5.07 The Life & Death of Jeremy Bentham
- In a building, it's dark, there's a desk, must be an office, a man comes in, turns on a light, he's a man from the plane, Ajira Airways Flight 316, he finds a flashlight, looks through LIFE magazines, he then looks through a filing cabinet, finds a folder, several maps, Rousseau's maps of the island, copied pages from Daniel Faraday's journal, Daniel's map to The Tempest which has added hieroglyphs to it, he finds a gun taped under the desk, puts it in his bag, a woman comes in, Ilana, asks if he, Caesar, found anything, he says he found nothing useful, she asks then what did he just put in his bag, he shows her the flashlight, gives it to her, she says they found someone, a man, that Roxanne was scouting just South of there, and he was just standing in the water, he's wearing a suit, Caesar asks if anyone recognizes him from the plane, how do they know he's not one of the ones who disappeared, Ilana says he's not, Caesar asks how she knows, she says he wasn't on the plane, he asks what did the man have to say, Ilana tells Caesar to ask the man him himself.

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- On the beach, there is a fire burning furiously, a man sits on the beach, wearing what appears to be a cloak, but really is an Ajira blanket wrapped around him and over his head, everyone stands around him, staring, Caesar approaches him, says hello, tells him his name, asks what is his, he is John Locke.

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- "Hello." Caesar "Hello." Locke "My name is Caesar. What's yours?" [The man removes the blanket cloaking his head. It's Locke.] "My name is John Locke."
- On the beach, Locke, with his shoes off, looking out at the water, at the other island, they're on Hydra island, Ilana says good morning, brought him some breakfast, a mango, she introduces herself, John asks if those are their boats, as he points to a pair of outrigger canoes, she says no, they were there when they got there, she says there used to be three, but the pilot and some woman took one, she says they didn't tell anyone, just ran off in the middle of the night, the pilot of plane that brought them there, Locke asks for a passenger list, she says to talk to Caesar, Locke eats his mango, says he thinks this is the best mango he's ever eaten, Ilana says no one remembers him being on the plane, Locke says that he doesn't remember it either, but he says he remembers a lot, she asks like why he's dressed so nice, he says he can guess why, he thinks the suit is what they were going to bury him in, Locke says she asked what he remembered, he remembers dying.

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- "I think this suit is what they were gonna bury me in." Locke "Sorry?" Ilana "You asked what I remembered. I remember dying." Locke
- Locke flashes back to the frozen donkey wheel, when Christian Shephard says good luck, John flashes, his eyes open, he's in the Tunisian desert, in pain, he throws up, hurt his leg from falling down the well, Locke notices a surveillance camera that is focused on him, he asks if anyone is there, to help him, Locke lays there until it's dark, night, he hears a car coming up, a truck stops in front of him, Bedouin men speaking in Arabic get out, they pick him up, put him in the back of the truck, bring him to a hospital, Locke asks where he is, is anyone speaks English, the Doctor gives him pills, Matthew Abaddon is watching him, the Doctor tells Locke to bite a stick for the pain, while he sets his leg, in a lot of pain, Locke passes out, at night, he wakes up, Charles Widmore is there, says to wake up, tells Locke he had a compound fracture, that the doctors did their best, but he had a specialist flown in to reset his leg properly, pours him a glass of water, Widmore says it's nice to see him again, Locke asks if he knows him, Widmore says yes, that he understands being confused, could only image how he feels, Widmore says that he met him when he was 17 years old, and now all these years later, here they are, and Locke looks exactly the same, Locke says who are you, he says his name is Charles Widmore, to tell him, how long has it been for him since he walked into his camp and spoke to Richard, Locke says it's been four days, Widmore says that's incredible, Locke asks about the camera in the desert, if it was his, he says yes, Locke asks how he knew he'd be there, Widmore says that's the exit, that he was afraid Ben might fool him into leaving the island like he did to him, Widmore says he was their leader, Locke asks about the others, but they're not the others to Widmore, they're his people, they protected the island, peacefully for more than three decades, but then he was exiled by Ben just like Locke was, Locke says Ben wasn't there, he wasn't exiled, he chose to leave, Widmore asks why he would do that, Locke doesn't answer, Widmore asks if he's come to bring them back, Locke says no, Widmore says that he understands him lying, but something he should know, is that all his friends who left the island, they've been back for three years, they've gone back to their normal lives and none of them have spoken the truth of where they were, Locke says he has to bring them back, Widmore says he'll do everything in his power to help him do that, Locke asks why he would do that, Widmore says because there's a war coming, and if he's not back on the island when that happens, the wrong side is going to win.

