left behind, protect them from Charles Widmore, hired a boatload of people to kill them, faked the plane crash, he won't just leave them alone, Hurley asks Penny to call him off, she says she can't, Hurley says the island disappeared, that he'll never find it, Jack says that no one will believe him, they'll think he's crazy, Hurley says not if someone backs him up, they'll think he's nuts if he tells the truth, but if they stick together, they can make them believe them, doesn't want to spend the rest of his life lying, Sayid says he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life lying either, but he doesn't think they have another choice, Sayid says sorry to Hurley, but he thinks they have to lie, Hurley says he will remember it, someday Sayid will need his help and he won't be getting it.
- "You know what, dude? I'm gonna remember this. And someday, you're gonna need my help, and I'm telling you right now... you're not gettin' it." Hurley
- Sayid and Hurley in car, Sayid is unconscious, Hurley is swerving on the road, puts seatbelt on Sayid and crashes, a Police car pulls him over, Hurley asks Sayid what he's supposed to do, the Police Officer is Ana Lucia, asks him what the hell he was thinking, driving like a maniac, asks him why he pulled over, he didn't think, what if she was real, what if a real cop stopped him, they already have pictures of him with a gun and blood on him, she says he has a lot of work to do, needs new clothes, go to safe place, take Sayid to someone he trusts, stay away from cops, do no get arrested, Hurley thanks Ana Lucia, she says Libby says hello, Hurley looks in his mirror and the Police car and Ana Lucia are gone.
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- "Oh, yeah. Libby says hi." Ana Lucia
- On island, Rose and Bernard trying to make fire, Frogurt says who cares, any minute the sky can light up, Rose says either help or be quiet, zodiac still on the beach, Juliet says that whatever was with them for the move is along for the ride, Daniel Faraday is back, Sawyer asks where he's been, what his plan is, Juliet says take the zodiac out, find a shipping lane, Daniel says that in order for them to leave, he needs to calculate a new bearing, needs to determine where they are now, in time, Miles says he's going to find them something to eat, Juliet says they'll get water.
- Hurley trying to wake Sayid up, takes money out if his wallet, goes in gas station, gets a I heart my Shih-Tzu shirt, girl at counter recognizes him, says she knows him from somewhere, she says he's the guy who won the lottery and crashed in that plane, leaves.
- Kate pulls into same gas station as Hurley is leaving, looks at map, Aaron says he wants to go home, Kate contemplates calling Jack, someone else calls her, unrecognized number, she says she can't believe it's them, they're in Los Angeles, can meet them, be there in half an hour, Aaron asks where they're going, Kate says to see a friend.
- Ben in hotel, gets box out of the ventilation system, puts it in a bag, Jack comes out of bathroom, looking for something, Ben says if he's looking for his pills, he flushed them down the toilet, Jack says thank you, he was going to do that himself, Ben figured he was, says he's checking out, tells Jack to go home, find himself a suitcase, if there's anything in this life he wants, pack it because he's never coming back, Jack says good, Ben says he'll pick him up in six hours, John's casket is outside in a carpet van, needs to move him somewhere safe, Jack asks if he's dead, Ben says he'll see him in six hours.
- David Reyes fixing himself lunch, goes into room, puts on TV, previously on Exposé, eats, hears someone knocking on the door, turns TV off, someone at backdoor, Hurley with Sayid over his shoulders.

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- Hurley asks if he's seen the news, if mom is there, David says she's out shopping, that Sayid is barely breathing, Hurley says he was shot by a dart, at the safehouse, Sayid took him there, two guys, shot with darts, they're in danger, not sure exactly who from, doorbell rings, it's the LAPD, Hurley says don't tell him he's there, dad says alright, talks to Police, they leave, killed three people, Hurley says no, Sayid did, dad says call a lawyer, Hurley says they're after him, they can't go public, people are trying to kill them, if they go to a Hospital, they'll find them, dad says they need a doctor, Hurley says he knows what to do.
- Kate and Aaron in a hotel, Aaron pushes the 31 button in the elevator, they go to a room, Sun answers the door.
