5.04 The Little Prince
- On the Searcher, night, Jack and Kate, holding Aaron, Kate says don't whisper, when he's out, he's out, Jack says at least one of them can sleep, Kate says it's going to take a while to get used to sleeping in normal bed, she asks Jack what to do about Aaron, Jack says he doesn't know, Kate says been thinking, asks if he knew Claire was flying to Los Angeles to give Aaron up for adoption, Jack says he didn't know, Kate says she thinks they should say he's hers, they can say she was six months pregnant when she was arrested, that she gave birth to him on the island, Jack says there are other ways, she doesn't have to do this, Kate says after everyone they've lost, Michael, Jin, Sawyer, that she can't lose him too, Jack says Sawyer's not dead, Kate says no, but he's gone, says goodnight to Jack, he says if they're going to be safe, to protect the people they left behind, tomorrow they're going to have to convince everyone that they're going to have to lie, if it's just him, they won't go with it, he's going to need to turn to her first, the others will follow her lead, Jack asks Kate if she's with him, she says that she's always been with him.
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- Three years later--Kate borrowing Sun's clothes, Sun asks if she's sure she wants to do this, Kate tells Aaron she's going to run out and do an errand, Sun says not to worry, that there's candy and a hundred channels on TV, Kate says she doesn't know what she would've done if Sun wasn't there, Kate says she'll be back soon, tells Aaron to be good for Sun, a delivery comes to the door of Sun's room, Sun tells Aaron she'll be right back, Aaron is eating, Sun goes to room, opens package, inside is a folder, pictures of Ben with Jack getting out of the van, Sun opens a box of chocolates, gun underneath, Sun takes it out.

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- Miles getting water at the creek, brings it to Charlotte, Juliet checking her out, Sawyer says she's been out for ten minutes, Juliet asks Dan if there's something he wants to tell her, Sawyer says why his girlfriend had a seizure, Juliet says to give them space, Sawyer says she's like this because the sky keeps lighting up, that he knew it would happen and didn't say anything about it, Sawyer leaves, Juliet asks Dan if he knew it would happen, Daniel says he thought it might, that he thinks it's neurological, he says that brains have a sense of time, an internal clock, the flashes throw the clock off, it's like really bad jet-lag, Juliet says really bad jet-lag doesn't make you hemorrhage, Juliet asks why isn't happening to the rest of them, Dan says he doesn't know, but thank God it's not.
- Kate goes to Lawyers office, Dan Norton asks how he can help, Kate says he came to her house looking for blood samples, that he wouldn't tell her who his client was, that she'll give the blood samples, but she wants to talk to his client first, Dan Norton says he'll be seeing his client later today, will pass along the offer, but he's pretty sure what the answer will be, which is no, he says that she's in no position to be making a deal, that he has a signed court order, and he can make her do it, they'll handle the exchange of custody quietly, Kate just wants to know who's doing this, he says that it's time she prepare herself, that she's going to lose the boy.
- Locke tells Sawyer they have to go back to The Orchid, he says it's where this all started, maybe it's where it'll all stop, Sawyer says it's far away, Locke says they can take the zodiac raft, use it to cut around the island, Sawyer asks if he knows what to do once he gets there, Locke says not exactly, but he knows that Ben used it to get off the island, that he can do the same thing, he believes he can save them, he says this is all happening because they left, that he can bring them back, Sawyer asks who, Locke says, Jack, Sun, Sayid, Hurley, Kate, Sawyer says the boat blew up and the chopper was probably on it, Locke says they're not dead, Sawyer says who, Locke says it doesn't matter, all that matters is they have to come back, he has to make them come back, even if it kills him, asks Sawyer doesn't he want them to come back, want her to come back, Sawyer says it doesn't matter what he wants.
- Miles says Charlotte is waking up, at first she doesn't recognize Daniel, but after a moment, she remembers, she asks what happened, Dan says another flash, she passed out, she says she's a bit dizzy, but she's fine, Miles says now what, Sawyer says they're going to The Orchid.
