5.01 Because You Left
- An alarm goes off at 8:15, a man turns it off, wife says that the baby is awake, and it's his turn, he wakes up, puts record on the turntable, Shotgun Willie by Willie Nelson, gets bottle for baby, baby out of crib, feeds baby, takes a shower, shaves, brushes teeth, gets dressed, record begins to skip, he turns it off, he leaves home, in the barracks, goes to building, says he doesn't need a script, DHARMA Orientation film 2, The Arrow, Dr. Marvin Candle, given the specific area of expertise, the stations primary purpose is to develop defensive strategies and gather intelligence on the islands hostile indigenous.. guy rushes in to tell him that there is a problem down at The Orchid.

From Lostpedia
- "Hello. I'm Dr. Marvin Candle, and this is the Orientation film for station two, The Arrow. Given your specific area of expertise, you should find it no surprise that this station's primary purpose is to develop defensive strategies and gather intelligence on the island's hostile indigenous population--"
- He goes to The Orchid, down the elevator, the foreman tells him they were cutting through rock, right on his specs, the drill melted, 3 meters from margin line on plans, they went through 6 carbon drill bits, last one fried, operator started grabbing his head and freaking out, they sonar imaged the wall, open chamber 20 meters in, something in there, we, the audience, can see the frozen donkey wheel on the sonar image, the foreman says that the only way to get in is to lay charges, Marvin Candle says under no circumstances, that the station is being built because of its proximity to what they believe is limitless energy, once harnessed correctly, it will allow them to manipulate time, the foreman asks to go back and kill Hitler, Candle says that the rules can't be broken, to do nothing, if they drill even one centimeter further, they'll risk releasing energy, and if that were to happen, God help them all.

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- "Under no circumstances! This station is being built here because of its proximity to what we believe to be an almost limitless energy. And that energy, once we can harness it correctly, it's going to allow us to manipulate time." Pierre Chang
- Pierre Chang leaves the station, a man is walking down into the station as he's leaving, Daniel Faraday, wearing hardhat, they're taking the injured operator out, the foreman asks him about time travel.
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- At the Funeral Home, HOFFS/DRAWLAR, John Locke/Jeremy Bentham is in the coffin, Jack is still there, Ben says the van is out back, they'll worry about where they're taking Locke once they pick up Hugo, Jack says that he's locked in a mental institution, Ben says it'll be easier than recruiting the rest of his friends, Jack says that they're not his friends anymore, asks how they got here, how all this happened, Ben says that it's because he left, that they should get started.
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- Jack in hotel room, shaving, cleaning up, Ben says after Hurley, they'll get Sun, Sayid, and Kate, Jack says he doesn't see that happening, asks when last time Ben saw Locke was, Ben says on the island, in The Orchid, that he told him he was sorry for making his life so miserable, then Locke left, that obviously Locke's visit made an impression on Jack, asks what he said to make Jack a believer, Jack says Sawyer, Juliet, everyone from the boat, everyone they left behind, Locke said they'd die too if he didn't come back, but didn't tell him what happened after the island moved, Ben says he guesses they'll never know.
- Three years earlier--flashback to Ben moving the frozen donkey wheel, the flash of light, Locke, Richard and the others, Juliet and Sawyer, zodiac, helicopter, the island moves, Locke in jungle, it's raining, he's now alone, no one around, he calls for Richard.
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- Zodiac, Faraday, Frogurt, others with them, Daniel says they must've been inside the radius, Juliet and Sawyer on beach, they see no freighter off shore, Juliet says maybe went down, but Sawyer says no, Juliet asks about helicopter, Sawyer says it was heading for the boat.
- Bernard appears, looking for Rose, she comes to the beach, was by the church, Bernie says they can't go back to their camp, that there is no camp, everyone wandering around, no camp left, no kitchen, all tents, food, water, gone, everything except them, Dan shows up, says it's not gone, that he never made it to the Freighter, Sawyer asks who he is, Miles says Dan is their Physicist, Dan says he needs them to take him to something man-made, something that was built, any kind of landmark, Juliet says there's a DHARMA station not far, Dan says to get moving, that their camp isn't gone, it just hasn't been built yet.
