Wow. I can't believe it's been 4 years since the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. That's right, 4 years. Who would've thought that a plane crash would be the afterthought to the story? It's a story you go into thinking it's going to be about a plane crashing and how it crashed, but what it's really about is the characters and the island they crash on.
Did the plane really crash? Did someone fake it? Did Desmond really cause the plane crash or was it destined to end up on the island? Did Charles Widmore fake the plane crash in the Sunda Trench or did that really happen? Were all the passengers or Flight 815 hand-picked so that they would end up on the island? Will another plane crash on the island, returning our original survivors? Will the Oceanic 6 go back?
Only 4 more months to start finding out all over again.
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