- Ben goes to a butcher, takes number 342, says he has something very important in the van, Jill, needs her to watch it, Gabriel and Jeffrey checked in, Ben tells her Jack is with them, that he's been through a lot, they all have, tells her to keep him safe, if she doesn't, everything they're about to do won't matter at all.
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- "So keep him safe, Jill. Because if you don't, everything we're about to do won't matter at all." Ben
- On the beach, night, Bernard finally gets fire, but it goes out immediately, Neil Frogurt complains, Rose says to take a timeout, they'll try again.
- Charlotte tells Dan that she can't shake her headache, Dan says he's sure it will pass, Charlotte says the weirdest thing happened earlier, she couldn't remember her mother's maiden name, Daniel says they've all been under a lot of stress, Charlotte asks if he knows what's happened to her.
- Miles shows up with a boar, says he found it, it died in the jungle, only been dead three hours.
- Frogurt says they don't even have a knife, don't have anything, Bernie can't even start a fire, he's not going to ease up, he's tired and hungry, they're screwed, they can't even get fire, gets hit with a flaming arrow.
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- Tons of flaming arrows come their way from inside the jungle, behind the tree line, they all start to run, people get hit with arrows, Sawyer says to meet at the creek, Juliet trying to save people, but Sawyer says they're dead, there's nothing they can do for them.
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- The cops are on a stakeout outside Hurley's house, dad says he was in a mental institution, they think that he's crazy enough to come back home, asks Hurley if he is crazy, either that or he's lying to him, Hurley says he's not crazy and has a really good reason why he's lying to him, Hurley's mom comes home, asks why there's a dead Pakistani on her couch, says he's not breathing, Hurley says he is breathing, they have to go. Mom asks why he's all over the news, Hurley says that everything is going to make sense. Hurley's dad sneaks out of the house with Sayid's body in the back of his car.
- Kate and Sun, Sun says she's in Los Angeles just a few days, shows her picture of Ji Yeon, says she's with her grandmother in Seoul, hopes someday she can meet her, would be nice to see her and Aaron play together, Sun asks if Kate is alright, Kate says she's fine, Aaron is sleeping, says someone knows they're lying, some lawyers came to see her, two men came to her house and asked for a blood sample, some kind of lawsuit, wanted to test to see if Aaron was her son, wouldn't tell her who their client was, Sun says then they're not interested in exposing the lie, they wouldn't come to her in private, they just want Aaron, she needs to take care of them, asks wouldn't she do anything she had to in order to keep Aaron, Kate asks what kind of person she thinks she is, Sun says the kind of person that makes hard decisions when she has to, like she did on the freighter, says that Kate told her to get on the helicopter, said she'd get Jin, but did what she had to do, if she hadn't, they probably all wouldn't died, instead of just her husband, Kate says she's sorry, cries, Sun says she doesn't blame her, asks how Jack is.
- David Reyes goes to Jack with Sayid, shows him body in back of trunk, said he got hit with some darts, must've been drugs, Hurley at house, Jack says get him to hospital, David says that Hurley says whoever did this will be after them, he tells Jack, when this over, stay away from Hurley, whatever he talked him into, doesn't have best interests at heart, stay away from his son, Jack leaves.
- Jack goes to the Hospital, St. Sebastian's, calls Ben, says never guess who just showed up at his door, Sayid.
- Hurley talks to his mom, Carmen, she asks who Sayid is, thought he was his friend, Hurley says he is, but he has a double life, but he's a good guy, Carmen says he's in terrible trouble, that the news thinks he did it, if news does, everyone does, how could anyone want to hurt him, Hurley says he doesn't know, she says tell his mother the truth, Hurley says they lied, all of them, Oceanic 6 lied about what happened after the crash, they did crash, but it was on a crazy island and they waited for rescue but there was no rescue, smoke monster, other people on the island, hatches, button they had to push every 108 minutes, never clear why, others had nothing to do with him, DHARMA Initiative, teamed up with others, someone was coming on the freighter, they stole helicopter, then the freighter blew up, six of them were left, that part was true, but the rest of the people who were on the plane, they're still on that island, Carmen says she believes him, doesn't understand him, but she believes him, Hurley says a lot of people died, and now this bad stuff is happened because they shouldn't have lied.
