5.12 Dead is Dead
- A man riding horseback, he rides into a camp, gets off his horse, everyone notices his arrival, they begin gathering around him, he calls out for Richard, asks what have you done Richard, Richard says to calm down, that it has nothing to do with him, the man asks if he actually brought one of them to their Temple, Richard says that he's just a boy, and he was dying, the man says then he should have let him die, Richard says that Jacob wanted it done, he says that the island chooses who the island chooses, and he knows that, the man says yes of course, asks what's his name, the boy.
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- "Jacob wanted it done. The Island chooses who the Island chooses. You know that." Richard
- The man goes to see Ben in a tent, sits by him, he says hello Benjamin, Ben asks what happened, the man says that he was injured, Ben asks how, the man says he doesn't remember, Ben asks where is he, the man says he's among friends, that they're going to take care of him, Ben asks about his dad, is he there, the man says that he'll be back to him soon enough, Ben says that he doesn't want to go back, he wants to stay, he wants to be one of them, the man says that just because he's living with them, doesn't mean that he can't be one of them, the man says that he should be dead, but this island saved his life, Ben asks who is he, the man says that his name is Charles Widmore.
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- "Just because you're living with them doesn't mean you can't be one of us. You should be dead, Benjamin. But this Island... it saved your life." Charles Widmore
- John Locke wakes Ben up at The Hydra, he says hello Ben, welcome back to the land of the living, Ben says my God, he's alive, Locke says yes he is, Ben says he knew it, knew that this would happen, Locke asks then why is he so surprised to see him, Ben says that it's one thing to believe it, it's another thing to see it, Locke asks then why was he trying to run away to the main island, Ben says that he broke the rules, he came back to the island, he was going to answer for what he's done, he was going back to be judged, Locke says judged by whom, Ben says they don't even have a word for it, but he believes that he calls it the monster.
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- "My God. You're alive." Ben "Yes, I am." Locke "I knew it. I knew that this would happen." Ben "Then why are you so surprised to see me?" Locke "Because it's one thing to believe it, John. It's another thing to see it." Ben "Then why were you trying to run away to the main Island?" Locke "I broke the rules, John. I came back to the Island. I was going to answer for what I'd done. I was going back... to be judged." Ben "Judged? By whom?" Locke "Well, J-John, we don't even have a word for it, but I believe you call it the Monster." Ben
- Oh the beach, Hydra island, the survivors of Flight 316, they're gathering some things, a few are packing up a cargo container, Ben asks Ilana what's in the crate, she says nothing, just some stuff they need to get moved, Ben asks if they need a hand, they say thanks, but they have it, Ben says okay, have a great day, Ben drinks from an Ajira Airways water bottle, Caesar approaches him, asks how he's feeling, my friend, Ben says like someone hit him with an oar, but he'll live, they watch Locke, who is looking out at the water, Caesar asks Ben what he makes of him, Ben says that he's not sure, asks what he's told him, Caesar says when he was out cold, he was watching over him, and he said that he killed him, Ben says he killed him, really because he looks fine to him, Ben says he doesn't really remember him from the plane, asks Caesar does he, Caesar says no, Ben says what if he was already here before they crashed, and if he thinks he killed him, then he's insane, then they're dealing with a man who is dangerously deranged, then the question is what are they going to do about it, Caesar says don't worry, shows Ben his gun, says he has his back, introduces himself as Caesar, Ben introduces himself, says pleasure to meet you.
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- "What if... he was already here, before we crashed? If he thinks I killed him, then he's insane. We may be dealing with a man who's dangerously deranged. Then the question is, what are we gonna do about it?" Ben
- Young Ben and Ethan watch by from the shore line of the beach, Ethan says he can do it if Ben wants him to, Ben says that Jacob instructed him, to shut up and stay there, Ben goes to a hut, with a gun, knocks over a music box, a baby is whining, Rousseau goes to grab her rifle, Ben says don't do it, she says he's the one who infected them isn't he, speaks French, Ben takes her baby, asks Rousseau if he wants her baby to live, he shoots the ground, he says to be grateful that she's still alive, to listen to him, if she tries to follow him, or if she ever comes looking for him, he'll kill her, and if she wants her child to live, every time she hears whispers, she runs the other way, Ben leaves with baby Alex.