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- "It's nice to see you again, John." Widmore "Do I know you?" Locke "Yes. I understand your being confused. Imagine how I feel. I met you when I was 17. And now all these years later, here we are. You look exactly the same." Widmore "Who are you?" Locke "My name is Charles Widmore. [Locke's eyes widen.] Tell me, John. How long has it been for you since... we first met, since you walked into our camp and you spoke to Richard?" Widmore "Four days." Locke "[Chuckles] That's incredible." Widmore
- "The camera in the desert--that was yours?" Locke "Yeah." Widmore "How did you know I'd be there?" Locke "Well, that's the exit. I was afraid Benjamin might fool you into leaving the Island, as he did with me. I was their leader." Widmore "The Others?" Locke "They're not the "Others" to me. They're my people. We protected the Island peacefully for more than three decades. But then I was exiled... by him, just as you were." Widmore "No. Ben wasn't even there when I left. He was already gone. I wasn't exiled. I... chose to leave." Locke "Why would you do that, John? [Pause] You've come to bring them back... the ones who left." Widmore "[Sighs] No." Locke "I understand you lying to me. I do. But there's something you should know. All your friends who left the Island? They've been back three years." Widmore "Three years?" Locke "They've gone back to their normal lives. [Widmore produces a newspaper and hands it to Locke.] And none of them has spoken a word of truth about where they were." Widmore [Locke looks at the newspaper, the London Daily Tribune from January 14, 2005. Its headline: "OCEANIC SIX: SURVIVORS RECEIVE HEROES WELCOME". Locke puts the paper down.] "I have to bring them back." Locke "And I'm going to do everything in my power to help you do that." Widmore [Widmore gets up to leave.] "Why? [Widmore stops and turns round.] Why would you help me?" Locke "Because there's a war coming, John. And if you're not back on the Island when that happens, the wrong side is going to win." Widmore
- Outside, kids are playing soccer, Widmore gives Locke his new identity, a passport, with the name Jeremy Bentham, Widmore says that his parents had a sense of humor when they named him, so why can't he, gives him money, says that it should be enough money for now, he also gives him an international phone, Widmore says if he needs to reach him for anything, just press 23, he gives him a folder, which contains his people's whereabouts, everyone that was on the island, Locke opens it up and sees a photograph of Sayid, Widmore says he's been watching them, that he's deeply invested in the people that were on the island, can't imagine what they must think of him after listening to Benjamin, Locke asks how he knows he's telling the truth, Widmore says he hasn't tried to kill him, and asks if can Locke say the same for Ben, Locke says he still doesn't trust him, that he sent a team of killers and a boat load of C4 to the island, Widmore says he needed Linus removed so it could be Locke's time, that he island needs him, and it has for a long time, Locke asks what makes him think he's so special, Widmore says because he is, a car pulls up, Locke says that Richard Alpert said he would die, if he wanted them to come back, he was going to have to die, Widmore says that he doesn't know why Richard said that, but he's not going to let that happen to him, Matthew Abaddon gets out of the car, Widmore says that he'll take him wherever he needs to go, protect him from anyone that will do him harm, Widmore says good luck and godspeed, Abaddon gets a wheelchair out of the car, says that anything Locke needs, just let him know, asks if there's anyone from his past he wants him to look up, he says that the whole world thinks he's dead, there must be someone that would be happy to see him, almost at the airport, Abaddon asks to at least tell him where they're going, Locke says Santo Domingo.