- Kate is at home, Aaron eating breakfast, men at door, Dan Norton of Law Firm Agostini and Norton, associate with him, he's there to get a blood sample from her and one from her son, Aaron, has a Court Order signed by Judge to relinquish her blood upon being served the papers, to determine her relationship to the child, he's not at liberty to divulge the identity of his client, if she won't comply, he'll come back with Sheriff, so Kate says to come back with the Sheriff, they leave.
- Kate starts to pack her bags, gets her suitcase, clothes, gun, tells Aaron they're going on vacation, picture of Aaron and Jack is seen when they're walking out, leaves house.
- Sawyer tells Juliet that he jumped off the helicopter because they were running out of gas, he wanted to make sure they got back to boat, tells Dan to take a timeout, wants to know what's going on, Dan says to trust him, that there's no time to explain, he has no idea how difficult it would be to explain to him, to explain this phenomenon to a Quantum Physicist would be difficult, Sawyer is offended, slaps him, Dan says the island is like a record spinning on a turntable, now the record is skipping, whatever Ben Linus did at The Orchid station, it may have dislodged them from time, that's why their camp is gone, asks because the island is moving through time, Dan says either island is or they are, asks if everyone in group is accounted for, Sawyer says not everyone, Locke isn't.
- "We really do not have time for me to try to explain. You have no idea how difficult that would be for me to try to explain this--this phenomenon to a Quantum Physicist. That would be difficult, so for me to try to explain whatever is happening--The Island... [sighs] think of the Island like a record spinning on a turntable... only now, that record is skipping. Whatever Ben Linus did down at The Orchid station...I think... it may have... dislodged us." Faraday "Dislodged us from what?" Miles "Time." Faraday "So that's why our camp is gone? Because the Island is moving through time?" Juliet "Yeah, either the Island is, or we are." Faraday
- Locke wandering around jungle, climbs hill, plane flying towards him, goes overhead, it's the beachcraft, it crashes into the jungle, he finds a Virgin Mary statue on the ground, it's the Nigerian drug plane, goes after it, gets to the plane, asks if anyone is there, starts to climb the vines on the cliff, someone starts shooting at him, he falls down, it's Ethan, he asks who Locke is, how many others on board, Locke says he didn't come on the plane, that he knows him, his name is Ethan, Ethan asks who Locke is, tells him his name is John Locke, that Ben Linus appointed him as his leader, Ethan says that's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard, says goodbye John Locke, is going to shoot him, but there's another flash and Locke disappears.

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- Flash--dark, night, Sawyer asks Daniel where they are now, he says either in the past or in the future.
- Sun in London Airport, boarding Flight 23 to Paris, at gate 15 heard over speakers, she goes to her gate, says she's flying to Los Angeles, shows her passport to the Gate Agent, who scans it, sees something suspicious, says to excuse her, Sun is brought into a holding room, gets locked in by the guard, Charles Widmore is there, says they only do what he tells them to do, Sun asks why she was brought in there, Widmore says she had the audacity to approach him in broad daylight in front of his business associates, that she showed him no respect, and that he will be respected, says she mentioned they had common interests, wants her to tell him what they might be, Sun says to kill Benjamin Linus.
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- Ben watching news in the hotel room, Police identify suspect as Hugo Reyes, member of the infamous Oceanic 6, Ben says it looks like there's a change of plan.