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- "Be grateful you're still alive. Now you listen to me. If you try to follow me or if you ever come looking for me, I'll kill you. And if you want your child to live, every time you hear whispers, you run the other way." Ben
- At The Hydra building, in Ben's former office, he's looking for something, opening drawers, he finds a photograph of him and Alex, Locke comes in, asks what's that, Ben says that it's just something sentimental, folds it, puts it in his pocket, Locke says so this is his old office, that he never pictured him leading his people from behind a desk, seems a little corporate, Locke sits at Ben's desk, puts his feet up, Ben asks if there was something that he needed, Locke says that he was hoping they could talk about the elephant in the room, Ben says he's assuming that he's referring to the fact that he killed him, Locke says yeah, Ben says that it was the only way to get him back to the island, along with as many who left as possible, he says you do remember, that's why he left in the first place, to convince them to come back, and he failed, the only way to do that was for him to die, and he understood that, that's why he was about to kill himself, but Ben stopped him, Locke asks if all he had to do was die, then why did he stop him, Ben says that he had critical information that would have died with him, and once he'd given it to him, well he just didn't have time to talk him back into hanging himself, so he took a shortcut, but he's here, he's back, just like the rest of them, he doesn't know where they are exactly yet, but they came, it worked, and that's why he did it, because it was in the best interest of the island, Locke says he was just hoping for an apology, says he's decided to help him, Ben says help him do what, Locke says do what he says he was going to do, be judged, Ben says that's not something he wants to see, Locke says if everything he did was in the best interest of the island, then he's sure the monster will understand, Locke says let's go.
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- "Well, Ben, I was hoping that you and I could talk about the elephant in the room." Locke "I assume you're referring to the fact that I killed you." Ben "Yeah." Locke "It was the only way to get you back to the Island, along with as many of those who left as possible. You do remember, John--that's why you left in the first place, to convince them to come back? But you failed. And the only way to bring them together was by your death, and you understood that. It's why you were about to kill yourself when I stopped you." Ben "If all I had to do was die, Ben, they why did you stop me?" Locke "You had critical information that would've died with you. And once you'd given it to me... well, I just didn't have time to talk you back into hanging yourself. So, I took a shortcut. And look at you, John. I was right. You're here. You're back. So are the rest of them. I don't know where yet exactly, but they came. It worked. And that's why I did it, because it was in the best interests of the Island." Ben
- "If everything you've done has been in the best interests of the Island... then I'm sure the Monster will understand." Locke
- On the beach, they uncover some of the outrigger canoes, Caesar comes up, asks Locke what he's doing, he says he's taking a boat, Caesar says where, Lock says over to the main island, Caesar says he doesn't think so, Locke says are these your boats, Caesar says are they yours, Locke says his name is Caesar, that he was under the impression that they were found here, so he's just going to borrow one, he's happy to leave one for him in case he wants to follow us, Caesar says us, asks Ben if he's going with him, Ben says that he didn't really give him a choice, Caesar says he's sorry, but he's calling the shots here, and he says that he's not taking anything, what he's going to do is sit down and tell him how he knows so much about this island, my friend, Locke hits the sand out of his shoes, says Caesar is in the habit of calling people friend, but he doesn't think he means it, Caesar says to step away from the boat, Locke says no, that he's taking the boat, and he's going to let him, Caesar says he's not taking anything, goes to grab his gun, Ben asks if he's looking for this, takes his gun out, shoots Caesar, tells the others that this gentleman and I are taking a boat, asks if anyone else has a problem with that, they back off, Ben throws the gun to Locke, says to consider that his apology.
