5.08 La Fleur
- After the flash, and Locke falling down the well, Sawyer is still holding onto the rope, which is in the ground, Juliet says to stop, that they can't help John, she says that wherever he went, he's gone now, and wherever they went is before that well was ever built, Miles says he'd say it's way before, he then points out the four-toed statue to the rest of them, which is now fully intact, this is pre-four-toed statue times.
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- Locke is in the hole underground where The Orchid will be, he pushes the frozen donkey wheel, which causes another, and the last, flash to occur.
- They experience their final flash, Miles says that one was different, that it was more like an earthquake, Sawyer notices the well is back, he goes to look down it, but it's sealed up now, Juliet says her headache is gone, Miles say his is too, and his nose isn't bleeding anymore, Juliet says she thinks it's over, she thinks John did it, Jin says now what, Sawyer says now they wait for him to come back, Juliet asks for how long, Sawyer says as long as it takes.
- "Now we wait for him to come back." Sawyer "For how long?" Juliet "As long as it takes." Sawyer
- Three years later--in a DHARMA station, workers wearing jumpsuits, one puts on music, a man and a woman start dancing, listening to music, another guy comes in, he says he was gone ten minutes, and now they're having a hootenanny, the other guy says that Rosie, who is wearing a Geronimo Jackson t-shirt, was just dropping off some brownies, that he should thank her, the first guy tells Jerry that she shouldn't be there, that they're on the clock, Jerry asks what's going to happen to the other guy, named Phil, asks if the polar bears are going to figure their way out of their cages, Phil says if La Fleur finds out, Rosie points out something on the monitor, Phil asks if that's a hostile, Rosie says it's Horace, he's drinking, by the pylons, setting off explosives, dynamite, Phil tells Jerry to get her out of there, he says they have to get La Fleur, Jerry asks if he really wants to wake him up at 3 am, Phil says what if Horace blows himself up, then La Fleur will kill them, he says that they have to go get La Fleur, their boss, and let him know what's going on.

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- They go to La Fleur's house, knock on the door, they says they're sorry to bother him, but there's a situation at the pylons, from inside, La Fleur asks what kind of situation, they says it's Horace, that he has dynamite, and he's blowing up trees, La Fleur opens the door, says son of a bitch, it's Sawyer, he's La Fleur, the Head of Security at the DHARMA Initiative.
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- La Fleur honking horn, Miles comes out, he says to relax, that he's coming, he says hey boss, La Fleur asks if he has his zapper with him, Miles says yes, to tell him why he needs it, La Fleur says because their fearless leader is out blowing up trees, Miles asks why, La Fleur says because he's loaded, Miles asks since when does Horace drink, La Fleur says that he doesn't, so keep this on the down low, they find Horace passed out at pylons, a fire, La Fleur tells Miles to put out the fire, pack up the dynamite, and he will take him home, Miles asks why he can't be the one to take him home, La Fleur asks if he wants to be the one to tell Amy.
- La Fleur brings Horace home, Amy asks if he okay, asks La Fleur where he found him, he says by the Flame, blowing up trees with dynamite, he says to tell him why, Amy says they had a fight, but it's personal, La Fleur says if she doesn't think it isn't going to get out, it'll be on the coconut telegraph by breakfast, Amy says it was about Paul, suddenly she's in pain, the baby is coming.
