5.06 316
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- Jack, eye opens, just like the scene of the crash, in the jungle, surrounded by trees, but wearing a different suit, blue, he gets up, looks at a torn piece of paper in hand, which says "I wish," he hears Hurley screaming for help, screaming for Jack, he runs through jungle, he stops, waits to hear Hurley's voice again, to see which way to go, arrives at a cliff, a waterfall, sees Hurley in water beneath, he's drowning, Jack jumps in after him, swims to Hurley, who has a guitar case, using it as a flotation device, Jack saves him, they look around, Hurley says it really happened, they see Kate unconscious, laying on the rocks, Jack swims to her, checks to see if she's breathing, she wakes up, Jack asks Kate if she's okay, she asks if they're really back, Jack says yes, Kate asks what happened.

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- 46 Hours Earlier--in the church, they arrive, Ms. Hawking says she thought she said all of them, she says that it'll have to do for now, let's get started, they go downstairs, to The Lamp Post, through a tunnel, a DHARMA Initiative stamped door, air lock door, she turns on light, pendulum, numbers and coordinates, Jack asks what this place is, Ms. Hawking says that the DHARMA Initiative called it The Lamp Post, she says that this is how they found the island, Jack asks Ben if he knew about this place, Ben says he didn't, Jack asks Ms. Hawking if he's telling the truth, she says probably not, Ms. Hawking takes out a folder, Jack looks at photograph hanged on a chalkboard with equations covering it, the photograph is of the island, marked "9/23/54 - U.S. ARMY - OP 264 - TOP SECRET - EYES ONLY," Ms. Hawking says she's sorry if this is confusing, but to pay attention, she says that the room they're standing in was constructed years ago, over a unique pocket of electromagnetic energy, that energy connects to similar pockets all over the world, but the people who built this room were only interested in one, Sun says the island, Ms. Hawking says yes, that they'd gathered proof that it existed, they knew that it was out there somewhere, but just couldn't find it, then a very clever fellow built the pendulum on the theoretical notion that they should stop looking for where the island was supposed to be, and start looking for where it was going to be, Jack asks what she means about where it was going to be, Ms. Hawking says that this fellow presumed correctly that the island was always moving, she asks why do they think they were never rescued, she says that while the movements of the island seem random, this man and his team created a series of equations which tell them with a high degree of probability where it is going to be at a certain point in time, windows as it were, that while open, provide a route back, but unfortunately these windows don't stay open for very long, she tells them that theirs closes in 36 hours, Desmond asks if they're talking about what he really thinks he's hearing, that they're all going back to the island, and willingly, Sun says yes, asks why Desmond is there, he says he came there to deliver a message, he says that Daniel Faraday, Ms. Hawking's son, sent him here, that he wanted Desmond to tell her that he and all the people on the island, need her help, he didn't say Jack, he didn't say Sun, he didn't say Ben, he said her, Desmond says to consider the message delivered, Ms. Hawking says that she's sorry to have to tell him, but the island isn't done with him yet, Desmond gets angry, says that this woman cost him four years of his life, four years that he'll never get back because she told him that he was supposed to go to that island, that it was his purpose, he tells Jack to listen to him carefully, that these people are playing a game with them, they're using them, and they're just the pieces, Desmond tells Jack that whatever Ms. Hawking tells him to do, to ignore it, Ms. Hawking says that the island isn't done with him, but Desmond says that he's done with the island, he leaves, Ms. Hawking tells Jack that the binder in his hands shows all the routes over the island, where it will be, she says that a commercial airliner that will fly to Guam, will fly right over the island, Ajira Airways, Flight 316, and it must be that plane, they all need to be on it, she also says that if they want to return, they need to recreate as best they can, the circumstances that brought them there in the first place, that means as many people as they can get to bring with them, Jack asks what if they can't, she says all that she can tell them is that the results will be unpredictable, Jack asks if that's it, to just get them on the flight, she says that's not all, at least not for Jack.

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- Ms. Hawking brings Jack to her office, he asks her what about Ben and Sun, she says they heard what they needed to hear, that this doesn't concern them, she gives him an envelope, which says Jack Shephard on it, he asks what it is, she says that it's John Locke's suicide note, he says he didn't know, she says obituaries don't see fit to mention when people hang themselves, Jack asks why Locke would kill himself, she says there are many reasons, she's sure, but the only one that matters is that he's going to help him get back, that John Locke is going to be a proxy, Jack asks a substitute for who, she says who does he think, that he needs as best he can, to recreate the conditions of the original flight, which is why he has to give John Locke something of his father's, Jack has to get something that belonged to his father, he needs to give it to John, Jack says his father is gone, has been dead for three years, and to give it to Locke, this is ridiculous, Ms. Hawking says to stop thinking how ridiculous it is, and start asking himself whether or not he believes it's going to work, that's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack.