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- "I'm sorry, but I'm calling the shots here, and I say you are not taking anything. What you are going to do is to sit down and tell us how you know so much about this Island, my friend." Caesar
- " You looking for this? [Ben fires, blowing Caesar away. Struck square in the chest, Caesar flies backwards with a grunt. Ben turns the gun to the other three men.] This gentleman and I are taking a boat. Does anyone else have a problem with that? [Stunned, the other three men shake their heads and back away. Ben throws the shotgun to Locke, who catches it.] Consider that my apology." Ben
- Locke and Ben paddling the outrigger canoe, they dock at the Pala Ferry, Ben says home sweet home, Locke notices another outrigger there, he says that it looks like they're not the first ones who decided to tie up there, Ben says that would be Sun and Lapidus, he says that he showed them where the boats were, and Sun thanked him by smashing him on the head with a paddle, Locke sits on the dock to put his shoes back on, Locke asks Ben if she's the one that hurt his arm, that he noticed he was favoring it on the way over, Ben says no, someone else hurt his arm, Locke says that he just makes friends everywhere he goes, doesn't he, Ben says that he's found that sometimes friends could be significantly more dangerous that enemies, Locke asks if that's why he shot an unarmed man in the chest, Ben says that the man was unarmed because he'd stolen his gun that he was going to use to kill him, that he couldn't let that happen, he says you're welcome, Locke asks if they're going to his old house, aren't they, Ben says yes, it's the only place he can summon it, the monster, and once it arrives he'll either be forgiven or he won't, Locke says he thinks he's lying, Ben says lying about what, Locke says that he wants to be judged for leaving the island and coming back because it's against the rules, but he doesn't think that Ben cares about rules, Ben asks then what does he want to be judged for, Locke says for killing his daughter, Ben is surprised.
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- "It's the only place I can summon it... the "monster." Once it arrives, I'll either be forgiven... or I won't." Ben "I think you're lying." Locke "Lying about what?" Ben "That you want to be judged for leaving the Island and coming back because it's against the rules. I don't think you care about rules." Locke "Then what do I want to be judged for, John?" Ben "For killing your daughter." Locke
- Ben and Ethan with Alex, they get back to their camp, Charles Widmore asks, well did he do it, Ben says they had a complication, Widmore says he's sorry, asks is that a baby, he says that his orders were to exterminate that woman, Ben says why, she's not a threat to them, she's insane, besides, he didn't tell him that she had a child, asks what was it he was supposed to do, Widmore says kill it, Ben says it's not an it, it's a child, Widmore says he might find it difficult to understand, but that every decision he's made has been about protecting this island, Ben says is killing the baby what Jacob wants, Ben says then here she is, hands to Alex over to Widmore, says you do it, Widmore scoffs at him, walks away, Ben holds Alex, Richard watches.

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- "You might find this difficult to understand, Benjamin... every decision I've made has been about protecting this Island." Widmore "Is killing this baby what Jacob wants?" Ben
- At the barracks, the Processing Center sign dangles from a building, Locke and Ben arrive, Locke says who's idea was it to move into these houses, Ben says excuse him, Locke says that his people were living in the jungle, then after they murdered the DHARMA folk, they relocated here, he just wanted to know if it was his idea, Ben asks if he disapproves, Locke says that it just doesn't seem like something the island would want, Ben says that he wouldn't have the first idea what this island wants, Locke asks if he's sure about that, they see a light go on inside a house, Locke says that was his house, Ben says yes, and that was Alex's room, Locke says then he supposes he better go over there and check it out, Ben goes into his house, which is dark, on the table, plates with old food, RISK game, Ben goes to the bedroom, opens the door, Sun is inside, she's startled, Frank comes in, asks Ben what he's doing there, Ben says that it used to be his house, he saw a light turned on, asks what the two of them are doing there, Frank shows Ben the DHARMA Initiative NEW RECRUITS photograph, Sun says that was taken in 1977, Ben asks are you trying to tell me that your friends were in the DHARMA Initiative, Sun asks he doesn't know about this, Ben says of course he didn't, asks where they got the photograph, Frank says they met some crazy old man outside, Sun says he said his name was Christian, that he told them to go in there and wait, Ben asks wait for what, Sun says that he said if she ever wanted to see her husband again, she had to wait there for John Locke, Franks says but considering he's dead, they're going to hold their breath, Ben says well he might want to look outside, which they do, and Locke is there, waiting, he waves at them.