- Three years earlier--they find Daniel talking to himself in the jungle, Sawyer asks where's red, Juliet asks if he's okay, Daniel says he's not going to do it, not going to tell her, Juliet asks where's Charlotte, Daniel says she's not here, she's gone, Juliet asks where, Daniel says she's dead, there was another flash, and then she was just gone, that her body just disappeared, she moved on and they stayed, Juliet says she's so sorry, Sawyer asks Daniel if they stayed, then they're not traveling through time anymore, Daniel says that wherever they are now, whenever they are now, they're there for good, Daniel says he won't do it, Sawyer says until he checks back in, they should head back to the beach, when Locke gets back that's where they'll be looking, Miles says their camp is gone, that it doesn't matter, Juliet says Sawyer is right, they should head to the beach, Miles is frustrated, he says when they get there, then they'll want to go back to The Orchid, Sawyer says they're going, if their stuff is there, great, if not, they'll build new stuff, Miles asks who put him in charge, they start to leave, Sawyer tells Juliet thanks for getting his back on the beach idea, Juliet says it was a stupid idea, but they'll figure out something better before they get there, they suddenly hear gunshots in the jungle, then someone screaming, crying, they go to look at what it is, they see a woman pleading for her life, two men with guns approaching her, a body on the ground, they put bag over her head, Juliet asks who they think they are, Miles says who cares, they don't even know when they are, he asks Daniel if they don't get involved, Dan says it doesn't matter what they do, that whatever happened, happened, Sawyer says thanks Plato, but he's going over there, he asks Juliet if she has his back, Juliet says absolutely, Sawyer says approaches the two men, he says to drop the gun, but one guy shoots at him, Sawyer seems to deflect the bullet, then kills the guy who shot at him, and he kills the other guy, they rescue the woman, take their guns, Sawyer tells her it's alright, it's okay, that she's safe, it's over, they removed the bag from her head, and the woman is Amy, she asks Sawyer who he is.
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- "Doesn't matter what we do. Whatever happened, happened." Daniel
- Amy sits by the dead body, Juliet says her friend is wearing a DHARMA jumpsuit, which puts them in the 70s or 80s, Sawyer asks if the other guys are others, Juliet says she doesn't know, Sawyer wonders if she knew them, Juliet says that it's before her time, Jin finds a walkie on the ground, he gives it to Sawyer, Juliet says they need to go, Sawyer says they need to get moving, Amy asks who they are, Sawyer says that their ship wrecked on the way to Tahiti, but that's not important right now, that whoever is on the other end of the walkie, those two men might've given them a call before they saved her, Amy says they have to bury them, Sawyer says there's no time, Amy says there's a truce, that they have to, bury them, bring him back home, Paul, she says please, Jin says he'll carry him, Sawyer says they better do it fast, put the guys in the ground, then bring her friend back, Amy says he's not her friend, he was her husband.
- Walking through jungle with Paul's body, Sawyer says when they get there there's going to be a lot of questions, to just shut up and let him do the talking, Miles asks if he really thinks he can convince them they were in a boat wreck, Sawyer says that he's a professional, he used to lie for a living.
- Juliet suddenly yells for Daniel to stop walking, they're at the pylons, Juliet tells Amy to turn it off, she says turn what off, Juliet says whatever that is, it looks like some sort of sonic fence or something, Amy asks where they said their ship was going, Sawyer says they just saved her life, so why doesn't she just trust them and turn that thing off, Amy says okay, goes to box, does something, says it's off, Sawyer says for her to go first, she goes through, she's fine, nothing happens, so they all begin to walk through the pylons, but they get shocked by the sonic fence, Amy takes out her earplugs.
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- Three years later--Amy is giving birth, the Doctor says she's going to be okay, to trust him, and relax, he asks where Horace is, La Fleur says he's unavailable, the Doctor says the baby is breached, upside down, that she needs cesarean, that he's just an intern, he's not an obstetrician, he says she was supposed to deliver on the mainland in two weeks, the baby is early, La Fleur asks if he can deliver the baby or not, the Doctor says he doesn't know, La Fleur leaves, he goes to a group of mechanics, fixing DHARMA vans, finds Juliet working there, La Fleur says Amy's having her baby, that she's in trouble, the Doctor says she needs cesarean, Juliet says they have an agreement, La Fleur says the Doctor has never done one, but he's guessing that she has, Juliet says doesn't he understand that every time she's tried to help a woman on the island give birth, it hasn't worked, La Fleur says that maybe it hasn't happened yet, but she has to try to help her, he tells Juliet that she's the only one who can, Juliet goes.
- Juliet tries to help Amy, the Doctor asks about Horace, La Fleur says he's speaking for Horace, the Doctor objects, but Amy says she wants Juliet to do it, La Fleur says she's going to do great, he knows she is.