- "Oh, stop thinking how ridiculous it is and start asking yourself whether or not you believe it's going to work. That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack." Eloise Hawking
- Jack leaves, goes into church, Ben is kneeling on a pew, Jack asks him where Sun is, Ben says she left, Jack says and Locke, his body, Ben says he has a friend looking after it, that he'll pick it up on his way to the airport, Ben lights a candle, asks what Ms. Hawking said to him, Jack asks who she is, why is she helping them, how she knows all of this, Ben says Thomas the Apostle, when Jesus wanted to return to Judea, knowing that he would probably be murdered there, Thomas said to the others, "Let us also go that we might die with him," but Thomas was not remembered for this bravery, his claim to fame came later, when he refused to acknowledge the resurrection, he just couldn't wrap is mind around it, the story goes that he needed to touch Jesus' wounds to be convinced, Jack asks so was he, Ben says of course he was, that we're all convinced sooner or later, Ben leaves the church, Jack asks where he's going, Ben says that he made a promise to an old friend of his, just a lose end that needs tying up, says he'll see Jack at the airport.

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- "Thomas the Apostle. When Jesus wanted to return to Judea, knowing that he would probably be murdered there, Thomas said to the others, "Let us also go, that we might die with him." But Thomas was not remembered for this bravery. His claim to fame came later...when he refused to acknowledge the resurrection. He just couldn't wrap his mind around it. The story goes...that he needed to touch Jesus' wounds to be convinced." Ben "So, was he?" Jack "Of course he was. We're all convinced sooner or later, Jack." Ben
- Jack goes to bar, has a drink, someone calls him, Jack goes to a retirement home, there is a magic show, a bunny rabbit, Jack talks to a man, says hey Ray, asks if he wants to get out of there, Jack asks why he took off this time, Ray says does he really need to answer, Jack says to at least tell him where bus was headed, Ray says it doesn't matter, anywhere he goes is somewhere better than there, they go to his room, Jack notices that he packed a bag, Ray says one of these times he's actually going to get away, Jack says if he takes off again, they're going to throw him out of there, Ray asks what would he do without his magic shows, Jack says he'll help him unpack, calls Ray his granddad, he asks Jack if he's seeing anyone special, asks what happened to that girl he brought by with him that time, the pretty one with all the freckles, Jack says he and Kate aren't together anymore, Ray says to look at the bright side, Jack has more time to come visit him, Jack says he'd love to, but thinks he might be going away for a while, Ray asks where's away, Jack say somewhere better than here, Jack finds a pair of shoes in a suitcase, asks if they're his, Ray says no, that they were his fathers, Jack's mom sent a box of his stuff after he died, they must've gotten mixed when he packed for a quick getaway, Jack asks if he can have them, Ray says yes.
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- Jack goes home, pours a drink, hears a noise, goes to check it out, in the bedroom, it's Kate, on his bed, she's upset, Jack asks what she's doing there, she asks if he's still going back to the island, he says he thinks he is, she says she's going with him, Jack asks what happened, where's Aaron, she says don't ask questions, if he wants her to go with him, he'll never ask her that question again, he'll never ask her about Aaron, she says does he understand, he says yes, she says thank you, they makeout, it's gross, the end.
- In the morning, Jack is getting orange juice, coffee ready, Kate comes out, Jack puts his fathers shoes on the table, Kate says they don't make much sense for the island, that he might want to consider hiking boots, Jack says they were his fathers, when he went to pick up his body in Sydney, his dad didn't have any nice shoes, he says that his mother wanted to have the funeral as soon as he got back to Los Angeles, so he thought who would see his feet, he had these old white tennis shoes, he just said to use them, because his father wasn't worth a nice pair of shoes to him, or the time it would take to get out and get them, Kate says why hold on to them, something that makes him feel sad.