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- "Well, your people were living in the jungle. And then after you murdered the DHARMA folk, you relocated here. I just wondered if it was your idea." Locke "Do you disapprove, John?" Ben "It just doesn't seem like something the Island would want." Locke "You don't have the first idea what this Island wants." Ben "Are you sure about that?" Locke
- "He said if I ever wanted to see my husband again, I had to wait here for John Locke." Sun "But considering he's dead, we ain't holding our breath." Frank "Well, you might want to look outside." Ben
- Locke inside, they all look at him, Sun says what he's saying, it's impossible, Locke says but here he is, he doesn't know how, doesn't know why, but he's sure there's a very good reason for it, Frank says as long as the dead guy says there's a reason, he guesses everything is going to be peachy, and forget about the fact that the rest of their people are supposedly 30 years ago, now the only ones there to help them are a murderer and a guy that can't seem to remember how he got out of a coffin, he tells Sun, please, let's just go back to plane and see if he can fix the radio and get some help, Locke says if she leaves with him, she'll never find her husband again, that he's all the help she needs, Sun asks if he's saying he knows how to find them, how to find Jin, Locke says that he has some ideas, Frank says he's sorry to say, but he's leaving with or without her, Sun says that if there's any chance of finding her husband, then she has to stay, Frank says alright, for God's sake, to watch her back, he leaves, Sun says alright, how do they find Jin, Locke says that Ben has something to do first, isn't that right Ben, Ben says yes John that's right, Locke says he better get to it then.
- "What you're saying, it's... impossible." Sun "But here I am. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I'm sure there's a very good reason for it." Locke
- Ben pulls out his bookcase, goes into the secret room, moves the clothes rack, opens the secret door, pushes the hieroglyphs door open, lights a match, then a lantern, he goes down a dark staircase, crawls through a tunnel, into a room, there is a hole filled with water, Ben unclogs the hole, flushes the water down the hole, he says that he'll be outside, he leaves the underground room.

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- Ben pushing Alex on a swing, Richard says any higher, she'll fly right off the island, he tells Ben the sub is about to leave, Richard says he doesn't have to see him off, but Ben says yes, he does.
- At the Pala Ferry, the sub is docked, Widmore is in handcuffs, being escorted by two men, Ben says he's came to say goodbye, Widmore says no he didn't, that he came to gloat, Ben says don't act as if he wanted this, that he brought this on himself, Widmore asks if he's certain that he wants to do this, Ben says that he left the island regularly, that he had a daughter with an outsider, that he broke the rules, Widmore asks and what makes him think that he deserves to take what's his, Ben says because he won't be selfish, he'll sacrifice anything to protect the island, Widmore says that he wouldn't sacrifice Alex, Ben says that he's the one that wanted her dead, not the island, Widmore says that he hopes he's right, because if he isn't, and it is the island that wants her dead, she'll be dead, and he'll be standing where he is now, he'll be the one being banished, and then he'll finally realize that he cannot fight the inevitable, he says I'll be seeing you boy, leaves on the sub.