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- Sawyer waits outside, Jin meets him, he speaks English now, he asks if everything is okay, La Fleur says Amy went into labor, there was a problem, Juliet is in there, he says that he pulled her out of retirement, La Fleur asks Jin if he's had any luck, Jin says he finished grid 133, but hasn't found their people yet, he asks La Fleur how long they'll look, La Fleur says as long as it takes.
- "How long do we look, James?" Jin "As long as it takes." La Fleur
- Juliet comes out, La Fleur asks what happened, Juliet says it's a boy, that he's okay, she's okay, Juliet cries.
- Three years earlier--Sawyer wakes up on a couch, in the rec room, Horace asks how his head is, Sawyer says that it hurts, asks where are his people, Horace says he's fine, that Amy told him what happened in the jungle, Horace says that he appreciates what he did, Sawyer says that he has a funny way of showing it, Horace says they have a certain defense protocol, that there are hostile indigenous people on the island, and they don't get along with them, Horace says so why doesn't he tell him who the hell he is, Sawyer says his name is James La Fleur, that he can call him Jim, Horace asks how he got to the island, La Fleur says if his friends are safe, why is he asking so many questions, Horace says they said to talk to him, that he's the boat captain, La Fleur says they got caught in a storm, they shipwrecked, crashed into the reef, Horace asks what kind of ship, La Fleur says it was a salvage vessel, they were searching for a famous lost wreck, and old slaver out of Portsmouth, England, called the Black Rock, La Fleur asks if he's heard of her, Horace says he can't say that he has, Horace says so when if they got washed ashore, why was he then wandering around jungle, La Fleur says some of their crew is missing, they were looking for them, they came upon a girl instead, Horace says tell you what, if their crew shows up, he'll send them along with him, La Fleur asks where, Horace says there's a sub coming in the morning, will drop him off in Tahiti, just saved, La Fleur asks why he doesn't allow them time to look, Horace says the only people allowed on the compound are DHARMA Initiative, and La Fleur is not DHARMA material.
From Lostpedia
- "Look, we have certain defense protocols. There are hostile indigenous people on this island, and we don't get along with them. So... why don't you tell me who the hell you are?" Horace "My name's James La Fleur. You can call me Jim." La Fleur "How'd you get to the island, Jim?" Horace "If my friends are safe, why are you asking me all the questions?" La Fleur "They told me I need to talk to you, that you're the boat captain." Horace "We got caught in a storm. Our ship wrecked. Must've hit the reef. Thankfully, we washed up on shore." La Fleur "What kind of ship?" Horace "A salvage vessel. Searching for a famous lost wreck. It's an old slaver out of Portsmouth, England, called the Black Rock. You heard of her?" La Fleur "Can't say that I have." Horace
- Miles says they're screwed, that he's probably trying to explain time travel by now, Juliet says he's going to be fine, Miles asks what she's looking at, Juliet says she lived here for over three years, that was her house over there, Miles asks if she was in the DHARMA Initiative, Juliet says no, that the others took over the barracks, wiped out people, brought them on a sub long after that, Miles says welcome home, Jin asks Daniel if there are no more flashes, Daniel says no, that the record is spinning again, and they're just not on the song they want to be on, Daniel sees a little girl with red hair, which he recognizes as Charlotte.
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- "I lived here for over three years. That was my house over there." Juliet "You were in the DHARMA Initiative?" Miles "No. The Others took over these Barracks and wiped out most of the people living in them. They brought me here on a sub a long time after that." Juliet "Well... welcome home." Miles
- Horace arrives, says someone will be along shortly to show them to their rooms, in the meantime, Mr. La Fleur will fill them in, they question his new name, Sawyer says it's Creole, that he improvised, Juliet asks what happened in there, Sawyer says Horace believed his story, but they're getting punted, putting them on a sub tomorrow, shipping them off to Tahiti, Miles asks how that's bad news.
- An alarm goes off, Phil says to get inside, everyone begins running around, Phil brings them to a house, tells the woman inside to keep an eye on them, through the window, they see Richard Alpert arrive with a torch at the barracks, Sawyer says uh oh.