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- "Those were my father's. When I went to pick up his body in Sydney, my dad didn't have any nice shoes. My mother wanted to have the funeral as soon as I landed back in L.A. But I thought, who the hell's gonna see his feet? And so I--I had these old white tennis shoes, and I just said, "Use these. Put these on him." 'Cause he wasn't worth a nice pair of shoes to me. [Chuckles] Or the time it would take to go out and get 'em." Jack
- Jack gets a phone call, Kate says to go ahead, that she'll see him at the airport, Jack answers the call, it's Ben, wet, bloody, beaten to a pulp, at the Marina, he says he's been sidetracked, that he needs Jack to pick up the body, the coffin is at Simon's Butcher Shop, on the corner of Grand and Hayes, Jack asks why, what's happened to him, Ben says to just do it, even says please.
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- Jack goes to the Butcher, knocks on the door, Jill comes to the door, he says Ben sent him, Jill says that she knows who he is, takes him in the back, asks what's in the bag, she says that Ben said to give him the van, she has to pull it around back, she'll give him five minutes, Jack goes to the coffin, opens it, Locke's body inside, takes his shoes off, puts Christian Shephard's shoes on, he laughs, says that wherever John is, he must be laughing his ass off that he's actually doing this, because this is even crazier than he is, Jack gives him his letter back, that he's already heard everything he's had to say, he wanted him to go back and he is going back, closes the casket, Jack says rest in peace.
- "Wherever you are, John... you must be laughing your ass off that I'm actually doing this. [Sighs] Because this... this is even crazier than you were. [Exhales deeply. Takes out John's suicide note from his pocket and puts it on Locke's chest.] And here. You can have that back. I've already heard everything you had to say, John. You wanted me to go back. I'm going back. [Jack sighs and looks around. He begins closing the casket.] Rest in peace." Jack
- At the Airport, the man at the gate says to bare with them, Mr. Shephard, asks Jack his reason for transporting the body to Guam, Jack says that they were his wishes, that he wanted to be buried there, Jack says he will be escorting the body, the Gate Agent asks about his relationship to the deceased, Jack says that he was a friend, the Gate Agent says that they have to inform them that due to increased security, they have to open the casket, Jack notices Kate arriving at the airport, the Agent asks Jack if he understands, he says yes, the Gate Agent asks him to sign, thank you for flying Ajira Air, a man in line behind Jack offers his condolences, says he's sorry that Jack lost his friend.
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- Jack runs into Sun, he's surprised to see her, he says that he thought she might change her mind, Sun says that if there's even a chance that Jin is still alive, she has to be on that plane, they see Sayid being escorted by a Marshal, Hurley is reading a comic book, the woman at the gate speaks to people that are on the standby list, she says that plenty of seats are available, Hurley goes to the desk, with his guitar case, the woman says that there are 78 seats available, Hurley says that he bought them all, he's Hugo Reyes, they're not open, they're his, he tells her to check and see, she says that the people just want to get to their destination, why wouldn't he want them to travel, Hurley says that it doesn't matter why, that they can take the next plane, Jack runs into him at the desk, he asks Hurley what he's doing there, how did he know, Hurley says that all that matters is that he's there right, Jack says that he's glad that he's there.

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- Jack gets on the plane, he sits in row 8, Sayid is there with the woman escorting him, Jack sees Kate, says she made it, Hurley gets on the plane with his guitar case, the Flight Attendant says that should be everyone, but they hear someone holding them up, he says to wait please, it's Ben, he's beaten to a bloody pulp, wearing a sling, he enters the plane and sees Sayid, and Hurley, who are both surprised to see him, Hurley says that no one told him Ben was going to be there, the Flight Attendant asks if everything is okay, Jack talks to him, Hurley says he'll be fine, the Flight Attendant tells Jack that security found his envelope while screening his cargo, she tells them to take their seats, Ben asks Jack what it is, he says nothing, Jack asks Ben about the other people on the plane, what's going to happen to them.

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- The plane begins takeoff, with Jack, Kate, Ben, Sun, Sayid and Hurley aboard. Jack asks Ben what will happen to the rest of the passengers, Ben says who cares.
- Once they're up in the air, Jack gets out of his seat and talks to Kate, he says it's pretty crazy, she asks which part, Jack says that Hurley, Sayid being on this same plane, how did they end up there, Kate says they bought a ticket, Jack says you don't think it means something, that somehow they're all back together, Kate says they're on the same plane, that it doesn't mean they're together.
- The Captain speaks on the intercom, welcome to Ajira Air, Captain Frank J. Lapidus, on behalf of the flight crew, welcome aboard, currently they're right on schedule, flying at a very comfortable 30,000 feet, so sit back, relax and enjoy.