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- Jack checking Sayid, Sayid says take IV out, Jack says he was unconscious for 42 hours, had the equivalent of three doses of horse tranquilizers, Sayid says if he sent Ben to Hurley's house, they have to leave, Jack says Ben is on their side now, Sayid says the only side he's on is his own, Dr. Ariza comes in, asks for a word with Dr. Shephard, asks Jack what he thinks he's doing, Jack says he's treating a patient, Dr. Ariza says he was suspended on charges of substance abuse, emergency or not, he has no business being there, Jack says that he takes full responsibility, Dr. Ariza says the hospital takes responsibility, it makes them liable.
- Jack gets a phone call, it's Hurley, he asks if Sayid got to him, if his dad dropped him off, if he's okay, Jack says yes, Jack asks where he is, Hurley says he's in LA County lockup, to tell Sayid he did exactly what he said, that he's safe and Ben will never get him now, Jack is confused, Hurley hangs up.
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- Ben shows up, asks Jack how Sayid is.
- Nurse in Sayid's hospital room, asks how he's doing, says he has his meds, Sayid says he thinks he has the wrong room, nurse says room 133, got meds right here, won't have to give injection, he turns around, shoots tranquilizers at Sayid, but Sayid is not in bed, attacks man from behind, strangles him, asks who he is, who he's working for, address in pocket, Sayid shoots him with tranquilizer gun, gets paper out of pocket, Ben and Jack come in, Jack asks what happened, Sayid says 42 Panorama Crest, Jack says Kate lives there.
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- Jack calls Kate, she answers, he asks if she's okay, where she is, she says she's fine, Jack says she has to get Aaron, Kate says he's at a hotel with Sun, that it's not a good time, Jack says to tell him where she is, that he needs to see her, Kate says okay, that she's downtown.
- Jack tells Ben she's not at home, that he's going to her now, Ben says he'll get Hugo, Sayid says sorry, but he's not letting him get anywhere near him, Ben says he has friends in trouble, to get them to safety, Sayid takes his keys, Ben says after Jack gets Kate, to meet at the Long Beach Marina, slip 23, hurry, they're running out of time.
- Back on the island, walking through jungle, Sawyer asks Locke what he's going to say to Kate to get her to come back, Locke says he hasn't figured that out yet, Sawyer says she was pretty excited to get out of there, they see light shining through the jungle from the hatch, Miles asks what it is, Locke says whatever it is, they better stay clear of it, Sawyer says the beach is that way, why take the scenic route, Dan asks Locke if he knows when they are, Locke says they need to keep moving.
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- Dan asks Charlotte how her head is, he says that once they get to the beach, they're going to take the zodiac, then she can rest.
- Miles begins to get a nosebleed, they hear Claire screaming in the jungle, Sawyer says don't move, goes to check out what it is, hears Kate and Claire, sees Claire giving birth, Kate talking her through it, Sawyer watches them, another flash begins to happen, it's daytime now, and they're gone.

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- Locke asks Sawyer what happened, if he saw something, Sawyer says it doesn't matter, it's gone now.
- Kate waiting in her car, Jack shows up, she notices that he shaved his beard, he says he needed a change, Kate says she doesn't know why he called, but she can't be dealing with this now, Jack asks what's going on, Kate says to just go, Jack says to tell him, Kate says somebody wants Aaron, a lawyer is in the building she's watching, his clients know they're lying, know she's not Aaron's real mom, that they're going to take him away, a car comes out of building, Kate wants to follow it, she tells Jack to get in or don't, Jack does.
- Back on the island, walking through jungle, Locke asks Sawyer if he's ready to tell him what he saw back there, says they both know when they were before the flash, asks who he saw, if it was Charlie, Shannon, himself, Sawyer asks how it is that he knows when they were, light in the sky was from the hatch, Locke says the night that Boone died, he went out there, he was pounding on it, confused, scared, babbling like an idiot, asking why all this was happening to him, but then a light came on, shot through the sky, Sawyer says why not go back there, that he could tell himself to do everything different, save himself a world of pain, Locke says no, he needed that to get to where he is now.