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- "You left the Island regularly. You had a daughter with an outsider. You broke the rules, Charles." Ben "And what makes you think you deserve to take what's mine?" Widmore "Because I won't be selfish. Because I'll sacrifice anything to protect this Island." Ben "You wouldn't sacrifice Alex." Widmore "You're the one who wanted her dead, Charles, not the Island." Ben "I hope you're right, Benjamin, because if you aren't, and it is the Island that wants her dead, she'll be dead. And one day, you'll be standing where I'm standing now. You'll be the one being banished, and then you'll finally realize that you cannot fight the inevitable. I'll be seeing you, boy." Ben
- At Ben's house, Sun waits outside, Ben comes out, asks where did John go, Sun says that he said he had something to do, Ben asks did he say what it was, Sun says no, she didn't ask, Sun says that Jack must've lied, Ben says excuse me, Sun says about Locke being dead, that's the only explanation, Ben says that Jack didn't lie, John was dead, Sun says just because he was in a coffin, doesn't mean that he couldn't have faked his death, Ben says to trust him, he's sure, Sun says so he knew this would happen to Locke if they brought him back here, Ben says he had no idea it would happen, that he's seen the island do miraculous things, he's seen it heal the sick, but never once has it done anything like this, dead is dead, you don't get to come back from that, not even here, so the fact that John Locke is walking around this island, scares the living hell out of him, they hear something rustling around in the jungle, Ben says she may want to go inside, Sun asks why, Ben says because what's about to come out of that jungle, is something that he can't control, Sun gets up, they hear something else, and it's Locke who comes out of the jungle, he asks any luck, Ben says it hasn't shown up yet, Locke says last time they didn't have to wait this long, Ben says it's not a train, it doesn't run on a schedule, Locke says if it's not going to go to them, then he guesses they'll have to go to it, Ben says that it doesn't work that way, he only knows how to summon it, he doesn't know where it actually is, Locke says that he does.
- "So you knew this would happen to Locke if we brought him back here?" Sun "Sun, I had no idea it would happen. I've seen this Island do miraculous things. I've seen it heal the sick, but never once has it done anything like this. Dead is dead. You don't get to come back from that, not even here. So the fact that John Locke is walking around this Island... scares the living hell out of me." Ben
- "Well, if it's not gonna come to us, then... I suppose we'll have to go to it." Locke "It doesn't work that way. I only know how to summon it. I don't know where it actually is." Ben "I do." Locke
- Locke and Sun, Locke says that it's weird for him too, Sun says excuse me, Locke says he realizes how strange this all is, him here, but I assures you, Sun, he's the same man he's always been, Ben comes out, Locke asks are you ready, Ben says to lead the way.
- "It's weird for me, too." Locke "Excuse me?" Sun "I realize how strange this all is--me, here. But I assure you, Sun, I'm the same man I've always been. Are you ready?" Locke "Lead the way." Ben
- At the Long Beach Marina, Ben calls Charles Widmore, he asks how he got this number, Ben says that it doesn't matter, but what matters is, he's going back to the island today, Widmore says that the island won't let him come back, to trust him, he says that he spent almost 20 years trying to get back to the island, Ben says well, where he failed, he's going to succeed, but just as soon as he does one thing, Widmore asks and what's that, Ben says kill your daughter, he says that, in fact, he's looking at Our Mutual Friend right now, Widmore says he doesn't know what he's talking about, Ben says it's the name of the boat that Penny is on, Widmore says don't you dare, Ben says goodbye, Charles.
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- "The Island won't let you come back, trust me. I've spent almost 20 years trying to return." Widmore "Well, Charles, where you failed, I'm going to succeed... just as soon as I do one thing." Ben "And what's that, Benjamin?" Widmore "Kill your daughter. In fact, I'm looking at Our Mutual Friend right now." Ben
- Walking through jungle, Ben says may I ask you question, Locke says shoot, Ben says how is it that you know where you're going, Locke says that he just does, Ben asks how does that work exactly, the knowing, did it come upon gradually, or did he wake up one morning suddenly understanding the mysteries of the universe, Locke asks he doesn't like this, does he, Ben says what, Locke says having to ask questions that he doesn't know the answer to, blindly following someone in the hopes that they'll lead you to whatever you're looking for, Ben says no, he doesn't like it at all, Locke says well, now he knows what it was like to be him, Sun says they should keep moving, Locke says yes they should, Ben says thinks he knows where they're going now, it's the same place they brought him as a child, it's where the island healed him, Locke says well, let's hope it's as generous this time around, they arrive at The Temple, Sun asks what is it, Ben says it's the wall around their Temple, Ben says about a half mile from here, they built this wall to keep people like the two of them from ever seeing it, Ben goes to go inside, Locke says they're not going into their Temple, they're going under it, Ben is surprised, Locke says after you, Ben tells Sun that he needs to ask a favor of her, says if she can ever get off this island, to find Desmond Hume for him, tell him he said he was sorry, Sun asks sorry for what, Ben says he'll know, goes into The Temple.