- Barracks, it's dark, Richard is waiting, Horace goes out to speak to him, says hello Mr. Alpert, that he wishes he would've told him he was coming, that would've turned the fence off, Richard says the fence may keep the others out, but not them, the only thing that does keep them out is their truce, which he's now broken, Horace says doesn't know what he's talking about, Richard asks where are his two men.
- "I wish you would've told me you were coming. I would've turned the fence off for you." Horace "That fence may keep other things out, but not us. The only thing that does keep us out, Horace, is our truce... which you've now broken." Richard
- Miles says getting on the sub sounds like great idea, Sawyer says no one is getting on the sub.
- Horace comes in, asks La Fleur how well he buried the bodies, La Fleur says it depends on how hard he looks, Horace says to call The Arrow, tell them they're on at condition one, take the heavy ordinance, make sure the fence is at maximum, Phil says yes sir, La Fleur says to let him talk to Richard, Horace says he doesn't understand, they had a truce with these men, La Fleur says he's the one who killed them, and he's going to explain why he did it, Horace says he can't let him do that, La Fleur says he isn't asking his permission, Juliet asks if he's sure he knows what he's doing, La Fleur says not yet, but he'll figure something out.
- Sawyer goes to talk to Richard, who is sitting on a bench, he says hello Richard, Richard asks do they know eachother, Sawyer says he's the guy who killed his men, that he heard some gunshots, saw two men throwing a bag over a woman's head, gave them a chance to put their weapons down, but one of them took a shot at him, he defended himself, Richard asks if that's so, he asks if his people know that he's telling him that, Sawyer says they aren't his people, so if he has some kind of a truce with them, it hasn't been broken, Richard asks if he's not a member of the DHARMA Initiative, then what is he, Sawyer asks if he buried the bomb, Richard is confused, Sawyer says the hydrogen bomb with Jughead written on the side, he says that yes he knows about it, he also knows that 20 years ago, some bald fellow limped into his camp and fed him some mumbo-jumbo about being his leader, and then poof, he disappeared right in front of him, he asks if that's ringing a bell, he says that man is John Locke and he's waiting for him to come back, La Fleur asks Richard if he still thinks he's a damn member of the DHARMA Initiative, Richard says no, he guesses that he doesn't, but that no matter who he is, two of his men are dead, and his people need some kind of justice, Richard asks La Fleur what are they going to do about that.
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- "Hello, Richard." Sawyer "I'm sorry. Do we know each other?" Richard
- "Did you bury the bomb?" Sawyer "Excuse me?" Richard "The hydrogen bomb with "Jughead" written on the side. Did you bury it?" Sawyer "How..." Richard "Yeah, I know about it. I also know that 20 years ago, some bald fella limped into your camp and fed you some mumbo jumbo about being your leader. And then poof... he went and disappeared right in front of ya. Any of this ringin' a bell? That man's name is John Locke, and I'm waitin' for him to come back. So, you still think I'm a member of the damn DHARMA Initiative?" Sawyer
- La Fleur and Horace go to Amy's house, Horace asks Amy how she's doing, she asks if Alpert is gone, Horace says no, that they told him where the bodies were, they had to, it was the only way to maintain the truce, he says that Jim worked it out with him, but Richard is going to need something from them, Horace tells Amy that Richard needs to take Paul's body back with him, Amy gets upset, Horace says they've been friends for a long time, that this is completely her choice, and if she doesn't want to give him to them, then they will suffer the consequences, Amy says they can take him, that Paul would want to keep them safe, she cries, asks if she can have a minute please, Horace and La Fleur leave Amy alone, she takes an ankh necklace off Paul's' body, La Fleur says he's sorry, asks Horace if he needs some help, Horace says no thanks, but says that the sub leaving tomorrow morning, also returns in two weeks, he tells La Fleur that he can stay and look for the rest of his crew until then.