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- "I'm deeply invested in the future of the Island, John. So, yes, I've been watching them. I wouldn't mention I'm involved in this. I can't imagine what they think of me, having listened to Benjamin's lies." Widmore
- "The Island needs you, John. It has for a long time." Widmore "What makes you think I'm so special?" Locke "Because you are." Widmore
- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic--people building houses, Save Our World, Sayid, on a roof, a man tells him he has a visitor, Sayid looks to see Locke in a wheelchair, meets with him, Sayid says he doesn't believe him, that he actually wants him to go back, Locke says it's the only way to save them, Sayid says that he's not going back, that for two years he was manipulated into thinking he was protecting everyone on the island, Locke asks who was manipulating him, Sayid says Ben, that he doesn't believe this is only coming from Locke, and nobody else, Locke says he knows that deep down Sayid knows he wasn't supposed to leave the island, Sayid says it was only because he left the island that he was finally able to marry the woman he loved, they spent nine months together, and they were the best nine months of his life, and that's what he knows in his heart, Locke asks where she is now, Sayid says she was murdered, Locke says he's sorry, Sayid asks why he really needs to go back, if it's just because he has nowhere else to go, Locke says if he changes his mind, he'll be staying under the name Jeremy Bentham in Los Angeles at the Westerfield Hotel.
From Lostpedia
- "It's only because I left the Island that I was finally able to marry the woman I loved. We spent nine months together--the best nine months of my life, John. That's what I know in my heart." Sayid
- "Why do you really need to go back? Is it just because you have nowhere else to go?" Sayid "If you change your mind, I'll be staying under the name "Jeremy Bentham" in L.A. at the Westerfield Hotel." Locke "And if you change your mind, you're welcome to come back here and do some real good. Good-bye, John." Sayid
- New York, NY--Locke tells Abaddon that he asked if there was someone to look up for him, he says her name is Helen Norwood, living in Los Angeles, Abaddon asks if she was an old girlfriend of his, Locke tells him to help him get out of the car, Abaddon spots who he calls Michael Dawson's son, says the boy's gotten big, Walt sees Locke from across the street, Abaddon says he'll give them some privacy, Walt goes over, he says hey John, asks him what happened to him, Locke says he hurt his leg, that Walt doesn't seem surprised to see him, Walt says that he's been having dreams about him, that he's on the island, wearing a suit, and there are people all around him, they wanted to hurt him, Locke says it's a good thing they're just dreams, Walt asks if his dad is back on the island, he says he hasn't talked to him in three years, he figured he must've gone back, Locke says that the last he heard was that his dad was on a freighter near the island, Walt asks why he came to see him, Locke says he just wanted to make sure he was okay, Walt says he's doing pretty good, that he has to go, but it was good seeing him, Locke says to take care, Abaddon says he takes it he didn't invite him along, Locke says that he's been through enough, Abaddon says he's 0 for 2, Locke says he only needs to convince one and if he can do that, the rest will come, and maybe he was mistaken, but he thought he was his driver, Ben is watching then creepily from afar.

- "I've been having dreams about you. You were on the Island, wearing a suit, and there are people all around you. They wanted to hurt you, John." Walt "Good thing they're just dreams." Locke
- "I only need to convince one. And if I can do that, the rest will come." Locke
- Santa Rosa, CA--Hurley outside, painting a sphinx, Locke shows up, he says hello, Hurley says he didn't make it, Locke says pardon him, Hurley says he didn't make it, that it's cool, it's no biggie, that he's not the first person to visit him, Locke says he broke his leg falling down a hole, tells him he's not dead, Hurley asks Suzy if he's talking to a dude in a wheelchair right now, she says yes, Hurley gets freaked out about the real Locke being there, what he's doing right now, Locke says he needs him to come back to the island with him, not just him but everyone who left, Jack and Kate, Hurley says that Jack's a doctor now, and Sun has her baby and Kate has Aaron, he tells Locke to be cool, don't look, that they're being watched, Abaddon is waiting by the car, watching them, Locke says that he's with him, Hurley says he showed up claiming he worked for Oceanic Air, that he's evil, Hurley says that he's not listening to Locke, not going anywhere with him.

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- "That dude is far from okay. When I first got locked up in here, he showed up, claiming that he worked for Oceanic Air. He's evil! You should not be trusting that guy." Hurley
- Abaddon says that's three visits now, that Locke might want to step up his game, or they're all in serious trouble, Locke asks what is it he does for Mr. Widmore, Abaddon says he's ready to talk about it, asks if he's not really going to pretend that he wasn't an orderly after he had his accident, that he wasn't the one who told him to go on a walkabout, the same walkabout that put him on the plane that crashed on the island, Locke says he remembers, Abaddon says that he helps people to get to where they need to, that's what he does for Mr. Widmore.