- "You and I both know when we were before the flash, James. So who was it you saw? Charlie? Shannon? Yourself?" Locke "And how is it that you knew when we were, Johnny Boy? That light in the sky--it was from the hatch, wasn't it?" Sawyer "The night that Boone died...I went out there and started pounding on it as hard as I could. I was..confused, scared, babbling like an idiot. Asking, why was all this happening to me?" Locke "Did you get an answer?" Sawyer "Light came on, shot up into the sky. At the time, I thought it meant something." Locke "Did it?" Sawyer "No. It was just a light." Locke "So why'd you turn us around then? Don't you wanna go back there?" Sawyer "Why would I want to do that?" Locke "So you could tell yourself to do things different, save yourself a world of pain." Sawyer "No, I needed that pain to get to where I am now." Locke
- Miles tells Dan he just got a nosebleed, says don't freak out the others, just tell him why Charlotte, and why him, Dan says it may have something to do with duration of exposure, the time they've spent on the island, Miles says it doesn't make any sense, the others have been here for months, he's never been here before two weeks ago, Dan asks if he's sure about that.
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- "I think it might have something to do with duration of exposure. You know, the amount of time you've spent on the island." Daniel "Doesn't make any sense. Those yahoos have been here for months. I've never been here before two weeks ago." Miles "Are you sure about that?" Daniel
- They get to the beach camp, everything is there, but the camp is a mess, falling apart, Locke wonders how long ago this happened, Locke finds a rope from Vincent, Dan says zodiac gone too, Charlotte says maybe their people took it, Sawyer asks why they would do that, Miles points out two outrigger canoes, says to get away from whoever came in those, Charlotte asks where they came from, Dan says pretty old, Miles says not that old, finds water bottle, with Ajira label on it, Juliet says an airline based out of India, Sawyer says maybe they have a flight to Vegas, asks who came in these, Dan says when are they coming back, Locke says don't wait to find out, they take one of the canoes to go The Orchid.

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- Miles asks how far is The Orchid, around that point, Locke says, not more than a couple of hours, Juliet asks Sawyer if he's alright, Sawyer says he saw Kate, last night in the jungle, before the last flash, she was delivering Claire's baby, Juliet says that was two months ago, Sawyer says time travel's a bitch, someone begins shooting at them, it's the other outrigger, Miles asks if it's their people, one of them shoots Sawyers paddle, Juliet shoots back at them, gets one of them, they paddle harder, another flash starts to happen, Sawyer says thank you, Lord, they're now in the dark and rain, a storm surrounding them, Sawyer says he takes that back, Locke says paddle, head for the shore.
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- Kate follows the car to a motel, Jack says just because the guy told her he's meeting his client, doesn't mean they're meeting right now, that he could've just told her that to throw her off, Kate says or they're in that hotel right now, Dan Norton goes to a room, Jack says what if they are, what if the person who wants to take Aaron is sitting in that room right now, they can go get Aaron, put their heads together and figure something out, they see a room door open, Mr. Norton goes in, it's Claire's mother, Carole Littleton.
- Dan Norton leaves the hotel, Jack says to think about it, maybe she doesn't know, Kate says she knows about Aaron and that's all that matters, Jack says to let him go talk to her, explain to her why they did it, maybe she'll listen to him, that he can fix it, says that Aaron is his family too, Kate says okay.
- Jack goes to Ms. Littleton's hotel room, she lets him in, says she hasn't seen him since his father's funeral, asks how he knew she was there, Jack says he knew because he followed her lawyer, she asks why he would do that, he says he understands that she feels the need to do this, but everything Kate and he have done, it was for Aaron, she asks who Aaron is, she says she's not following him, doesn't know what he's talking about, Jack asks what she's doing in Los Angeles.
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- Jack comes running out of the hotel, tells Kate to go, call Sun, tell her to meet them at the Long Beach Marina with Aaron, Kate says she's not going anywhere until he tells her what's going on, Jack says she doesn't know anything, she still thinks that Claire is dead, she doesn't even know that Aaron exists, she sued Oceanic, she's only in town to pick up her settlement, Kate says so it's just a coincidence, Jack says whoever is trying to take Aaron, it's not her.