- "The victim was found shot in his car on the grounds of the Santa Rosa hospital, a private mental health care facility outside Los Angeles. Police have now identified their suspect in the shooting as a patient at the hospital who escaped earlier this evening--Hugo Reyes. Now if that name sounds familiar to you, that's because Reyes was a member of the infamous Oceanic Six. As to why he may have murdered a visitor to the facility where Reyes lived for two years, that remains a complete mystery." News Anchor
- Hurley and Sayid at Drive-Thru, Sayid doesn't want a fry, says man outside Santa Rosa was armed and watching Hurley, that made him an enemy, he's not taking any risks after Bentham died, Hurley asks when he became so paranoid, Sayid says if he spent the last two years doing what he was doing, he'd be paranoid too, that he was working for Benjamin Linus, Hurley asks if he's on their side now, Sayid says if he ever runs into him, whatever Ben tells him, do the opposite, the seal Sayid left is broken on the door, a man rushes out, Sayid throws him over guard rail, fights another guy inside, gets shot with darts, fights him more, throws him on knives sticking out of the dishwasher, Hurley picks up gun on the ground outside, looks over guard rail, people below see him, take a picture of him with a camera phone, Sayid pulls darts out of his neck, Hurley takes him out, says he thought it was supposed to be a safe-house, they never should've left the island.
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- On island, walking through jungle, Charlotte asks if Widmore is looking for them, Miles says it took him almost 20 years to find it the first time, they find The Swan hatch still imploded, Dan says when they are is after their people crashed on the island, Dan says it's pointless, doesn't know when next flash is coming, by the time they get back to the beach, it could be gone, Sawyer says what if it hasn't happened yet, Juliet says they could warn them, stop them from finding the boat, Dan says that's not the way it works, that they can't change anything, even if you try to, it wouldn't work, that time is like a street, we can move forward, we can move in reverse but we cannot ever create a new street, if we try to do anything different, we fail every time, that whatever happened, happened, he knows so much about this because of his notebook, he spent his entire adult life studying space-time, his journal contains everything he's ever learned about the DHARMA Initiative, they can't stop it.
- "You cannot change anything. You can't. Even if you tried to, it wouldn't work. Time--it's like a street, all right? We can move forward on that street, we can move in reverse, but we cannot ever create a new street. If we try to do anything different, we will fail every time. Whatever happened, happened. I know about this because... I've spent my entire adult life studying space-time. I know all this because this journal contains everything I've ever learned about the DHARMA Initiative. This is why I'm here. I know what's happening." Daniel Faraday
- Locke was shot in the leg from Ethan, hopping through jungle, finds beachcraft after it fell off the cliff, looks inside, Virgin Mary statues, takes seat belt and ties it around his leg, he sees someone with a torch lit in the distance, man approaching, takes out his knife, but it's Richard Alpert, Locke asks him what's happening, Richard says he's bleeding to death, that he needs to get the bullet out, Locke wants to know how he knew there was a bullet in his leg, Richard says because he told him there was, Locke says he didn't, but Richard says he will, Locke says it was Ethan who shot him, Richard says what comes around, goes around, Locke asks when is he, Richard says that's all relative, Locke asks where he went when the noise, when the sky lit up, Richard says didn't go anywhere, Locke did, Richard removes the bullet, Locke says he doesn't understand, how Richard knew he was there, how he found him, Richard says he wishes there was time to explain it, but he's going to be moving on soon, and they have to go over a couple of things, first thing, clean out wound, every couple of hours, the island will do the rest, second thing, the next time they see eachother, he's not going to recognize Locke, gives him compass to give him, points north, says he needs to know in order to do what he has to do, the only way to save the island is to get his people back, that they're fine, they're already home, he has to convince them to go back, that he's going to have to die, John, flash, Richard is gone, day time again, Locke is alone.

From Lostpedia
- "When am I?" Locke "Well, John, that--that's all relative." Richard [Richard puts some tweezers toward Locke's wound.] "Wait, wait. When the sky lit up... where did you go?" Locke "I didn't go anywhere, John. You went." Richard
- "I don't understand. How--how did you know that I was here? How did you know where to find me?" Locke "I wish I had time to explain it, John. But you're going to be moving on soon, and we need to go over a couple of things before you do. The first thing, okay? You're going to need to clean out the wound every couple of hours and keep as much weight off the leg as you can, all right? The Island will do the rest, John, all right? Second thing--no, no, pay attention. Next time we see each other, I'm not gonna recognize you. All right? You give me this. It's a compass. Look, I wish I had time to be more sensitive about this because it's a lot to swallow, but you need to know it in order to do what you have to do. So I'm just going to say it, okay? [Sighs] The only way to save the Island, John, is to get your people back here--the ones who left." Richard "Jack, Kate... The chopper was headed for the boat. The boat--" Locke "No, they're fine, John, and they're already home, so you have to convince them to come back." Richard "How--how am I supposed to do that?" Locke "You're gonna have to die, John." Richard
- The Swan, Miles asks what it was before it blew up, Juliet says it was a DHARMA station, a man named Desmond lived in it, pushing a button every 108 minutes to save the world, another flash, imploded station is gone, the hatch door is back in the ground, Juliet says they haven't found it yet.