- "You're ready to talk about it now, huh? John... you're not really going to pretend you don't remember that I was an orderly in the hospital right after your accident? That I was the one who told you to go on your walkabout? The same walkabout that put you on the plane that crashed on that Island?" Abaddon "No. I remember." Locke "I help people get to where they need to get to, John. That's what I do for Mr. Widmore." Abaddon
- Los Angeles, CA--in Kate's house, she says the answer is no, Locke doesn't think she understands, Kate says he's made himself perfectly clear, that everyone on the island is going to die if they don't go back, and the answer is no, Locke says she doesn't she care about them, Kate asks if he's ever been in love, that she thinks about him sometimes, thinks about how desperate he was to stay on that island, and then she realized it was all because he didn't love anyone, Locke says that's not true, that he loved someone once, he tells Kate that her name was Helen, Kate asks what happened, Locke says it just didn't work out, Kate asks why not, Locke says he was angry, he was obsessed, Kate says look how far he's come, Locke leaves.
From Lostpedia
- "Have you ever been in love, John?" Kate "What?" Locke "I think about you sometimes. I think about how desperate you were to stay on that Island. And then I realized... it was all because you didn't love anybody." Kate "That's not true. I loved someone... once. Her name was Helen." Locke "What happened?" Kate "Well... it--it... it just didn't work out." Locke "Why not, John?" Kate "I was angry. I was... ob-obsessed." Locke "And look how far you've come." Kate
- Locke asks Abaddon if he found her yet, Helen Norwood, Abaddon says no, he says that three years is a long time, it's possible she got married, changed her name, moved out of state, Locke says that he found everyone else, all of them, that Sayid was in the middle of nowhere, but he can't find Helen because she moved, his job is to get people to where they need to get to, well Locke needs to get to her.
- "You found everyone else! All of them. Sayid was in the middle of nowhere, but you can't find Helen because she moved? Your job is to get people to where they need to get to? Well, I need to get to her." Locke
- Santa Monica, CA--cemetery, Locke and Abaddon, he asks what happened to her, Abaddon says she died of a brain aneurysm, that he's very sorry, grave, headstone reads In Memory of Helen Norwood June 30, 1957 - April 8, 2006, Locke says she loved him, if he had just, they could've been together, Abaddon says maybe they could have, but that wouldn't change anything, she'd still be gone, he says that Helen is where she's supposed to be, and as sad as it is, her path lead there, just like his path leads to the island, Locke says that he says that like it's all inevitable, Abaddon says that Mr. Widmore told him that Richard Alpert said that he was going to die, so tell him if that's inevitable or is it a choice, Locke asks if he thinks he wants to die, how could he possibly think that's a choice, Abaddon says he's just his driver.

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- "Helen is where she's supposed to be. As sad as it is, her path led here. And your path, no matter what you did or what you do, your path leads back to the Island." Abaddon
- Leaving the cemetery, Abaddon getting Locke's wheelchair into the trunk, he gets shot, Locke climbs into the front seat, drives away, the back window is busted out, Locke starts driving erratically, he gets in car accident in an intersection, he's hurt, unconscious.

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- Locke in a hospital bed, Jack is there, Locke asks what he's doing there, how he found him, Jack says he was in a car accident, he was brought into his hospital, Jack asks what he's doing there, Locke says they have to go back, Jack says of course they do, Locke says that the people left behind are in trouble, Jack says because it's their destiny, he asks Locke how many times is he going to say that to him, Locke asks how could he not see it, of all the hospitals, they brought him there, Jack says his car accident was on the west side of Los Angeles, that it wasn't fate, it's probability, Locke says he doesn't understand, it wasn't an accident, someone is trying to kill him, because they don't want him to succeed, don't want him to get back, because he's important, Jack asks if he's ever stopped to think that these delusions that he's special aren't real, that maybe there's nothing important about him at all, maybe he's just a lonely old man that crashed on an island, Jack says goodbye, begins to leave, Locke says that his father says hello, that the man who told him to move the island, the man who told him to bring them back, he said to tell his son hello, Locke says that it couldn't have been Sayid's father, and it wasn't Hurley, so that leaves him, he says his name is Christian, Jack says that his father is dead, that he died in Australia three years ago, that he put him in the coffin, Locke says he didn't look dead to him, he says that Jack's the one who can convince them, that he's supposed to help him, Jack says that it's over, it's done, they left and they were never important, Jack tells Locke to leave him alone and to leave the rest of them alone, he leaves.