- Ben, and Sayid driving the van, Canton-Rainer written on the side, Ben asks him something, why'd he take it upon himself to rescue Hugo, Sayid says had to make sure Hurley was safe, Ben says to pull in here, parking garage, Sayid stops van, the Lawyer, Dan Norton is there, waiting, he gets out of his car to talk to Ben, says he looked into it and they don't have any kind of solid evidence against Reyes, that the man killed outside of Santa Rosa happened before Reyes escaped, Ben says that's good news, Mr. Norton says there's a prelim hearing in the morning, that the judge will never let it get past that, Ben says thank you to Dan, Sayid asks who that is, Ben says it's his lawyer.
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- Back on the island, they get to the beach with the outrigger canoe, Locke says it's hard to say where they are until it gets light, storm offshore, Juliet tells Sawyer they didn't get a chance to finish their conversation, the one before they started shooting at them, the one where Sawyer was about to tell her how it felt to see Kate again, Sawyer says he wasn't about to tell her anything, Juliet says to tell her now, Sawyer says he was close enough to touch her, if he wanted to, he could of stood right up and talked to her, Juliet tasks why he didn't, Sawyer says what's done is done, points out that Juliet has a bloody nose.
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- Charlotte discovers something washed up on the beach, wreckage, looks like it just happened, a box that says Bésixdouze, Locke asks if anyone speaks French.
- A life raft in the ocean, a group of people speaking French, they see the shore of the island, discover a man floating in the ocean, on piece of wreckage, they rescue him from the water, it's Jin.
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- At the Long Beach Marina, Kate and Jack show up, Kate asks Jack why he called her today, Jack says he was worried, Kate asks why today, Jack shows her paper with her address on it, says right before he called her, Sayid was attacked, guy had her address in his pocket, Jack says he needed to get her and Aaron someplace safe, Kate asks safe from who, Ben and Sayid show up, Jack says it's okay, Ben's is with him, knows it's going to be hard to understand, but Ben is there to help them, to help everyone they left behind, Jack says they all need to be together again, Kate says it's him, Ben, he's the one who's trying to take Aaron, Jack says no, but Ben says she's right, it was him, says he's sorry, Kate asks why not stay away, Ben says because he's not her son, Sun is at the Marina, watching them from a distance with Aaron in the backseat of her car, gets out of car with her gun.

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- Jin on beach, people from life raft, man with violin case, Robert, listening to a transmission, numbers being read, 4 8 15 16 23 42, sounds like Hurley's voice, a French woman talks to Jin, he doesn't understand her, she asks if he speaks English, asks if Jin is okay, he says yes, she asks how he got there, he says boat, she asks what boat, Jin says it's gone, it sunk, they asks who he is, how long he was underwater, how he doesn't know how he got there, the woman gives him water, she's pregnant, Jin thanks her, she asks what his name is, he tells her Jin, she says her name is Danielle Rousseau, Jin is stunned.
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- "Hello, Jin. I'm Danielle. Danielle Rousseau."
- Where did Miles get that flask from?
- Who was the man that attacked Sayid? Who is he working for?
- Why did the man have Kate's address?
- What would happen if they encountered their past-selves?
- Who ransacked the beach camp?
- Who was shooting at them in the outrigger canoe?
- Who did Juliet shoot?
- When in the future does the group's discovery of the camp occur?
- Why did Claire's mom sue Oceanic?
- Is Claire actually still alive?
- How does anyone not know that Claire was pregnant before the crash?
- Why is Hurley's voice heard on the transmission of the numbers?
- Did Danielle Rousseau remember meeting Jin in 1988?
- "Dude, I'm totally cool. I'm in L.A. County lockup. Oh, and tell Sayid I did exactly what he said. I'm totally safe. Ben's never gonna get me now. Thanks, dude." Hurley
- "Good. You're here. How's Sayid?" Ben
- Sayid disappearing when the nurse tries to shoot him and then sneak-attacking him.
- The scenes where they see the light from the hatch in the jungle and Claire giving birth.