- "Okay. See, we did crash, but it was on this crazy island. And we waited for rescue, and there wasn't any rescue. And there was a smoke monster, and then there were other people on the island. We called them the Others, and they started attacking us. And we found some hatches, and there was a button you had to push every 108 minutes or...well, I was never really clear on that. But, the Others didn't have anything to do with the hatches. That was the DHARMA Initiative. The Others killed them, and now they're trying to kill us. And then we teamed up with the Others because some worse people were coming on a freighter. Desmond's girlfriend's father sent them to kill us. So we stole their helicopter and we flew it to their freighter, but it blew up. And we couldn't go back to the island because it disappeared, so then we crashed into the ocean, and we floated there for a while until a boat came and picked us up. And by then, there were six of us. That part was true. [Whispers] But the re...[Hurley's voice breaks. He takes a second to regain composure.] But the rest of the people who were on the plane? They're still on that island." Hurley "[Carmen puts her hand on her son's wrist.] I believe you. I don't understand you, but I believe you." Carmen "A lot of people died, ma. And now this bad stuff is happening because...well, um...[sighs] we shouldn't have lied." Hurley
- Back on the island, Sawyer and Juliet together, Sawyer steps on something in the jungle, says they should meet up with everyone at the creek, they hear something in the jungle, see people with rifles, DHARMA Initiative jumpsuits, Sawyer asks who they are, if they shot the arrows, three of them, take Sawyer and Juliet hostage, Jones asks what they're doing on their island.
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- "What are you doing on our island?!" Jones
- Jack taking care of Sayid at the Hospital, Sayid wakes up when Jack is checking his eyes, chokes Jack, recognizes him, stops, asks what happened, Jack says he's in the hospital, Hurley father brought him, Jack says he's been attacked, Sayid asks where Hurley is, if anyone else knows he's there.
- Hurley making a Hot Pocket, Ben shows up, he throws Hot Pocket at him, says he knows he's in trouble, he can assure him he's taken care of everything, car waiting outback, Police didn't see him, Hurley says that Sayid warned him, Ben says he's taking him to Jack, that Jack called him, Hurley says he's playing one of his mind games, Ben says they came around when they realized that they all wanted the same thing, to go back to the island, he wants Hurley to go with him, then he can stop hiding, worrying about the stories and the deceptions, won't ever have to lie again, to let him help him, Hurley says never, runs, gives himself up to the Police, says they got him, he's the killer, a murderer, killed four people, killed them all, get him away from there, they cops arrest him, Ben leaves.
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- Sawyer and Juliet in the jungle, Jones says tell him what they're doing, how many of them are there, tell him or he'll cut off her other hand, the first isn't negotiable, Sawyer says he'll tell him whatever he wanted to know, something happened to the island, Jones doesn't listen to him, is going to cut off Juliet's hand, but Locke shows up, kills one of them, Mattingly, with a knife, they turn the tables on Jones and Cunningham.
- A hooded woman doing math equations on a chalkboard, pendulum, computer, another hatch, map, event window determined, she goes upstairs, inside church or monastery, Ben is there, lighting candles, asks her if she's had any luck, Ms. Hawking, Ben says he's having some difficulties, she says he only has 70 hours, that's what he's got, Ben says he lost Reyes tonight, what happens if he can't get them all to come back, Ms. Hawking says then God help us all.

From Lostpedia
- Why does Hurley see Ana Lucia and not Libby?
- What is the embodiment of Hurley's vision of Ana Lucia? The island? Smoke Monster? Hurley's crazy?
- How do objects move with them through time?
- What is in the box that Ben retrieves from the hotel ventilation system?
- Why does Jack ask Ben if Locke is really dead?
- Who are Gabriel, Jeffrey and Jill? What do they do for Ben?
- How does Ben know Ms. Hawking? Why is she helping him?
- Who or what does Locke's body need protecting from?