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- "Jack, the people I left behind need our help. We're supposed to go back--" Locke "--because it's our destiny? How many times are you gonna say that to me, John?" Jack "How can you not see it? Of all the hospitals they could've brought me to, I end up here. You don't think that's fate?" Locke "Your car accident was on the west side of Los Angeles. You being brought into my hospital isn't fate, John. It's probability." Jack
- "They don't want me to get back because I'm important." Locke "Have you ever stopped to think that these delusions that you're special aren't real? That maybe there's nothing important about you at all? Maybe you are just a lonely old man that crashed on an Island. That's it. Good-bye, John." Jack "Your father says hello." Locke "What?" Jack "A man--the man who told me to move the Island--the man who told me how to bring you all back--he said to tell his son hello. It couldn't have been Sayid's father, and it wasn't Hurley's, so that leaves you. He said his name was Christian." Locke "My... my father is dead." Jack "Well, he didn't look dead to me." Locke "He died in Australia three years ago. I put him in the coffin! He's dead." Jack "Jack, please, you have to come back! You're the only one who can convince the rest of them. You have to help me! You're supposed to help me!" Locke
- At the Westerfield Hotel, Locke writes his suicide note to Jack, there is a stain on the ceiling, Locke gets out of his wheelchair, uses crutches, he moves a table, gets a bag, with electrical cord, climbs on top of the table, pulls stained section out of the ceiling, ties the cord to the beam in the ceiling, makes a noose, puts it around his neck, is about to leap off of the table, but then hears a knocking at the door, Ben calling his name, he says what are you doing, buts in the door, tells him to stop, Locke asks how he found him, Ben says he has a man watching Sayid, watching all of them, keeping them safe, he says that when he turned up, the man called him, Locke asks what he wants from him, Ben says he's protecting him, Locke says he shot Abaddon, Ben says yes, Ben says it was only a matter of time before he tried to kill him, that he was working for Charles Widmore, Locke says Widmore came to him, Ben says he used him, came to him, Ben says he moved the island because of Charles Widmore, so that he can lead, Ben tells Locke that he can't do this, that if anything happens to him, has no idea how important he is, he asks Locke to let him help, Locke says there is no helping him, that he's a failure, Locke says he is, that he couldn't get any of them, he couldn't get a single one to get back with him, that he can't lead anyone, Ben says that Jack booked a ticket, from Sydney to Los Angeles, tonight, with a return trip the first thing in the morning, Ben says if he got Jack, he can get the rest of them, he tells Locke that he can't die, that he has too much work to do, that he has to get back to the island so that he can do it, Ben undoes the rope, says please, Locke cries, Ben says he knows they can do it, that he hasn't been to Sun yet, Locke says no, he promised Jin that he wouldn't bring her back, Ben asks if Jin is alive, Locke says that he didn't want her to know, that he wanted him to tell her that his body washed up on the beach, gave him his wedding ring to prove it, Locke removes the cord, he says thank you, Ben takes off his jacket, says he knows they can do it, once they get them all in the same place, he doesn't know where they go from there, but they'll figure something out, Ben gathers the cord, Locke says he knows what to do, that there's a woman in Los Angeles, he doesn't know exactly where, but her name is Eloise Hawking, it shouldn't be that hard to find her, Ben asks if he's sure, Locke asks if he knows him, Ben says he knows her, Ben strangles Locke from behind, Locke fights it, but he dies.