- "Finally! Anybody for a DHARMA beer?" Sawyer
- "Yeah? Well, where's the rest of the dog?" Sawyer
- "It's an airline. It's based out of India, but they fly everywhere." Juliet "Great. Maybe they got a flight out of here to Vegas tonight." Sawyer
- "This plan sounded a hell of a lot better when we were going by motorboat. How far is this place?" Miles "It's around that point. Not more than a couple hours." Locke "Oh, joy." Miles
- "These your people?!" Miles "No! Are they yours?!" Juliet
- "[Buzzing, magnetic humming] Thank you, Lord! [Thunder rumbling, lightning crashing] I take that back!" Sawyer
- "Anybody speak French?" Locke
- "No, Jack. She's right. It was me. Sorry." Ben
- I hate hate hate when Kate says that she's always been with Jack. It makes me want to vomit. Right, Kate, you've always been with Jack, except for the several hundred times you've been with Sawyer.
- Seriously, all Kate and Jack ever say to eachother is "hey".
- Also, Kate and Jack's lie about Aaron being hers is the worst lie ever. Yeah, you were six months pregnant and no one noticed. Okay, Kate.
- Clearly, Aaron can sleep through anything from living on an island with crazy people who attack you and kidnap your baby, weird science experiments, and explosions constantly going on around you.
- I remember thinking that Sun was going to be so evil at the beginning of Season Five. I thought she was going to kidnap Aaron or something after this episode. So disappointed that never happened. Evil Sun would be so awesome. I don't want anyone to get hurt, I just want Sun to be evil.
- The scenes of Locke banging on the hatch door after Boone's death occurred in Deus Ex Machina and of Claire giving birth to Aaron, with Kate delivering the baby, with Charlie and Jin looking on occurred in Do No Harm. I loved these scenes. Great nostalgia moments from Season One.
- John Locke saying "I needed that pain to get to where I am now" shows how much he has truly grown as a person and as a character.
- So, I guess Latin and Airlines that are based out of India, but fly elsewhere, are both Others 101, huh Juliet?
- We still don't know when in time the scene with the ransacked beach camp, outrigger canoes, and the people that shoot at them occur. A big theory after this episode was that it was them shooting at themselves.
- Jack was actually right about something for once.
- The name on Ben's van is "Canton-Rainer" which is an anagram for reincarnation.
- Oh, is that your lawyer, Ben? Really? As if that weren't obvious. I hate when they dumb things down for the audience.
- Shouldn't Juliet have gotten a bloody nose before Miles? Juliet was on the island for over three years and Miles left the island when he was just a baby. Perhaps a continuity error.
- And so the Juliet and Sawyer relationship begins. I actually don't mind it all that much, compared to some of the other annoying relationships on the show.
- Locke asking if anyone speaks French is a reminder of when Sayid hears Danielle Rousseau's transmission, and asks if anyone spoke French in Pilot, Part 2.
- Jin being discovered by Rousseau's science team is reminiscent of his experience when he was adrift after the raft and being found by the other survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 on the shore of the beach, not understanding them also, in Adrift.
- While I was glad that Jin was alive, I hate that they killed him off just to unrealistically bring him back again, though I do understand why they did it, for the story's sake. I just hate the idea that Jin could possibly survive a freighter exploding, jumped off, floated in the water on whatever that was for a couple of days, and then was discovered by Danielle Rousseau's science team, meanwhile she never recalls ever meeting him in the past when she's around him in the future. It seems a little too far-fetched for me, but I can deal.
- Danielle Rousseau recalled the story of her science team coming to the island to Sayid in Solitary and also Hurley in Numbers.
- The transmission of the numbers can clearly be heard by Rousseau's science team. The voice on the transmission appears to be Hurley.
- From Lostpedia: (1)The episode's title refers to the novel Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a French writer and aviator who disappeared in flight in 1944. Though masquerading as a children's book, it has varied themes on life, perception and human nature. The book begins with its narrator surviving a plane crash in the desert. He encounters the Little Prince, a little boy who has left his home asteroid B612 after finding that he could no longer share his tiny planet with his demanding rose, the only other sentient occupant. He left his planet to find out more about the universe, but ultimately learns that the actions of his rose, not her words, are what he should pay attention to. (2) Saint-Exupéry illustrated the book and drew the Little Prince as a young, blond-haired child. Aaron Littleton is similarly portrayed. (3) "Bésixdouze" ("B612"), the name of the expedition's lost boat, is a reference to the name of the asteroid on which The Little Prince lives.
- I'm not the biggest fan of this episode.
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