- How does Ben or Ms. Hawking know that Locke's body has to be brought back to the island?
- Who built The Lamp Post? Why is Ms. Hawking in charge of it?
- Hurley dragging drugged-up and unconscious Sayid around cracks me up.
- "Actually, it's ketchup. We went to a--a drive-thru, and, uh..." Hurley
- "Welcome back, Dr. Wizard." Sawyer "I think it's Mr. Wizard." Miles
- "Shih-Tzus?" Clerk "I like Shih Tzus." Hurley "It looks like you "heart" them." Clerk
- "You looking for your pills, Jack? I flushed them down the toilet." Ben "Thank you. I was just gonna do that myself." Jack "Yeah, I figured you were." Ben
- "Dart? What, were you in the zoo or something?" David Reyes
- "It died in the jungle. I found it. Don't worry. It's fine. It's only been dead three hours." Miles
- "Who's got a knife?" Miles "A knife? You need a knife? Oh, it's over by the Cuisinart next to the stove." Frogurt "What's your problem?" Miles "My problem is, we don't have a knife. We don't have anything. And it wouldn't even matter if we did, because Bernie the dentist can't even start a fire." Frogurt "Hey, ease up there, Frogurt." Sawyer "It's Neil, you inbred. And I'm not gonna ease up, because I'm tired and I'm hungry and I'm screwed! We're all screwed." Frogurt "Calm down, Neil. We're gonna get through this." Juliet "How are any of us gonna get through this?! Didn't you hear what I just said?! We can't even get fire! [Just then, a flaming arrow strikes Frogurt in the chest, and his torso bursts into flames.] Aah!" Frogurt
- "Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?!" Carmen Reyes
- "So... how's Jack?" Sun
- "It's a long creek, James. Which part?" Juliet
- Hurley making a Hot Pocket and throwing it at Ben when he appears is comedy gold.
- "Hello, Hugo." Ben "Aah!" Hurley
- "Hey! Hey, you got me! That's right, you got me! That's right! I'm the killer! I'm the killer. I'm crazy. I'm a murderer. I killed four people...three people. However many are dead, I killed them. I killed them." Hurley
- Though, I'm not the biggest fan of this episode, I do agree with the lie. If they had told the truth about where they were and what happened there, no one would have ever believed them. They would have thought they were crazy. Either that, or everyone on Earth would have started to look for the island because of its healing powers. So, I definitely agree with the lie. However, the lie that they actually tell is filled with holes and completely inconsistent. Why they didn't spend the entire week the spent on the Searcher coming up with a completely solid lie, that was told point my point and looked over by every single person that was telling it, I still have no clue. Jack basically comes up with the entire lie off the cuff, which is so ridiculous and not very well planned at all. But, that's Jack for you. Worst leader ever.
- Hurley telling Sayid that he won't help him the next time he needs it seems rather clunky and episode-convenient to me. Look, Hurley just said he won't help Sayid, and now he is.
- I love Michelle Rodriguez coming back as Ana Lucia in this episode. I don't care what anyone says, I liked Ana Lucia, except for a few parts of her character.
- The sandwich that Hurley's dad makes is so gross. Pepperoni and Caviar? Yuck.
- I think it's very interesting that Ben defends Jack to Jill.
- Neil "Frogurt" is wearing a red shirt when he gets killed by the flaming arrow.
- I love how basically every red shirt dies in the flaming arrow attack. Not Vincent though!
- Hurley's parents are the best.
- Man, I wish Sun was evil. I so thought she was going to be.
- Jorge Garcia was incredible in the scene where he tells his mother what happened on the island. Everything you need to know about LOST told my Hurley.
- Jones asking Sawyer and Juliet "What are you doing on our island?" is much like Mr. Friendly telling Locke, Jack and Sawyer "This is not your island. This is our island." in The Hunting Party.
- I would start choking Jack if I were Sayid too.
- I love how the one time Ben is actually telling the truth, Hurley refuses to believe him and would rather give himself over to the Police instead.
- I knew it was Ms. Hawking on the first frame. Come on, LOST. Who doesn't know that's Daniel Faraday's mother?
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