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- "I'm trying to protect you." Ben "Protect me? You shot him. You killed Abaddon." Locke "Yes. Yes, I did. But it was only a matter of time before he tried to kill you. I was just trying to get to you, but you drove off and crashed." Ben "Why? Why would--" Locke "He was working for Charles Widmore. He's extremely dangerous." Ben "No! Widmore came to me. He saved me." Locke "No, John, he used you. He waited until you showed up so that you could help him get to the Island. Charles Widmore is the reason I moved the Island! So that he could never find it again, to keep him away so that you could lead. You can't do this. If anything happens to you... John, you have no idea how important you are. Let me help you." Ben "[Inhales sharply] There is no helping me. [Sniffles] I'm... [Sniffles] I'm a failure." Locke "No, John, you're not." Ben "I am! I couldn't get any of them. I couldn't get a single one of them to come back with me. Lead anyone." Locke "Jack booked a ticket." Ben "W--what?" Locke "A plane ticket from Los Angeles to Sydney, tonight. Return trip first thing in the morning. Whatever you said to him, John--it worked. And if you got Jack, you can get the rest of them. John... you can't die. You've got too much work to do. We've gotta get you back to that Island so that you can do it." Ben
- Ben positions Locke in a hanged position, arranges the room the way he was going to commit suicide, he cleans up the crime scene, wearing latex gloves, he finishes up, puts his jacket back on, takes Jin's ring, he says he'll miss John, he really will, makes sure not to get his finger prints on the door knob while he's leaving.
From Lostpedia
- "I'll miss you, John. I really will." Ben
- Back on the island, Caesar reads from a DHARMA Initiative folder inside The Hydra, Locke comes in, he says the symbol belongs to an organization called the DHARMA Initiative, that they were conducting some experiments there a while back, Caesar asks how he knows that, Locke says that he spent more than 100 days on the island, Caesar says so when they crashed, he was already there, Locke says no, he left, Caesar asks how long ago, Locke says the timing would just confuse him, Caesar asks how he got back, Locke says to be honest, that part is a bit of a mystery, Caesar says he has a mystery too, that maybe he can help him with it, he says that on the plane, he was sitting across from really big guy with curly hair, that there was a bright light, and he disappeared, that some of the others saw it happen to other people too, Locke says he thinks he might know how he got there, that he needs to find his friends, asks Caesar if he has a passenger list, Caesar says no, that the pilot took it when he took off, Locke asks if everyone is accounted for, Caesar says except for the people who got hurt, he takes him to room, there are beds, injured people, Locke finds Ben there, Caesar asks if he knows him, Locke says yes, he's the man who killed him.
From Lostpedia
- "I spent more than a hundred days on this Island. I know a lot." Locke
- "He's the man who killed me." Locke
- How did Danielle Rousseau's maps and pages from Daniel Faraday's journal end up at The Hydra station?
- Who added the hieroglyphic notations on Daniel's map and why?
- Why didn't Charles Widmore have cameras set up at the exit point when Ben arrived there?
- Who are the men that picked Locke up in the desert?
- What is the war that Charles Widmore claims is coming? How does he know?
- Why does John Locke have to be back on the island when the war comes?
- How does Charles Widmore know about Locke? Why does he think he's special?
- What is Widmore's agenda? Is he being genuine? Does he really want John to lead the island?
- Why did Walt have dreams about John Locke? Is that why he appeared to him on the island?
- Is Helen Norwood really dead? Was Matthew Abaddon lying to keep Locke from finding her?
- Why does Ben kill Locke after mentioning Eloise Hawking?
- Does Ben really know Eloise Hawking?
- Why is Ben so evil? What is his agenda?
- "I think this is the best mango I've ever eaten." Locke
- "What do you remember?" Ilana "I remember a lot." Locke
- "Jeremy Bentham?" Locke "He was a British Philosopher. Your parents had a sense of humor when they named you, so why can't I?" Widmore
- "How do I know that you're not the one who's lying?" Locke "I haven't tried to kill you. Would you say the same for him?" Widmore
- "So that's Michael Dawson's son, huh? Boy's gotten big." Abaddon
- Any conversation with John Locke and Walt always makes me smile.
- "Maybe I was mistaken, but I thought you were my driver." Locke
- "Hello, Hugo." Locke "So you didn't make it, huh?" Hurley "Pardon me?" Locke "You didn't make it. It's cool. No biggie. You're not the first person to visit me, you know. But what's up with the wheelchair?" Hurley
- "Hey, Susie, am I talking to a dude in a wheelchair right now?" Hurley "Yep." Susie [Hurley jumps up from his seat and backs away.] "Whoa, dude. What are you doing here?" Locke
- "A promise is a promise." Ben
- "[Sighs] The timing would just confuse ya." Locke
- The opening scene of this episode was originally supposed to be the opening of the entire Fifth Season.