- Sawyer goes to the backdoor of The Swan, says he's getting supplies, there's food, beer, clothing, getting Desmond to let him in, Dan says Desmond didn't know him, they never met, can't meet, it could be anyone in there, Sawyer doesn't care, bangs on door, Dan says if it didn't happen, it can't happen, Sawyer says everyone he cares about just blew up on the Freighter, he knows what he can't change, no one comes to the door, Juliet says they should go back to the beach, it's been a long day, Miles asks why go back to the beach if there's nothing to go back to, Charlotte starts to get a nosebleed, tells Dan she's fine, Dan says to head back to the beach, that he left his backpack at the hatch.
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- "Everybody I care about just blew up on your damn boat. I know what I can't change." Sawyer
- "Ugh. I haven't had a nosebleed since I was little." Charlotte
- Dan gets backpack, looks in notebook, bangs on door, Desmond comes out, asks if he's him, Desmond's replacement, Dan says no, Desmond asks if he knows him, Dan says it's not important, needs him to listen, that he's the only person who can help, the rules don't apply to him, he's special, uniquely and miraculously special, Desmond asks what he's talking about, Daniel says if the helicopter made it off the island, if he got home, his name is Daniel Faraday, right now, him and everyone left behind, are in serious danger, he can help them, go to Oxford and find his mother, her name is...flash.

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- "Do I know you?" Desmond "Yeah...in a way. But, listen, that's not important. What is important, Desmond, is what I'm about to say to you. I need you to listen. You're the only person who can help us because, Desmond, the rules...the rules don't apply to you. You're special. You're uniquely and miraculously special." Faraday "What are you talking about?" Desmond [A high-pitched buzzing begins and Faraday looks at the sky. He pants.] "Okay, listen to me. Listen! If the helicopter somehow made it off the Island, if you got home-- " Faraday "What helicopter? What are you talking about?!" Desmond [As Faraday speaks, the humming gets louder.] "Listen, I need you to listen, or people are going to die. My name is Daniel Faraday, and right now me and everyone else you left behind--we're in serious danger. You're the only person who can help us. I need you to go back to Oxford University. Go back to where we met. [The humming is now loud rumbling, and the bright light is enveloping everything.] I need you to go there and find my mother. Her name is--" Faraday
- Desmond wakes up from a bad dream, says he was on the island, Penny says he's been off the island for three years, that he's safe now, it was just a dream, Desmond says it wasn't a dream, it was a memory, goes above sailboat, pulls up the sailboat's anchor, tells Penny they're leaving, going to Oxford.
From Lostpedia
- If The Arrow was a Defense station, then why was it cleared out?
- Who put the frozen donkey wheel there?
- When did the opening scene between Faraday and Chang occur?
- What are the dimensions of the radius surrounding the island?
- Why do the losties and Juliet flash when the island moves and the others and Richard don't?
- Who are the man that are after Hurley and Sayid? Who sent them?
- Where does the compass that Richard gave Locke come from?
- Why is Desmond special? Why don't the rules apply to him?
- How does Daniel Faraday know that the rules don't apply to Desmond?
- Why did Desmond put on a HAZMAT suit to leave the hatch?
- When did Daniel Faraday's meeting with Desmond at The Swan occur?
- Why does Desmond remember his conversation with Daniel Faraday on the island?