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- Juliet waiting at the pier, Sawyer says he bought them two weeks, that Horace says they can wait for the next sub, with any luck, Locke will be back by then, Juliet says and then what, Sawyer asks what she means, Juliet says that Locke said he was leaving to save them, that the flashes have stopped, they're over, no more bloody noses, they're already saved, she says that the sub brought her there, she's been trying to get off the island for more than three years, and now she has her chance, she's going to leave, Sawyer says she does realize, it's 1974, that whatever she thinks she's going back to, it doesn't exist yet, Juliet says that's not a reason not to go, Sawyer asks what about him, is she really going to leave him there with the mad scientist and Mr. I speak to dead people, and Jin, who's a hell of a nice guy, but not exactly the greatest conversationalist, Juliet says he'll be fine, Sawyer says maybe, but who will get his back, he asks her to just give him two weeks, that's all, Juliet says alright, two weeks.
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- "Locke said he was leaving to save us. The flashes have stopped. They're over. No more bloody noses. We're already saved. That sub behind you brought me here. I've been trying to get off of this island for more than three years, and now I've got my chance. I'm going to leave." Juliet
- Three years later--someone playing chess, La Fleur walking through the barracks, he picks a sunflower, goes into a house, a table ready for dinner, with salad, wine, he says something smells good, Juliet is in the kitchen, cooking, she asks him if the flower is for her, he says she was amazing today, he hugs her, she says thank you for believing in me, they kiss, Juliet says she loves him, and he loves her too.
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- La Fleur reading a book, Horace is asleep on the couch, snoring, La Fleur says wake up boss, Horace wakes, La Fleur asks how his head is, Horace says it hurts, La Fleur says he has good news and bad news, asks Horace what he wants first, Horace says good news, La Fleur says he's a daddy, but the bad news is he missed it, Horace says she had the baby, La Fleur tells him it's a boy, and asks how about he tells him why he's too busy drinking and blowing up trees to see him get born, Horace says he was looking for a pair of socks, and all of his were dirty, so he went to grab a pair of Amy's, but he found a necklace in the back of her drawer, it was Paul's, La Fleur asks why they got in a fight because of a necklace, Horace says he knows, but it's only been three years since he's been gone, he says is that really long enough to get over someone, La Fleur says he had a thing for a girl once, and he had a shot at her, but he didn't take it, and for a little while, he'd lay in bed every night wondering if it was a mistake, wondering if he'd ever stop thinking about her, but now he can barely remember what she looks like, and her face, she's just gone, and she isn't ever coming back, he asks so is three years long enough to get over someone, absolutely.
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- "I had a thing for a girl once. And I had a shot at her, but I didn't take it. For a little while, I'd lay in bed every night, wondering if it was a mistake. Wondering if... I'd ever stop thinking about her. And now I can barely even remember what she looks like. I mean, her face--it's... she's just gone. And she ain't never coming back. So... is three years long enough to get over someone? Absolutely." La Fleur
- Sawyer and Juliet in bed, the phone rings, Sawyer answers, says what, he's surprised, he says no don't bring them in, to meet him in the North valley, Juliet asks who it was, Sawyer rushes, gets dressed, says it was Jin, everything is okay, but says he has to go.
- Sawyer drives a DHARMA jeep, and a DHARMA van arrives to meet him, Hurley, Jack, Kate get out of the van, they're on the island in 1977, Sawyer is shocked to see them.

From Lostpedia
- What is the history of the four-toed statue? How did it get there? Who built it?
- How and when was the four-toed statue destroyed?
- Are the pregnancy issues on the island a result of the destruction of the statue?
- How did the bullet avoid hitting Sawyer? Is it because he can't die?
- Why were Amy and Paul in the middle of the jungle, where they weren't supposed to be?
- When was the truce enacted between the hostiles and the DHARMA Initiative?
- How exactly does that earplug trick work?
- How exactly do La Fleur and Juliet suddenly convince them that Juliet can suddenly deliver babies?
- Why don't the DHARMA Initiative find it suspicious that Juliet is a doctor now?
- How did Richard get past the sonar fence? Did he use the tunnel system?
- Why do the others want Paul's corpse?
- What is the significance of the ankh? Why did Paul have it?
- Finally getting to see the frakking four-toed statue!