- Jack and Kate both hear this, Jack gets up to talk to the Flight Attendant, says he needs to talk the pilot, Frank Lapidus and he are good friends, he asks her to tell him that he's on board, says he'd appreciate it, she says to go sit down, that passengers can't be near cockpit door, she talks on the phone to the pilot, Frank comes out, says hello Doc, small world, asks what he's doing flying to Guam, Jack asks what he's doing there, Frank says he picked the gig up about 8 months ago, he flies this route all the time, he says that sometimes he takes the big birds into New Delhi, Frank looks around, he notices Sayid on the plane, then Hurley, Kate, Sun, he says wait a second, they're not really going to Guam.
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- After the plane has been in the air for a while, Ben is reading Ulysses, Jack asks how he can read, he says his mother taught him, he can read because it beats what he's doing, which is waiting for something to happen, Jack asks what is going to happen, Ben says to tell him, he's the one who got to stay after school with Ms. Hawking, Jack asks if Ben knew that Locke killed himself, he says he didn't, Jack shows him the envelope, says they found it stuffed in his pocket, he's been trying to get rid of it, but it's like it's following him, Jack says that he knows it sounds crazy, but it feels like John needs him to read it, Ben asks why he doesn't then, is it because he's afraid, Jack asks afraid of what, Ben says afraid that he blames him, that it's his fault Locke killed himself, Jack says it wasn't his fault, Ben agrees that it wasn't, says that he'll give him some privacy, Ben gets up and leaves.
- "[Taking out the suicide note] They found this stuffed in his pocket. And I've been trying to get rid of it, but it's like it's...following me. [Chuckles] I know it sounds crazy, but...it feels like John needs me to read it." Jack
- Jack opens the envelope, takes out the letter which reads "I wish you had believed me" initialed JL, Jack is clearly upset and affected by this letter to him.

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- The plane begins to shake, everyone becomes alert, the fasten seatbelt light goes on, Hurley puts his blindfold on, the Flight Attendant says to please put on their seat belts, luggage begins falling out of the overhead compartments, there is a bright, white light, noise, a flash happens.
- Jack wakes up in the jungle with part of the letter still in his hand, he hears Hurley, runs toward him, jumps in the water, saves Hurley, Kate, she asks what happened, she gets up, asks where's the plane, Jack says after the light, he woke up in the jungle, Kate asks if it's just them, Jack says he's not sure, asks if either of them remember crashing, Hurley says that one second they're being tossed around, the next he's in the lagoon, Kate asks where Sun and Sayid are, and where's Ben, Jack says to spread out and search the jungle, that if they come across anyone from the plane.
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- They suddenly hear a car, music, it's a DHARMA van, playing Geronimo Jackson, a man gets out wearing a DHARMA Initiative jumpsuit, he points a rifle at them, Hurley notices that it's Jin.
From Lostpedia
- Why don't the remember how they got back on the island?
- Why are they unconscious when they get to the island?
- Why does Hurley have a guitar case? What is the significance of it?
- Who built the pendulum?
- Why is Eloise Hawking in charge of The Lamp Post?
- How is there a DHARMA station off the island?
- How and why is the island always moving?
- Is it constantly moving through time and space?
- How is it impossible to find the island when it can be moved manually?
- How did the US Army photo of the island get to The Lamp Post?
- Why isn't the island done with Desmond yet?
- Will Desmond return to the island?
- Why do they need to recreate the circumstances of the original flight?
- How did Jack, Hurley and Kate get transported from the plane to the island?
- Was Jack's grandfather ever on the island?
- Why are Jack and Kate so stupid?
- How much does Jill know about the Oceanic 6 and the island?
- Why is the island not done with Frank Lapidus yet?
- Why is there a flash when they get back to the island?
- Why don't Desmond and Walt have to go back to the island? Or do they?
- "Is he telling the truth?" Jack "[Chuckling] Probably not." Eloise
- "I've been, uh... sidetracked." Ben
- "Wherever you are, John... you must be laughing your ass off that I'm actually doing this. [Sighs] Because this... this is even crazier than you were." Jack
- "No. I bought those seats, all 78 of them. I'm Hugo Reyes. They're not open. They're mine. Check and see." Hurley
- "Hold up! Wait, please! Thank you for not closing it." Ben
- "No, no! He can't come!" Hurley
- "And the other people on this plane--what's gonna happen to them?" Jack "Who cares?" Ben
- "Is... that Sayid? And Hurley. Wait a second. We're not going to Guam, are we?" Frank
- "How can you read?" Jack "My mother taught me. I can read, Jack, because it beats what you're doing." Ben
- "You tell me, Jack. You're the one that got to stay after school with Ms. Hawking." Ben
- "Dude... you might wanna fasten your seat belt." Hurley
- I love how the opening scene is pretty much a shot-for-shot recreation of the opening sequence in The Pilot, Part 1. The eye-opening, Jack in the jungle, wearing a suit, screaming in the distance, Jack saving people. It even has the same music from the opening of the series.