- "Right. Okay, so, what? We're gonna go back and kill Hitler?" Foreman "Don't be absurd." Chang
- "Did you hear that? Time travel. How stupid does that guy think we are?" Foreman
- "Oh, that's the spirit." Ben
- "How about you trust me?" Daniel "Trust you? I don't know you!" Sawyer
- [Sawyer slaps Faraday.] "Oi! What in bloody hell do you think you're doing?" Charlotte [She moves forward to defend Faraday.] "Shut it, Ginger, or you're gettin' one, too." Sawyer
- Seeing the beachcraft crash on the island for the first time.
- "My name is John Locke. I know this is gonna be hard to understand, but Ben Linus appointed me as your leader." Locke "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Ethan
- "So when are we now, whiz kid?" Sawyer
- "[Turning off the TV with a click of the remote] Well... looks like we have a change of plan." Ben
- "You want a fry?" Hurley "No, thank you." Sayid "You know, maybe if you ate more comfort food you wouldn't have to go around shooting people." Hurley
- Sayid fighting the dudes at the safehouse. Killed by dishwasher knifing. So BAMF.
- Hurley getting his picture taken by the dude with the cell phone camera, holding a gun with ketchup all over his shirt from the fries he was eating.
- "It took him, like, 20 years to find this place the first time. I'll start holding my breath now." Miles
- "How did you know there was a bullet in my leg, Richard?" Locke "Because you told me there was, John." Richard "No, no. No, I didn't." Locke "Well... you will." Richard
- "Well...what comes around, goes around." Richard Alpert
- "What is this?" Locke "It's a compass." Richard "What does it do?" Locke "It points North, John." Richard
- "Son of a...[The high-pitched rumbling continues, then the rumbling stops and the bright light vanishes. Birds are heard calling.]...bitch!" Sawyer
- "Yo, open up! It's the Ghost of Christmas Future!" Sawyer
- This is the first time Pierre Change is seen outside of a DHARMA Initiative Orientation film.
- Miles is the son of Pierre Chang (Marvin Candle), shown in the beginning of this episode. A lot of people caught this from the very beginning, though I have no idea how.
- The scene from the opening of this episode happens in The Variable.
- Pierre Chang is a douche.
- Damn, Kate, that's a really big breakfast for a three year old. What's with the creepiness telling Aaron that a choo-choo will never come out of a tunnel and the weird nicknames?
- If Kate ever does leave the island again, she will probably be going to jail for a very long time for violating her parole. She was not supposed to leave the state of California for ten years.
- Daniel Faraday describes the island's time travel as a record skipping, much like the opening scene to this episode, where Pierre Chang's record beings to skip.
- In Dues Ex Machina, Locke has a vision of the beachcraft coming to the island, so he and Boone go find it. Locke loses the use of his legs on the way, keeping him from climbing the vines on the side of the cliff to the beachcraft, which lead to Boone's death. Did this happen because of his time travel and being shot in the leg by Ethan in the same space? Did Locke have a dream about the beachcraft because he was actually there?
- The scene with Richard Alpert and John Locke at the beach craft happens in Follow the Leader.
- The "man in black" or "Esau" posing as John Locke, telling Richard to tell the real John Locke that they have to go back to the island is where it all began. If it weren't for this very scene, no one would have gone crazy or yelled "We have to go back!" ever.
- The compass that Richard gives Locke has absolutely no origin point and must be like a billion years old. John Locke gives it to Richard Alpert and Richard Alpert gives it to John Locke and again and again. It's on an infinite loop. It also appears to be the same compass that Richard gave to John as a child in Cabin Fever.
- Desmond knew that you didn't have to wear a HAZMAT suit outside of the hatch when he followed Kelvin in Live Together, Die Alone. Did this happen before or after Kelvin's death?
- Desmond and Penny are both wearing wedding rings.
- I like this episode a lot better the second time around. The first time, or first several times I watched it immediately after it's original airing, it left me, as well as everyone else, I'm sure, very very very confused. I mean, I love time-travel, but this was frakking mind-bending. I enjoyed this episode so much more now that I have more of a grasp on Season 5 as a whole.
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