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- "May I ask you a question, John?" Ben "Shoot." Locke "How is it that you know where you're going?" Ben "I just know." Locke "I mean, how does that work, exactly?" Ben "How does what work?" Locke "The knowing. I mean, did it come upon you gradually, or did you wake up one morning suddenly understanding the mysteries of the universe?" Ben "You don't like this, do you?" Locke "What?" Ben "Having to ask questions that you don't know the answers to, blindly following someone in the hopes that they'll lead you to whatever it is you're looking for." Locke "No, John, I don't like it at all." Ben "Well, now you know what it was like to be me." Locke
- "I think I know where we're going now, John. It's the same place they brought me as a child. It's where the Island healed me. About a half mile from here. We built this wall to keep people like the two of you from ever seeing it." Ben
- "I need to ask a favor of you, sun. If you can ever get off this Island, find Desmond Hume for me. Tell him I said I was sorry." Ben
- Ben at the Long Beach Marina, he walks down the dock, sees Penny on Our Mutual Friend, takes his gun out, but Desmond is unloading groceries form the car behind Ben, and sees him, he says hey what are you doing here, Ben turns around, and shoots him, Desmond, Penny calls, Ben points his gun at her, he says don't move, not another word, he says hello Penelope, my name is Benjamin Linus, that he's sorry she's caught up in this, but her father, Penny says that her father and her have absolutely no relationship whatsoever, Ben says your father is a really terrible human being, and that he's responsible for the killing of his daughter, that's why he's there, little Charlie calls mommy, Penny yells for him to go back inside, she begs Ben, says please, whatever you do, don't hurt my son, Charlie comes out, Penny yells for Charlie to go inside, Ben sees little Charlie, and begins to lower his gun, but Desmond runs up from behind and tackles him, beats the crap out of him, throws him in the water, Ben is a bloody mess.

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- "Your father is a really terrible human being. He's responsible for the killing of my daughter. That's why I'm here." Ben
- On the beach, Frank Lapidus returns to The Hydra island, a man runs up to him on the beach, says Captain Lapidus, you're back, thank God, he tells Frank that they found guns, Frank what are you talking about, who found guns, the man says Ilana and three of the others, they said they were in charge now, Frank says where are they, man looks over there, Frank approaches them, Ilana points a gun at him, Frank asks what's going on, Ilana asks Frank what lies in the shadow of the statue, Frank asks what, Bram says to answer the question, she asks again, Frank is confused, he says he has no idea, Ilana cocks him with her rifle, tells Bram to get everyone else, tell them it's time, and tie him up, he's coming with us.
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- "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Ilana
- Locke lights torches inside The Temple, Ben takes one, they walk through, which looks like ancient ruins, Ben says you know you were right, Locke asks about what, Ben says why he needs to judged, he says that when Charles Widmore's men came, they gave him a choice, to leave with them or let his daughter die, all he had to do was walk out of the house and go with them, but he didn't do it, so he was right, John, he did kill Alex, and now he has to answer for that, Ben says that he appreciates him showing the way, but he thinks he can take it from here, Locke says you got it, Ben walks, says he'll meet him outside, if he lives, but Ben falls down a hole, Locke asks Ben, are you alright, Ben says never better, Locke says to hang on, that he'll go find something to get him out of there, Ben says John wait, but he leaves.
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- "You know, you were right." Ben "About what?" Locke "Why I need to be judged. When Charles Widmore's men came, they gave me a choice. Either leave the Island or let my daughter die. All I had to do was walk out of the house and go with them. But I didn't do it. So you were right. John, I did kill Alex. And now I have to answer for that. I appreciate you showing me the way, but I think I can take it from here." Ben
- Ben walks around an ancient ruin, inside the room, with hieroglyphs on the walls, pillars covered in hieroglyphs, he studies them, a hieroglyph of the statue is on the wall.