- "Yeah, I'd say way before." Miles
- "Are you kidding me? I'm gone ten minutes, and you're having a hootenanny?" Phil "Don't be such a bummer, man. Rosie was just droppin' off some brownies. You should thank her." Jerry
- "Ah, mellow out, Phil. W-what's gonna happen, huh? The polar bears are gonna figure a way out of their cages?" Jerry
- "Do you wanna knock?" Phil "You knock." Jerry
- "Son of a bitch." La Fleur
- "Hey, boss." Miles "Evening, Enos. You got your zapper with ya?" La Fleur
- "Why don't you put out the fire, pack up, and--and I'll take him home?" Miles
- "Personal? You think this isn't gonna get out? It'll be on the coconut telegraph by breakfast." La Fleur
- "The beach? What, you didn't get enough flaming arrows shot at you?" Miles
- "Or maybe when we get there, you'll--you'll wanna go back to the Orchid again. And then when that gets boring, we can head back to the beach. It's the only two plans you people have." Miles
- "You should thank me. It was a stupid idea." Juliet "Well, what does that say about you agreeing with me?" Sawyer
- "The guys with the bags--Others?" Sawyer "Beats me." Juliet "What, y'all don't know each other?" Sawyer "Before my time." Juliet
- "Yeah, thanks anyway, Plato." Sawyer
- "I'm a professional. I used to lie for a living." Sawyer
- "Whatever that is. It looks like some sort of sonic fence or something." Juliet
- "Sonic fence? Didn't I say let me do the talking?" Sawyer
- I love how Jin is fluent in English now.
- "Well, y'all got a funny way of showing your appreciation." La Fleur
- "And look, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, please, Jim, but you are not DHARMA material." Horace
- "We're screwed. He's probably trying to explain time travel by now." Miles
- "Mr. LaFleur?" Miles "It's Creole. I improvised." Sawyer
- "Your buddy out there with the eyeliner--let me talk to him." La Fleur
- ""Well, what about me? You really gonna leave me here with the mad scientist and Mr. "I Speak to Dead People"? And Jin, who's a hell of a nice guy but not exactly the greatest conversationalist." Sawyer "You'll be fine." Juliet "Maybe... but who's gonna get my back?" Sawyer
- "I got good news and bad news. What you want first?" La Fleur "[Sighs] Good news." Horace "You're a daddy. Bad news is you missed it." La Fleur
- The entirety of the four-toed statue is finally revealed, but, of course, only from behind. The first time the statue appeared was in Live Together, Die Alone, when Jin, Sun and Sayid discovered a four-toed foot on the shore of the beach from their sailboat.
- Right, so Amy just happened to be walking around the jungle where she wasn't supposed to be with a convenient little pair of earplugs. She also slipped them in without anyone noticing.
- From Lostpedia: (1) Paul's necklace is of an ankh, a popular Egyptian hieroglyph for fertility and eternal life. The giant four-toed statue also seems to carry an ankh in each hand. (2) The Egyptian hieroglyph is a symbol of eternal life and fertility. Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest. The giant statue appears to be holding one in each hand but its arms are by its sides, not crossed over its chest. Paul's necklace was an ankh, which Amy takes from him after he dies. Amy later successfully gives birth on the Island. (3) The little girl that Daniel presumes to be Charlotte exists in 1974, yet Ben previously mentioned that Charlotte was born in 1979.
- Nice improvising there, La Fleur.
- Sawyer's lie to the DHARMA Initiative about how he and his people got on the island appears to be a mash-up of stories he's heard since arriving on the island, including Danielle Rousseau's story of how she came to be on the island, of which she told to Sayid in Solitary, and Sayid explain to Sawyer in All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues, and also the story of the Black Rock which was told to by Danielle Rousseau in Exodus, Part 2, and Locke relayed to Sawyer in The Brig.
- Trying to switch back and forth from the La Fleurs and Sawyers is really confusing.
- The fact that Sawyer points out that Richard Alpert looks like he wears eyeliner is a huge poke at the fans by the writers, which is pretty awesome.
- I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I actually like the Sawyer and Juliet relationship. Okay, well not really, but as far as, for relationships, I can tolerate it.
- You can really see how Sawyer and Juliet's relationship grew from this episode.
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