- The office in the opening scene is clearly Ben's office at The Hydra station, seen previously in a deleted scene from Season Three, where Ben and Alex talk in his office.
- I love how the plane safely landed on the island, without so much as a scratch on it.
- Just, for your information, LOST, when you're on a plane, you don't see everyone, especially when there are lots of passengers, nor do you remember everyone you see from the plane. This always annoys me when they say they don't remember someone from the plane. Of course you don't remember them, it's a frakking BIG ASS PLANE, YOU IDIOT!
- Also, Ilana, lots of people wear suits. It's not weird if someone is "dressed up so nice." People wear suits. Businessmen wear suits. People who go on planes wear suits. Not just dead people wear them. Wearing a suit doesn't make you overly suspicious.
- Locke appeared in the Tunisian desert much like Ben did in The Shape of Things to Come.
- The water that the Doctor in Tunisia gives to Locke is so disgusting. Cloudy, brown water. Sanitary.
- From Lostpedia: (1) The LIFE Magazine that Caesar finds in The Hydra station is from April 19, 1954, and featured an article about a Hydrogen Bomb test. (2)The newspaper that Charles Widmore shows Locke is a copy of the fictitious London Daily Tribune. Dated January 14 2005, the return of the Oceanic Six dominates the front page. Stories on a car crash and the dollar/euro exchange rate also appear on the page.
- John Locke first met Matthew Abaddon when he was in the hospital in Cabin Fever.
- Locke having a broken leg and biting down on something while his leg is being set is reminiscent of Boone in Do No Harm.
- Locke appears to not recognize Charles Widmore, though Ben showed him a tape of Widmore in The Other Woman.
- Charles Widmore makes a good point. He hasn't been the one that's tried to kill John. In fact, he's been the less ruthless one of he and Ben. I'm starting to think he might be the good one of the two.
- I love how the fact that Matthew Abaddon being black and calling John Locke "Mr. Locke" made everyone form the theory that Matthew Abaddon is the future Walt. Yeah, okay, yet another stupid theory.
- I love how the Oceanic 6 that Locke visits (minus Sun) literally pick him apart in just a few sentences. Obviously they've spent the past few years thinking about him a lot.
- Clearly, if what Walt says he's dreamed about Locke comes to be true, there are some things that have yet to come for Mr. Locke.
- I love how Walt, after all that he's been through, and Kate, the fugitive and murderer, are the most well-adjusted in the real world, after leaving the island.
- Locke's conversation with Kate is so sad.
- It would make sense if Matthew Abaddon was told to lie to Locke about Helen, to keep him from trying to reconcile with her so that Charles Widmore could be sure that he goes back to the island. I wouldn't be surprised if she never really died.
- It was really disappointing that Matthew Abaddon died int his episode.
- Clearly, Locke planted the seed in Jack's head with their conversation.
- The death of John Locke is incredibly sad. I feel so bad for him in this episode. Also, I hate Ben!
- This episode becomes about a hundred times more emotionally impacting after finishing Season Five, given when the episode originally aired, we thought that John Locke wasn't really dead, because we saw that he was alive on the island. However, looking back at the season's entirety, now we know that the real John Locke is, in fact, dead. It also makes me kind of angry, barring the end of John Locke's story may still be forthcoming, that John Locke didn't get the proper send-off because we had no idea that he was really dead when he died in this episode. Therefore, we never got to experience the death of John Locke with full emotion because when watching it, you couldn't take it completely to heart. Now, looking back at it, it feels like kind of a rip-off and I feel about cheated by the whole thing. I just hope the we have closure on his character. Knowing that this is the last episode with the real John Locke just really makes me sad.
- The death of John Locke scene is incredibly intense. I could only imagine the feeling on set that day with Terry O'Quinn and Michael Emerson. Just superb acting on both of their parts.
- I'm still confused as to why exactly Ben killed Locke. I hated him for a while after this episode.
- This was probably one of my favorite episodes of Season Five.
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