- In S.O.S., Bernard takes Rose to see Isaac of Uluru in Australia, who spoke of places all over the Earth that harness a geological or magnetic type of energy.
- Desmond first met Ms. Hawking in Flashes Before Your Eyes, where she told him that his path was to go to the island and that it was the only truly great thing he'll ever do.
- In Orientation, Helen told John Locke "It's a leap of faith, John." which Locke then said to Jack in order to convince him into pushing the button in the hatch, and Ms. Hawking also repeats to Jack in this episode, when talking about John and believing in going back to the island.
- It is ironic that Jack says his relationship to the deceased is that he was his friend, considering in Through the Looking Glass, when the man at the funeral home asked him if he was a friend or family, Jack said neither.
- From Lostpedia: (1) Hurley is seen reading a Spanish translation of the trade paperback Y: The Last Man Volume 3: One Small Step. This comic book series is about the sole survivor of a deadly plague that wiped out every male on the planet Earth. It is written by Brian K. Vaughan who is also a writer on LOST. (2) The DHARMA Initiative station, The Lamp Post is a reference to The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and The Magician's Nephew, the first and sixth books published in the Narnia series. In the books, a lamp post marks the passage between Narnia and the real world. In the episode, The Lamp Post serves a similar function with regard to the Island. In addition, the opening scene of the episode is a reference to the first chapter of Prince Caspian, the second book published in the Narnia series. In the chapter, entitled The Island, the children in the book return to Narnia via a mysterious Island with ancient ruins. The first thing they do is play in the water. (3) Ben is seen reading Ulysses by James Joyce on Flight 316 before he leaves his seat. The novel is a story about the journey through Dublin on a single day (June 16, 1904) by its main character, Leopold Bloom. The story is considered a rewrite of Homer's Odyssey as a blend of reality, with symbolism in a parable of the experience of life. Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse told viewers to read this book on one of the Dharma Special Access videos. A quote from page 316 of the novel is also hidden in the source code of the Ajira Airways website. The final chapter is named "Penelope". Fionnula Flanagan who plays Mrs. Hawking is famous for the role of Molly Bloom (a character in the book) in stage and film, including "James Joyce's Women" and "Joyce to the World."
- Of course, we know the promise that Ben made to an old friend in The Shape of Things To Come. I remember having to brace myself for Penny, and possibly Desmond's death after this episode. Thank God that never happened. Although, it's kind of lame that it didn't. But, also kind of cool to see Ben have a heart.
- I have to voice my frustration for a moment. I can deal with the love triangle if it means seeing Evangeline Lilly half-naked every once in a while. But, COME ON, LOST, the scene with Kate and Jack in his apartment is the lamest, most retarded, scene ever. Kate tells Jack not to talk about Aaron and then has angry, crying sex with him? Seriously? They're both gross and stupid. Seriously, Jack? A kid is fucking missing and you have this psychotic woman in front of you and you don't even ask any questions? You're cool with that? "Uh, I made you some coffee, and there's orange juice. You still like milk and two sugars?" What an idiot.
- Jack Shephard is beginning to finally see the ways of Mr. John Locke.
- So, Benjamin Linus can get on a plane after being beaten to a bloody pulp, wearing his arm in sling and no one even looks at him funny? No questions from the Flight Attendants? Really? Good to know.
- I'm sure I wasn't the only one who wanted to so so so badly for Walt to be on that plane.
- Yeah, Jack, it's a huge coincidence that you're all on the same plane. Except for the fact that you orchestrated the entire thing and told them you had to go back to the island.
- Hurley takes the place of Charlie (guitar case), Locke takes the place of Christian Shephard (in a coffin), Sayid takes the place of Kate (in handcuffs), Ilana takes the place of the Marshal (escorting a prisoner), Jack takes the place of Locke (the believer), Ben takes the place of Sawyer (the con man), and Kate takes the place of Claire (giving up her baby).
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