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- Ben notices a Cerebus vent, his torch goes out, he hears the Smoke Monster sound, it begins to come out of the vents, gathers around Ben, he sees his life flash before him, he sees himself talking to Charles Widmore about Rousseau and Alex, didn't tell him she had a child, what was he supposed to do, Widmore says to kill it, Ben says that it's not an it, this is a child, he sees himself pushing Alex on swing, Alex says I hate you, I hate your guts, I wish you were dead, Alex pleading for her life, she says these people, you said they were dangerous, more dangerous than you, dad, they're serious, they killed Karl, and my mother, please dad, she cries, help me, Ben says she's not my daughter, she means nothing to me, so if you want to kill her, go ahead, Keamy shoots her, Ben cries, Smokey goes back into the vents.
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- Ben's torch goes back on, he hears someone say daddy, Alex appears, she says hi dad, Ben says oh Alex, I'm so so sorry, it was all his fault, Alex smiles, says she knows, but she chokes Ben, pushes him against a pillar, she says listen to me you bastard, I know that you're already planning to kill John again, and I want you to know that if you so much as touch him, I will hunt you down and destroy you, she says you will listen to every word John Locke says and you will follow his every order, do you understand, Ben nods, he says say it, say you'll follow him, Ben says yes I will, I'll follow him I swear, Alex pushes him, Ben is terrified, but she disappears, Ben grabs his torch, Locke calls him from the hole above, throws a vine down the hole, Ben comes over, Locke asks what happened, Ben says that it let him live.

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- "Ohh, Alex. I'm so, so sorry. It was all my fault." Ben "I know. Listen to me, you bastard! I know that you're already planning to kill John again, and I want you to know that if you so much as touch him, I will hunt you down and destroy you. You will listen to every word John Locke says, and you will follow his every order. Do you understand? [Ben nods, fear-stricken.] Say it! Say you'll follow him." Alex "Yes, I will. I'll follow him. I swear." Ben
- "What happened?" Locke "It let me live." Ben
- Why and how did The Temple heal Ben?
- Where has Charles Widmore been? Where is Ellie?
- When exactly did Ben join the others? When did he go back to DHARMA?
- Who ordered the purge on the DHARMA Initiative? Richard, Widmore, Ben?
- Did Ben really come back to the island to be judged?
- What exactly are the rules if Ben wasn't supposed to come back to the island?
- Why didn't Ethan die in the purge? How did he become a member of the others?
- Why does Ben tell Rousseau to run the other way when she hears whispers?
- What are the whispers? What do they do?
- What happened to the Pala Ferry?
- Why the hell does Charles Widmore want to kill everyone?
- Why does everyone have to be killed for the island?
- How does Ben know how to summon the Smoke Monster?
- Why can you summon it from underneath Ben's house?
- What is the significance of the hieroglyphs under Ben's house?
- When did Charles Widmore stop being the leader and Benjamin Linus start?
- How exactly does being exiled from the island work?
- Who is Penelope Widmore's mother?
- Where did Locke go when he left the barracks? What was he doing?
- Why didn't the monster come when Ben summoned it?
- How does Locke know where the monster is?
- How does he know about The Temple?
- Why does Ben remember that he was brought to The Temple?
- What is the significance of the underground part of The Temple? Why is it there?
- What lies in the shadow of the statue?
- What's up with Ilana and the rest of the people from Flight 316?
- Where did they get the crate from?
- How does the Smoke Monster know what Ben is planning to do?
- Why does the Smoke Monster demand that Ben follow John Locke?
- "How you feeling, my friend?" Caesar "Like someone hit me with an oar, but I'll live." Ben
- "I killed him? Really? 'Cause he looks fine to me. You know, I don't really remember him from the plane. Do you?" Ben
- "So this is your old office, huh? I never pictured you leading your people from behind a desk. It seems a little... corporate." Locke
- "I was just hoping for an apology." Locke
- "He didn't really give me a choice." Ben
- "You're in the habit of calling people "friend", but I don't think you mean it." Ben
- "You just make friends everywhere you go, don't ya?" Locke "Well, I've found sometimes that friends can be significantly more dangerous than enemies, John." Ben
- "No sense in me dying twice, right?" Locke "You're welcome." Ben
- I love how Locke gives Sun and Lapidus a little wave when they look out the window to see him.
- "I have some ideas." Locke
- "Ben has something to do first. Isn't that right, Ben?" Locke
- "Wow, Alex! Any higher, and you're gonna fly right off the Island." Richard
- "Just because he was in a coffin doesn't mean that he couldn't have faked his dea--" Sun "Trust me. I'm sure." Ben
- "What's about to come out of that jungle is something I can't control." Ben
- "Last time we didn't have to wait this long." Locke "It's not a train, John. It doesn't run on a schedule." Ben
- "Charles? It's Benjamin." Ben "How did you get this number?" Widmore
- "Well... let's hope it's as generous this time around." Locke
- "I have no idea what the--" Lapidus
- Whenever there's a reveal of a character's name, they always have to introduce themselves as their first name, and then their full, first and last name (i.e. "I'm Charles. Charles Widmore.). This gets kind of annoying.
- Charles Widmore ages like crazy in this. From 1954 to 1977, he ages just fine. But, then from 1977 to 1988 he ages like 40 years. That's insane to me. You can't make an old man look young, people. Alright, I can just suck it up and buy it.
- I'm a little confused about the time line. Ben is taken to the hostiles to be healed in 1977, but they give him back. Then he's seen with them in 1988 when he takes Danielle Rousseau's baby, but is back with the DHARMA Initiative in 1992 when the hostiles commit the purge on them. The storyline seems a little inconsistent. So how did Ben get back and forth between the hostiles and the DHARMA Initiative without anyone noticing?
- When Ben enters his house at the barracks, the Risk board game is seen still lying on the table from when Locke, Hurley and Sawyer were playing it three years earlier, in The Shape of Things to Come. In this episode, Ben also told Charles Widmore that he would find his daughter and kill her.
- I really enjoy John Locke totally pulling Ben's strings in this episode. It's especially amazing when you know who that really is now. I also enjoy how Ben is just genuinely terrified by John Locke right now.
- It's kind of ironic how Charles Widmore is banished from the island for almost the exact same thing that Ben ends up doing.
- So... in order to summon the Smoke Monster, you have to unclog a toilet?
- Somehow I was under the impression that Charles Widmore moved the island in order to get off of it as well.
- We can assume that the daughter Charles Widmore had with an outsider is Penny.
- The appearance of Charlie Hume stop Ben from killing Charles Widmore's daughter, Penny, just as the appearance of a child stopped Sawyer from conning his parents in Confidence Man.
- Ben gets the crap beaten out of him by Desmond. Completely well-deserved.
- Also, although it's kind of a cop-out, I'm really glad that Desmond, Penny and little Charlie didn't die, and although I'm frustrated with what they've done with their characters. I hope they have more to do with the story and are much more significant in the end.
- If Ben would have killed Penny and/or Charlie, and not Desmond, Desmond would have totally killed Ben.
- Clearly Ben didn't kill Penny because she was a mother with a young child. He's shown consistency with sparing mothers with young children before because of his weakness in losing his own mother.
- Ben finally takes responsibility and is clearly genuinely remorseful about the death of his daughter, Alex, for the first time. Also, this scene scares the crap out of me.
- It is clear now that John Locke disappears from the hole that Ben fell through, then the Smoke Monster appears to Ben, and when it disappears, John Locke suddenly shows up again. I wonder why that is.
- From Lostpedia: (1) Inside The Temple, numerous Egyptian hieroglyphs are seen, the representation of Anubis with what is possibly the Monster being prominently featured. In reference to this image: standing or sitting with one arm down at the side, the other loosely held out, palm (thumb) up, means to summon or invoke. (2) Charles Widmore says "I'll be seeing you, boy" to Ben before boarding the submarine to be exiled. The phrase "Be seeing you" was frequently used on this 1960s British television show, The Prisoner, which was about a strange village where people with special knowledge were held captive.
- There are a lot of things that are very cool about this episode, but I somehow still feel a bit disappointed by it.
- Every scene between Terry O'Quinn and Michael Emerson is just brilliant.
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